
Dec 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

It's been a tough month for me since my Mom's birthday was this month and it's the first Christmas without my parents. Mom always made holidays special for us kids. Her joy in it offset Dad's grumpiness, lol.  What's warmed my heart: Receiving Christmas cards from people I didn't expect, and their thoughtful expressions regarding this first season without my parents.

I managed to get one of my little trees up and decorated on Christmas Eve.  Unfortunately, that's the only decorating I was able to get done this year. This year it was only decorated stitched ornaments -- ones that I've done and some that others have stitched for me.

I can't remember the last time we did not have a white Christmas. Here's the front of The Homestead on Christmas Day.

My brother hosted Christmas... everyone brought a dish to pass and there was so much food: Smoked turkey, smoked beef brisket, baked ham, hot and cold appetizers, mac and cheese, fried rice, shrimp, and the list goes on.  Everything was so good!

Giving the thumbs up on cheesecake
We hadn't done a family photo for at least 4 years.
The little ones weren't having any part of it!

Hanging out in the garage - Can you tell he's a gearhead?

Opening his gift

My sister-in-law presented my brothers, sister, and I with a frame she made after seeing one in a floral shop. She put a photo I had taken of my parents back in 2008. Even though they're no longer with us, their spirits and values live through us.

Time to say Bye-Bye
This is my great nephew and my niece.

I hope my readers and their families had a wonderful Christmas filled with laughter, good food, and love.


  1. Glad to hear that your Christmas was shared with family. The frame your sil made is beautiful!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  2. It warms my heart to see you all sticking close together. :)

  3. It's so special that your family still gathered to celebrate Christmas. The frame your SIL made is lovely.

    After last winter, I'm not missing the white stuff at all, lol.

  4. I'm glad you had a nice christmas, sorry to hear your parents have passed away.

  5. Meari,

    I am glad that your family was able to have a Christmas dinner and happy that you were able to put up a tree in your house.

    The frame your SIL made is beautiful.

    After last winter with the ice storm I sure am not missing the white stuff.


  6. A heartwarming post! Family togetherness-you can't beat it for those painful times. Happy New Year, Meari.

  7. beautiful family pictures ♥

  8. lovely photo of you all and mmmmmm cheesecake the wee tree and decorations and the frame your SIL made for you is priceless :) love mouse xxxxx

  9. * *   * *  * 
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  10. Meari, I was happy to read you were able to spend Christmas with family. What a blessing. Thank you for all your work with our yahoo group. Merry Christmas.

  11. Hi Meari,

    Thank you for sharing all your wonderful gifts with us. I got caught up with Christmas and only now took the time to look at all your latest blog entries.

    You were really spoiled by many people this year and you deserve it.

    At least you got to celebrate Christmas with your family and the food sounds and looks delicious. And then you still have all that candy to keep you sweet through the winter.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  12. The picture of your parents is wonderful and oh, so sweet. You family is so beautiful. Happy Holidays!!

    CJ and Family.

  13. Dear Meari,
    I have enjoyed your holiday posts. I know that this year must be so hard. I love your small tree, you have a lovely assortment of stitched ornaments. You have participated in some fun exchanges!
    Wishing you all the best in 2015!

  14. This was my 4th Christmas without my mom. Her birthday is the day after Christmas. Still a hard time of year although I miss her everyday. I does get easier, well not necessarily easier let's say different. Hang in there.

  15. HUGS and Prayers for you. So glad that you and your family showed the children of the family that traditions will continue and that you did your mom proud by carrying on. Your are strength defined!!

  16. Your family Christmas looks like it was a good one, Meari. The Santa Sack exchange looks like fun, and I'm glad you had a better experience with the office Secret Santa this year. Your 12 Days exchange partner totally spoiled you.

    Karin in CA

  17. I'm so glad you had a great family Christmas!! I love all the gorgeous stitchy ornaments on your tree!! That frame brought tears to my eyes!! Lots of hugs to you Meari!! Hope you have an amazing 2015!!

  18. So sorry it wasn't like Christmas past. Our Christmas has changed since we lost my grandparents so I totally understand. Big Hugs. Glad the meal was good and the family was better.

  19. I finally got to read your last few blog posts. Your Christmas exchanges were all great! You're right, your coworker did quite well this year! I'm glad you were with family for this Christmas season. Your parents will always be with you. You'll see them in each other, in little things you remember, etc. {{{Hugs}}}

  20. Am so glad for you Meari that you had family around you this Christmas. Its hard to lose parents and not have anone around to share with you. my parents have been gone several years but their spirits are always with us. This year we had a traditional Cuban menu in memory of my parents, especially my Dad as he alwas made Christmas cheerful. Merry Christmas and hoping the new year is a great one!

    Christina in Miami

  21. So glad to hear that you good Christmas with your family. I loved your little tree with all your ornaments!

  22. It looks like you have a very loving and supportive family, Meari--I'm sure there were a couple of big empty spaces in your celebrations, but I know your parents, like my dad, would be happy knowing that you are carrying on old traditions and beginning new ones...

    Wishing you a better year in 2015!

  23. The firsts are always so hard, I am happy to hear you spent the day with family and had a nice day. Your tree is beautiful

  24. So glad you had a good Christmas, Meari!

    Sandy in NM

  25. Lovely pictures and a beautiful post Meari. I was thinking about you on Christmas day, and that this was the first christmas without your parents. Very happy to read your post - heart warming

  26. Looks like everyone had a great time. Your tree is beautiful.

    Betty in AZ (ilcs)

  27. Your memory frame is absolutely gorgeous!!!
    Beautiful christmas tree.
    Beautiful family!
    Wishing you the best for 2015!

  28. Great blog! Loved looking at all of your stitching goodies but most of all the family photos. ;) You look exactly like your Mom, no denying that! :) I know it had to be a hard time for you, but having the family gather and remember the many Christmas' with Mom and Dad had to make the day a bit easier for all of you.......

    Love you bunches,
    Sue, your SM ♥


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