
Sep 16, 2013

Marvelous Monday Update 9/16/13

I've hit the 9 month anniversary.  Hard to believe I left a job of 15 years to work for this wonderful company that appreciates its employees.  Last week, they kicked off the Fall sales contest for the account executives (i.e. sales people), but the rest of us were included in the festivities.  Lunch was catered in and we all were scheduled for 1/2 hour to spend at the trade show with our suppliers.  We received a tote bag to fill with all sorts of goodies... pens, cups, chocolate, sweatshirt, hats, flashlights.  I participated in a tug-o-war.  For the next 8 weeks, each time a sales rep makes what the company calls an "A" sale (I forget the dollar amount), anyone who sends them a "way to go!" email gets their name put into a drawing.  Prizes include a TV, tailgate grill, and other things I can't remember.  The company estimates the next 8 weeks will yield 3.5 billion in sales.  Fun stuff!

When the weather isn't stiffling, I've been trying to get in a 45 minute walk during my lunch hour.  I thought I'd share more photos of my travels:


Tell me this...  Do I really need to start another project?  Of course I do!  When Denise posted about this SAL (stitch-along), I knew I had to do it.  I tried to resist, really!  I downloaded part one with the intention of waiting.  Then I thought, "What's the harm in looking to see if I had a suitable fabric?"  Well, that's all she wrote.  Here's the fabric that jumped out and said, "Please stitch on me!!"

Fabric:  32ct Hand-dyed Luguna - Heritage by Enchanting Lair
Fibers:  DMC 

I know, I know... You want the good stuff, right?  What SAL?  It's a free SAL offered at Les Marottes de Nathalie called Positive Thinking.  It's a French website, so Google Translate comes in handy.  The chart sizes are in cm, so I converted them to inches:

                                         11ct            8 1/2 x 23
                                         14ct            6 1/2 x 18 1/4
                                         16ct            5 1/2 x 16
                                         18ct            5 x 14

Sometimes I rounded up or down 1/8" so don't flog me with wet floss!  The above measurements are for the stitched portion only, so don't forget to add extra for the margins.

So... Who's with me on the SAL?

While I didn't work on JG last week, I did work on two others.  I did a bit of stitching on Balloon Glow.  I don't have a photo update yet, but other WIP pics can be seen HERE.  (Wow, now that *I* look at the photo taken in July, I've made quite a bit of progress.  I guess a new photo is due, lol)

I also started a new "secret" project.  All said and done, this will be a new type of finish for me so I hope it turns out.

Until next time...


  1. such sweet pictures..
    enjoy your sal..
    happy monday x

  2. Good for you Meari! That is an awesome walk!

  3. What a beautiful place for a walk! I am going to stitch that SAL up too but I am not ready to start right now and I have to search through my fabric stash.

  4. Great company!! I'm so happy you found an employer who appreciates you! Your pictures from your walk are beautiful. And yes, you do need to start another project, however, I will NOT be joining you! :)

  5. I am looking forward to when our weather is cool enough to take walks. Unfortunately we don't have any nice parks in the area of where I work so I will have to just walk around the car lot for exercise. Looking forward to seeing your new project being stitched up.
    Betty in AZ (ILCS)

  6. Lovely pics of nature, I really appreciated them. And there is nothing like a start to get the juices flowing (that's a good thing, by the way). Hee, hee. You are very blessed to work for such a nice company that values its employees.

  7. It doesn't seem like 9 months since you moved to your current job! I remember your talking about your interview, and how long it lasted. I loved your pics, especially the squirrel! Denise must be the new fabric is on it's way for the same SAL.

  8. Meari,
    You sound very happy at your job! Glad you are enjoying being at a job where they treat you like your deserve to.

    What a beautiful walking spot and thank you for sharing.

    It is not uncommon for us Stitching people to start another project. :)

    I can't wait to see your start on that beautiful fabric.

    Here is a link that I found and if you go to the bottom of the page it gives you the different versions to stitch it in.

