
Jan 28, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

Since my birthday fell on a weekend this year, I thought: "Great! I can sleep in." Nope. Didn't happen. I woke up at 4:30am and the little dog was all over that. Hopping and dancing around as if to say, "C'mon! I know you're up. Take me out! Take me out!"

The upside to getting up that early is that I had time to get some stitching in.... AND... I have a finish:

Melvin and His Pal

Don't they make the most adorable buddies? It's a Wizzers kit by Janlynn/Sugarplum Express. I've had it for quite a while and think it's OOP since I've yet to find it online. It's stitched on 14ct white plastic canvas with unknown cotton threads. This year I participated in a birthday card and floss exchange on Facebook. I was a bit apprehensive since I'm fairly new to FB. As with any exchange, there are those who don't send on time. However, I received from most everyone.

I started a new project for Valentine's Day. The design looked easy-peasy. Was it? Oh noooo... I've spent just as much time frogging the darn thing as I have stitching it. How is it that I can do a big, complicated project with relatively little frogging but the small ones I have trouble with? *sigh*
Hoping to finish it this week!
ENABLING ALERT! Keepsake Needlearts has a clearance page with some really good deals. Plus, if you do a google search for online coupons, there's one for 25% off clearance items at KN.

Birthday gift to myself

This is a kit designed from artwork by Haruyo Morita and manufactured in Hungary.  Isn't it beautiful?  I found out Artecy has some charts by the same artist. 

Until next time,


  1. I'm going to ignore your enabling alert! Mm, I know what you mean about small projects, they can prove stubborn!

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday Meari! I am glad you were good to yourself. ;)

  3. Beautiful work! And nice haul on the birthday stash!

  4. Gorgeous birthday present to self. The little ornament finish is very colorful and its cute too.I find that with the smaller designs there are more spaces to count over and that is where the mistakes happen. Sorry you coulnd't enjoy sleeping in.

  5. Happy Birthday, dear Meari!! I know it's not the greatest time to have a birthday (believe me!!), but it sounds like you had a nice day. Loved seeing all the cards and floss you received--what fun! And you sure picked a nice gift for yourself. Hope your coming year is a happy and healthy one :)

  6. Love the geisha. Thinking of getting one myself.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! Love your finish. Too cute. I always do the same thing with small pieces. I always LOL I can get 800 stitches in one day working on a HAED and yet little bitty pieces take me FOREVER. Doesn't make any sense. Oh that project just screams you. You must get it!

  8. I just love your birthday gift! It is gorgeous. Your first finish it to cute. You are really coming along on the hearts, I think you will be finished in no time.

  9. Happy birthday Meari! It looks like you got of well wishes, as well as a beautiful design - I look forward to seeing that get stitched up!

  10. Love the cute finish, Meari! The first of 2015...WooHoo!

    Happy birthday... happy birthday, Baby OH! I love you so.... 16 candles.... make a lovely light... and so on.

    Looking at the Valentine small, those little ones drive me crazy! They can make you wanna quit stitching, and I've been known to cut them to pieces and pitch in a bitch fit. I LOVE the thread you're using. Valentine's Day is pink and red to me. Perfect for this *^%$# design.

    Though I know kits sometimes kits get a bad wrap, I still like them for convenience of having it all together. This one is just gorgeous, Meari, and I love that you keep yours and your mother's legacy alive. Every time I see Oriental stitch, I lovingly think of you and your mom.

    Off to check out Needleart Keepsakes! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Belated happy birthday to you. Such a nice present to oneself, totally deserved. Happy stitching.

  12. Happy birthday!!! Lovely stash acquisitions!!

  13. And a happy birthday and beautiful stitching kudos to you! Maybe we could have a chat with your furry friend about letting you sleep in.

    I'm glad your FB exchange worked out well for you. Maybe that's why you had such frogging bad luck on the Valentine's piece -- you had used up too much good luck on the exchange ;-)

    Here's to another year of happy stitching!


  14. Nice update Meari,

    I like the little snowman. He's a cutie! Had to LOL at your doggie story. I can just see that!

    And I also have pondered the 'why can I stitch a big project & have so darn much trouble with a small one' question.

    It's looking nice & I look forward to the finish. Your birthday gift to yourself is nice!

    Christine - nannystitch

  15. Meari,

    Your Finish is adorable. Also I think that your Little Hearts swirl is cute - sorry about the frogging though.

    I really love the gift you gave yourself and look forward to see it being stitched.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  16. I found that sale, too. Although i didn't know about the coupon. I stll got a really good deal!
    Lovely Wizzer finnieh! Adorable!
    Repetitive designs are like that. Frogs seem to like them and they go awry fairly quickly....
    Cheering you on to a finish!
    Happy birthday!

  17. A happy birthday (a little late) to you! :D I am convinced animals know when you're awake by your breathing; our cats are very sweet while we're asleep but they certainly know when we're awake. Like Santa. Adorable finish and I really love the heart swirl, floss and frogs and all.

    I told myself I wouldn't click that link. Darn you. :D


  18. Belated Birthday Greetings Meari.

    Your Valentine stitch looks very pretty. I'm sure it will be worth the frogging.

  19. squeaking in a wee bit bit late ... happpyyy birthday .... cute finish and glad all the cards arrived safely for you .... :) love mouse xxxx

  20. Glad you had a good birthday Meari with lots of lovely floss. Love the little ornament especially the curly hanger. Your present to yourself is beautiful.
    Hazel c uk

  21. A very happy birthday Meari :) I can tell that you had a fabulous time!! LOVE the gift to yourself!

  22. Hi Meari,

    Been a long time:) Wish you a Happy Birthday and a great year ahead!!


  23. Love the whizzer you finished, Meari, and your Valentine project is very nice. Who is the chart by?


  24. Isn't it fun to treat ourselves on our birthdays? The geisha is gorgeous. And I love the penguin and pal.

  25. A very Happy Birthday to YOU :)) hope you have fun and lots of goodies :)

  26. Happy Belated Birthday to you. Love the little snowman and what a lovely chart you got for yourself.


  27. Happy Belated Birthday, Meari. Sounds like you had a great day, even though you didn't get to sleep in . Congrats on your Wizzer finish as well. Tis cute...

    Dee in TN

  28. Happy Birthday! Those smalls can certainly be deceiving! Love the Little Heart Swirl design and the floss you're using. Your stitching is lovely. How will you be finishing this one?

    Beautiful gift to yourself! I'm looking forward to watching your progress on it.

  29. Happy Birthday to you Meari!

    Your finish is so cute!

    Look at all those cards and floss colors.

    I love the Valentine design your stitching. I can see why you may have to frog it. The colors keep changing.

    What a beautiful kit you have found.

    I'm sorry to be late with your Birthday post...I hope you had a fantastic day!

  30. Happy belated birthday, Meari! Congrats on your first finish of the year. It's so cute! I love a lot of those Wizzer kits. Your Valentine's piece is looking great, even if it's giving you major troubles.

    Sandy in NM

  31. Meari,
    I nominated your blog for an award

  32. Happy belated birthday! I hope it was a good day for you! Looks like you had so many friends and family that made sure your day was special! Love your stitching as always!!!

  33. Lovely and beautiful stitching Meari.

  34. Happy Belated birthday! I hope it was a good one!

  35. Belated birthday wishes to you Meari. Wishing you a great year and many many more happy returns

    Wow, that's such a cute chart. But no,I strictly forbid myself from visiting the site :(


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