
Apr 1, 2015

Hump Day Happenings

How's your week going? Hump Day... Hopefully, it's all downhill from here.

Sometimes... just sometimes... I feel like getting my 'thrift' on so I head to the nearest store to imbibe in treasure hunting. I always see things that I think are really cool. Or, things I could upscale and make something really cool. Believe it or not, I *do* walk out without buying anything even when seeing these cool things. Bummer, I know! I wasn't so good in my recent travels, however.

 A kitted up quilt called "Night Light" by Villa Rosa Designs
Originally priced at $29.90

Aren't the fabrics adorable?

It came in this adorable felt froggy basket!
I picked up this kit for $2.99 -- Yep, that's right.  :)

I picked up this quilt kit, too.  It's a winter themed table runner
called Runner For the Borders.
Originally, it was $19.99 and I got it for 99cents!
For these prices, I couldn't pass either one up.

Healthy living pays off... in more ways than one.  Obviously, a healthy lifestyle means less health problems.  That's the BIG plus!  I mentioned in a previous post that I participate in a healthy living program through work in order to get a discount on the health insurance.  Another plus!  In order to get the discount, we need to accumulate at least 5,000 points by participating in various healthy living activities—annual medical/dental/eye care visits, blood donation, exercise, biometric screenings, workshops, weight loss, blood pressure, etc.  There are a TON of things to accumulate points.  Plus #3!  Every point earned equals $1 that can be used in the online “mall”.  We can buy things such as movie tickets, iPads, Amazon gift cards, bicycles and accessories, fitness equipment, etc.  Plus #4!  At the end of each year, 10% of the points accumulated carryforward to count for the next year, and all of the mall dollars carryforward for 3 years.  Plus #5!  Wait… There’s even more  --- I know you’re sitting on the edge of your seat wondering ---  At the different point levels (bronze, silver, gold, platinum), names of every participant from all companies using the program are put into a Jackpot drawing for various prizes.  Plus #6!  I’m at the Platinum level (10,000 points).  I mentioned previously that my name was drawn for an iPad mini.  I’m a bit miffed that mine arrived two weeks after I ordered it and my coworker got hers 2 DAYS after she ordered hers.  I’m not really miffed, but I was like: “What the heck?!?”  I haven’t played with the iPad much, but did buy the Xstitch app that keeps inventory of floss and charts.  It also has a journal feature to track projects.

If your company has a healthy lifestyle program, I encourage you to try it.  The biometric screenings have alerted me to areas that I need to work on.   I’m not a fan of exercise, but I have to admit that having the program in place is a wonderful incentive to get out and give it a go.  Having a pedometer to track my steps has really helped me to keep on top of the 10,000 steps/day goal.  I now know how many steps it is to walk from various places in my house (LOL) as well as various places outside.  I participated in my first 3K last year!  The other incentives are great, too.


  1. Great update - congrats on your win - very nice. We've been talking about getting one. Let us know how you like it.
    What a great health program you have at work!
    I'm enjoying the monthly SAL too. Just got April.
    Blessings, Donna

  2. Congrats on your new iPad. As for me I am a kindle girl.

  3. Good job on the health stuff - if you let it get away it's arder to get back {health} what great thrifty finds - woo hoo!

  4. Congrats on the healthy living & winning an iPad Mini. Enjoy it!!!!
    I wonder if they have that cross stitch app for a Kindle Fire.
    Betty in AZ

  5. What a wonderful program through work, for promoting good health. And, you've done really well with it.

    Great finds at the thrift store. Unfortunately, we don't have any "good" thrift stores. When I lived in GA, I had a great sthridt store a couple miles away and got many good deals.

    Your little "March" piece is cute. I just finished an Easter Bunny ornament for my baby granddaughter. Now, I need to decide on a new project.
    Happy Easter, Meari.

    Nancy V

  6. What a nice lot of thrifty finds you found! Congratulations to you on living a healthy lifestyle and working on those areas of improvement. Good for you!

    Robin in Virginia

  7. Meari -

    Love all your finds! They are adorable! I am sure that you will love them.


  8. CONGRATS! I know you will love the ipad. Keep up the healthy lifestyle and now that the weather is getting warmer you can resume your lunchtime walks in the nearby park!