    Let me know if it works!

  9. Beautiful pictures for your walk. Looks so peaceful.
    Yes I am stitching the same SAL. It seems to be very popular. I did finish Part 1.

  10. Did you notice the face in the background of one pic?

  11. How nice to work for a company that truly appreciates its employees, Meari--lucky you!! And your lunch-time walk looks very relaxing, too.

    I've seen a lot of people starting that SAL--it really is very pretty. The fabric that you've chosen is lovely, too!

  12. What a great company you work for Meari! I wish public education gave out prizes..hehe. Lovely photos of your walks. I really love that squirrel with a nut in his mouth!! Sounds like that SAL will be lots of fun! Can't wait to see it's progression!!


  13. I am going to participate in that SAL too! I need to pick my fabric first...... I look forward to seeing your progress.


  14. Beautiful views of your walks!
    Looking forward to see your new SAL.


  15. Wow! Meari, what lovely places for walking, in your lunch hour. I love the squirrel, how sweet!
    The Lugana is so pretty & I love the threads, the go with it well.

  16. Oh dear sorry Meari I didn't mean to make you start a new start.
    I have picked out the threads and will look for some fabric today.
    I envy you your lunch time walks , I am lucky to have a garden but no where like that to walk.

  17. Meari she has added Italian and Spanish editions

  18. Oh so lovely pictures Meari. We have a lot of Autumn colors already


  19. What a great place to walk. So nice to be able to get out at lunch time.
    The colors of your new project are gorgeous.

  20. REally nice pictures Meari, I'm doing the SAL too! LOL

    Mary Louise in IN

  21. Hi Meari,
    Beautiful blog!
    Just wanted to let you know I found a new link for the freebie on my blog you were interested in (Hoo Goes there!)
    Sometimes designers retire freebies and they are no longer available. I don't keep up with older posts and links from years ago on my blog...too much life to live! But so glad you brought this to my attention so I could help you out. I found the freebie still posted on another website.
    I also posted some other freebies you might like. :)
    Stop on over at my blog to check out the freebies.
    Blessings and Sttches!

  22. Wow, that's quite the contest you're company has! How fun to get all those goodies from the trade show too.

    Is the place you take your lunch hour walks a public park or part of your company's campus? I would take a walk there everyday too.

    A "secret" project and a new type of finish? I can't wait to see what you've been working on!

  23. Oh, I have started the SAL (and it was all Denise's fault too!) It's a really lovely design and proved irrestible!

  24. What a beautiful area to walk in! Pretty colors for your new project! I actually downloaded the first part of the design - which I love - but don't know when I might actually get around to stitching it. I will look forward to following your progress. :)

  25. Beautiful place for a walk, thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! Looking forward to seeing what you are working on!

  26. Ohhh the SAL is beautiful! I hadn't seen it but have just finished a piece so I've pulled fabric and floss for this already! Thanks for sharing it.
    Looks like your walk was lovely, beautiful surroundings and lots of wildlife too :-)

  27. I love your walking path!!! Who wouldn't want to exercise going down that! And congrats on finding a wonderful place to work. I am thinking about that SAL but I'm unsure would like to do one though.

  28. Can it really be nine months since you started that new job?
    Well it seems that you and everyone else are doing really well and it’s great that the company share their success with its employees.

    Now why did you have to show me that SAL?
    As you say, it’s just crying out to be stitched and I love the sentiment so as soon as I’ve finished the Traveling chart ( which arrived yesterday, thank you) I might just have to join in with this too.
    I’ve just made a cup of coffee and am just off to make a start on Summer Spendor now as the threads and fabric arrived this morning too.

    Happy Stitching!

  29. The walk you take looks lovely, Meari! I have that SAL bookmarked, but I'm not stitching it yet..... :)

    Karin in MA

  30. What a lovely trail you're walking! See you in a few weeks at PALS.

  31. Beautiful pictures from your walk. A path as beautiful as this would be an inspiration in itself to take that walk :)


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