
Dec 19, 2014

Stitch From Stash - December

The end of the Stitch From Stash Challenge for 2014 has arrived.  SFS is coordinated by Mel at Epic Stitching.  The idea of SFS is to stitch from our stash to reduce spending. 

I did pretty good in December.  I was able to keep my spending under control.  I did buy a few things, however I received and $8 refund for some November purchases, so it resulted in my spending only $16.

New Starts from Stash: Festive Owl, Sugarplum Express Wizzer
WIPs or UFOs worked on: Midnight Watch
Finishes: Festive Owl
Until next time,


  1. I admire you! Congratulations on a year well done!

  2. Great new stash!!! That is awesome that you were able to tackle the challenge all year!


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