
May 4, 2015

Marvelous Monday Update 5/4/15

Where did the month of April go?  Time seems to fly by so fast these days...

Two wonderful things have happened since the passing of my parents.  Two weeks after my Mom passed away, my niece was married in an outdoor ceremony at a beautiful park in Wisconsin.

The bride's family with her new groom.
The happy couple were high school sweethearts.

 Me with the bride and groom.  Hard to believe she's all grown up!

The wedding party drove to/from the park in my family's classic cars.  All the men in my family love old cars. On the right is my nephew's car.  The red GTO is my brother's car (the bride's Dad), the black Trans Am is my other brother's car, the blue GTO Judge on the left is my Dad's.  He was supposed to drive it in the wedding...  Since he passed away two month's before the wedding, my brother drove it in his place.

The second happy occasion is that I became a great-auntie again last week.  I have a new great-niece. At 5lb. 15oz., she's so tiny and adorable.

She slept most of the time I was there, but did open her eyes from time to time.  I wish I'd taken photos when she was awake.  The baby joins her 3 year old brother who's not quite sure he wants a sister.  My niece (different from the bride above) says sometimes he talks about the baby as if she's a puppy and other times he's afraid the baby will kick him and take his toys. LOL!

The weather over the past couple of weeks has been beautiful which makes me happy because I'm able to get my 10K steps outside on the walking path near my worksite.  I get to enjoy bits of nature every time I go for a walk...

One of my favorite local community theatres had a production going on last weekend.  "You Can't Beat The House is about two minor-league burglars who break into a house only to find it's up for sale.  Before they can leave, prospective buyer's show up.  The burglars can either pretend to be real estate agents or run the run and risk of getting caught. When the actual real estate agent and the police show up, it turns into a recipe for gut-splitting events.  Turns out the house is haunted as well.  Laughs were nonstop with this screwball comedy.  One wisecrack after another proves that "You Can't Beat the House".

The good news is... I've been stitching.  Currently, I'm working on a Patriotic mailart and a marriage sampler.  The bad news is... I can't show progress pics, although I've been taking them.

In lieu of photos, I'll leave you with this freebie:


Red Quaker Sampler
Needle Knowledge


  1. I loved the family photos you shared Meari. What a beautiful, young couple. So full of love and promise.

  2. Its wonderful to have joy in your life after sorrow! I love the pic with all the muscle cars how fun!

  3. Great photos. Love the idea of driving the cars. Makes it very special for the family. Glad to hear you are stitching. I look forward to seeing the photos when you can post them.

  4. Meari, you've been very busy. Love the pics from the wedding. Purple is such a pretty color.
    The nature photos are beautiful. You have quite an eye!
    Thank you for the freebie - will take a look in a sec.
    Looking forward to your updates when you can!

  5. wishing the new couple and new baby the best life has to offer! Hugs - christina

  6. The wedding looks like it was beautiful, and your new great niece is adorable. :) Take an umbrella.

    Karin in CA

  7. Lovely family! Congrats to the bride and groom!
    Sweet baby!
    Love your pictures!

  8. Congrats on the two fun events. that baby is sooo tiny!! Love your walking path - very nice!

  9. Meari, Your family pics are lovely. A marriage and a newborn - I'm so happy you have joy in your life once more. I can relate to the car photo. The men in my family are into classic cars and car racing. DH was in a car club and my bil rebuilds classic cars professionally. They really are works of art. I love your Spring photos - beautiful!


  10. Loved the wonderful photos, Happy moments indeed:)

  11. Meari, so glad that you have some real joy in your life now and two special events to celebrate.

    Love the walking trail and hope you get to do more walking.


  12. Meari -

    Love the pictures of your family at the wedding. Love all the old cars too! They don't make them like that anymore. Your nature pictures are beautiful! Can't wait to see pictures of your stitching.


  13. You look so pretty in your red dress, Meari! And I'm so glad that happy family occasions are bringing smiles to your face after last year's losses. Your new little great-niece is so precious...

  14. Beautiful family moments and thank you so much for the link to the freebie

  15. Glad you have happy news to share, the wedding looked beautiful and the new baby is just precious. Love all your photos, you always pick suck interesting things to take pictures of, who would have think dandelions could be pretty. Though kids do love them.

  16. Beautiful pictures, Meari


  17. Newborn babies - the hop of the future! I love seeing their pictures. :) blessings, marlene

  18. Meari thank you for sharing your blog with us and I always enjoy seeing what you are up to. Your play sounds like it was really hilarious and I am glad that you had a fun evening.

    You really look very pretty with the groom and bride - they look very nice too.

    Yesterday I saw Sweeney Todd while volunteering at the opera. It is a dark story of a man who murders people so that has girfriend has meat for her meat pies. At least it is based on a story in England a few hundred years ago. The funny part was that they offered meat pies to the audience and they loved it.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  19. Very nice update! You look great with the bride & groom! The baby is so cute.

    Karen V
    Fitchburg MA USA

  20. I love all of your pictures, Meari. You're nature walks look so beautiful and peaceful.


  21. Lovely photos :) Thanks for the freebie link too!

  22. Lovely wedding pictures.
    and all your nature's pictures looks beautiful!

  23. Beautiful bride and you look gorgeous too! I love the cars!

  24. Beautiful family photos you shared! The nature photos are wonderful as well. Hope you are doing well.


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