  9. What an awesome update!! You'll love your iPad and the XS app is fabulous!
    I love how your company is encouraging and rewarding working towards healthy goals - wouldn't it be great if lots of companies followed suit? (Our insurance sent us a pedometer and wished us well! Lol)
    Are you going to use your treasures to make the quilt items or use them as backing fabrics for smaller finishes?

  10. Great shopping deals! Love the fabrics. Congrats on your Healthy Living program - you are doing great and even better you are reaping the benefits of the program.

  11. I'm glad your iPad finally arrived. Good job on the quilt kit buys; even if you don't make the actual projects, the fabrics are useful in so many ways. :)

    Karin in CA

  12. What a lovely update, Meari. You sure did get some bargins! I also have that app on my iPad, and I love it :). I have all my GAST, WDW, various silks and what I call special threads added to my inventory, and about half of my DMC floss. Most of my charts and some of my fabric is also in my inventory.

    Melissa xoxo

  13. Great job on your health and all the incentives.

  14. We do have healthy lifestyle program too and it really does a big difference! Good job;) love the stash too!

  15. Great finds!! Congrats on doing so good with the health challenge. I love my tablet (it's a Samsung Galaxy though). Would love a full review of the stitching app once you've got more used to it. If it's worth it I would definitely purchase it. Are you going to post about the retreat? It was sure great to see you again.

  16. Great finds at the thrift store and what good incentives your company has for keeping everyone in good health.


  17. Well done on your finds! That fabric is adorable!
    Well done on your health program! I can't live without my ipad. Took me awhile to get used to it. But well worth the time.

  18. Great Healthy Update meari! You can't beat those two quilt kits! You go gurl friend!

    Hugs, and Happy Stitching,

  19. Grea update Meari. LOVE you froggie basket with fabrics. Adorable!


  20. WOW Meari your Healthy Living program is even better than ours. Congratulations on your lifestyle and the great prize!

    We had to hand in our points a few days before the fiscal year end and I could have ended up with 2 gold instead of one. I was unable to earn points when I was in the hospital in March for an emergency gall bladder surgery. At least the walking in my recovery is giving me points again. So I ended up with $175.00 worth of gift cards and free movie passes.

    AlsoI love your purchases. The fabrics are really lovely and the basket is so cute.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  21. Those are great finds, Meari. Glad you got your iPad so you can play more now.

    Sandy in NM

  22. Dear Meari

    I love your thrift finds

    From Sunny Saudi Arabia

  23. Oh.My.God (Read it the way Janice says this in friends)!!! Look at the number of plus's there

    There's an app to keep track of our floss details? What's it called?
    Oh, congrats on your new ipad :)


  24. The fabric colours for your thrift find 'Night Light' quilt are really lovely.
    Congrats on the ipad win.

  25. Isn't it great when you find stuff like that in a thrift store and you get that "Awww yeeeahh I scored good" feeling?! :D Those fabrics are quite adorable but that froggy basket is the real win ahaha~

    My husband's company does have a healthy lifestyle program... sort of. It focuses on monetary rewards (as drawings) and does't include anything other than exercise. Which is okay but it could be better (and extend to spouses :b)!

  26. Your healthy program at work sounds like a good deal, with worthwhile incentives to motivate you. More companies should do that.

  27. You work for a wonderful company, Meari who understands that better health means happier, more productive workers! Sure wish others would follow suit--enjoy that iPad mini and that darling quilt fabric set you got at the thrift store...

  28. Oh my Meari.....I'm positively green with envy at your gorgeous finds :) Of course you couldn't walk out and leave those behind!
    My health care company offers the same Ito benefits for healthy choices and points....I love it! I get to take the kids to movies without paying ...and loads of other great things! And you're encouraged to do things like your mammograms and dentist visits etc by getting points too which pushes you up the ladder and the higher you go the greater your discounts from partners :)
    Which cross stitch app did you get?

  29. Congrats on your win! As always you always find such amazing deals! The healthy living program you took part in sounds wonderful!

  30. Wow, both kitted quilt packages are so cool, and the price you paid for them is fantastic. I think I would have taken them as well :)


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