
Jun 28, 2015

Gorious Getaway - Part Three

Haus Tirol - Williamsburg, VA

SM has mentioned her LNS a time or two (or three ::wink::) so of course we had to make a trip there. 

SO much eye candy to see!  Most of the models in the shop were stitched by the shop owner.  The entire front of the shop had all the models.  The back of the shop had the fabrics, floss, charts, and magazines.
This is the Vienna Chatelaine, designed by Martina Weber-Rosenberg.
Can you believe a stitcher gave this to the shop owner?
It's gorgeous! (and HUGE)
Neither SM or I left the shop empty handed.  
I picked up some fabric to finish my Monthly SAL 
and a few charts.
I thought this was absolutely adorable!
Even comes with a little scissors charm.
If I had only seen the chart, I probably wouldn't have gotten this.
There was a model stitched up and it was absolutely beautiful with
the charms and beads on it.
I've seen this one stitched up on FB quite a bit.
Since I have an affinity for Patriotic designs,
I had to get it.  ::big grin::

After shopping, SM took me to a Japanese/Chinese restaurant.  The food was soooo GOOD!  She ordered a bento box lunch which contained a lot of food.  I ordered a Seafood Delight that came in a taco shell-like bowl.  It was so much better than the SD I get in Illinois.  I ended up taking my leftovers back to the house to eat later.

Stay tuned for Part 4 of my Glorious Getaway...


  1. These photos turned out phenomenal! I am sure Lydia would love to see these...........I still cannot get over the Chatelaine that a customer stitched just for her...........what a wonderful gift.



  2. Always nice to get away from home, Meari. I so enjoyed my week at Barkley Lake a few weeks ago. Glad you had a good time and good to have you back.

    Shirley in KY

  3. Of course jealousy rears its ugly head when other go to an LNS. ;-) It looks like a wonderful place. And such beautiful projects. Lucky lady you!

  4. Woo hoo! I love visiting needlework shops that are NOT local.

  5. Looks like you had a fantastic break. Good to get away from family issues for a few days. I love the LNS you visited. I just wish there were shops like this in the UK. It's getting harder to find a good shop here. Vienna is my favourite Austrian city - I wish someone would give me the Chatelaine already stitched!

  6. Wohoo visiting with friends and stash what's better than that haha.

  7. Just for this it's already a successful trip, great haul:) good thing you didnt buy everything, lol.

  8. Meari,

    I loved reading about your vacation. Sounds like you had a wonderful relaxing time. And, you feel refreshed when you return home. I felt that way after my recent trip to Charleston.

    Wow, there were a lot of stitched samples in that shop. I haven't been to a c/s shop in years. It really makes such a difference to see the piece completed. I love the patterns you chose. I want to do the LHN one myself.

    I'm glad you had a fun time!

    Nancy V in TN

  9. The visit of this great LNS was certainly one of the highlightes of your getaway. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures so far.

  10. What a fabulous needlework store!!!

  11. It looks like you had a great vacation Meari! That's cool that you got to go to Haus Tirol. :)

    Karin in CA

  12. Looks like you have had a great summer so far with all that you have been up to! Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos from your summer


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