
Jun 8, 2015

Marvelous Monday Update 6/8/15

The Patriotic Mailart arrived at its new home so I can finally show photos and do a proper happy dance!

I created this by combining several charts and changing colors to coordinate.  For the front, I used Sing For the USA by Brittercup Designs.  I widened the fence and added an additional clump of flowers so that it would span the envelope.  The back is a combination of Land That I Love and God Bless America -- both by Lizzie Kate.  The mailart was stitched on 32ct blue linen with DMC floss.  For finishing, I used a coordinating blue fabric with tiny white stars, white and red ric rac, 1/8" white ribbon, and two red wood star buttons.  The button on the front is Liberty Bird by Just Another Button Company.

Some of my long time readers may remember the Sing For The USA ornament I made a few years ago for another exchange:

I like this design so much that I will probably do it again for myself. I bought extra bird buttons so I can!

I also started and finished the May Monthly SAL... just in time to receive the June chart.

Designer: Palkó 
Design: May Monthly SAL
Fabric: 28ct Unknown Linen
Fibers: GAST Red Plum
and Carries Creations Boysenberry

I bet you thought I forgot about it, didn't you?  Well... I did, kinda.  I mean, it was there. Somewhere in my mind.  Do the drawing. Do the drawing.  Then it'd disappear for a while and pop up at the oddest times. You know, at times when you can't do the drawing?  Anywho, I did it the "old fashioned" way and put little slips of paper in a bowl.  Had the BF pull one out.

The winner is.......

Marlene from Stitchin By The Lake!

Please email me with your snail mail address and I'll get it out to you as soon as I can.

I have a heavy heart and tremendous sadness. Celeste went to doggie heaven last Saturday morning. She'd been having a hard time breathing when she woke up. I called the vet when they opened and just as they answered, I heard a thump. She'd fallen over. She got herself upright and then promptly laid back down. The vet's office told me to bring her in right away. It is a 5min trip. Halfway there, she lifted her little head and looked at me. Then she laid back down and took a big breath.  I wasn't sure if she'd passed.  I carried her into the vet's office.  She was limp and foaming at the mouth.  He told me she was bleeding out her nose and said it came from her lungs. The vet confirmed Celeste had passed like I thought.

This photo is the first one I took of her when she came to live with me almost 12 years ago. She was 4 months old and so very tiny. Only about 3.5-4 lbs. So full of energy and spunk.  She maintained her energy and spunk throughout her life.

I am so-so sad and miss her so much.


  1. Meari,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are family. Big ((((((((((hugs)))))))))) to you.

    Melissa xoxo

  2. I am very sorry for the loss of you pom named Celeste she will always be a wonderful memory, it will take a long time to get there.

    Your stitching is beautiful.

    Karen V
    Fitchburg MA USA

  3. I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss of your furbaby Celeste. It's so hard to lose a friend like that.


  4. Meari,
    I'm sending you ((enfolding hugs)). I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet little dog.

    I do love your mail art it looks so beautifully stitched.

  5. My deepest sympathy for your loss of your lovely companion. Losing them is so heartbreaking!

    Sharlene in Peabody

  6. Oh dear, Meari, such a sad time, but what a wonderful companion she was xx

  7. Your stitching is gorgeous.

    I'm so so very sorry for the lose of your furbaby. They sure tear our hearts apart when they leave us. I know for a fact you gave her an amazing life and she was lucky to have you. Big Hugs!

  8. Oh Meari. I have goosebumps from reading Celeste's story. I am so very sorry. I have been down the path of traumatic pet death. It is so very hard. What a blessing she was.
    Your mail art is awesome dear.

  9. I understand what you are going through. I still miss my cat, Samson, who left us a year ago.
    It's hard but it really does get better with time.

    Hoosier Stitcher

  10. Meari, I was sorry to read of Celeste's passing. She will always be in your heart. Thinking of you!

    Robin in Virginia

    PS Your mail art piece is lovely.

  11. Love your work
    So sorry for puppy. Wish they could stay with us for many more years. She is in your heart.

  12. I am so sorry about your fur baby. It is so hard to loose a pet.

    Your stitching looks beautiful!

  13. Aww Meari, I'm so sorry to about Celeste, she looks like she was such a little cutie.

    You'll have so many wonderful memories to help you through but she's waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

    Rainbow Bridge

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    Author unknown...

    Lovely stitching by the way, and so clever combining different charts.

    Happy Stitching!

  14. There really are no words to comfort. A pets loss is so deeply felt and for so long. My thoughts are with you, Hugs, Christina.

  15. Meari, I am so sorry about Celeste. I know the pain you are having. My Pets are family. I lost my Persian Cat, Smoki in March right after her 16th Birthday.


  16. I absolutely adore your mail art but am so sad for the loss of your beloved Celeste. (((Hugs)))

  17. So sorry to hear the sad news of your puppy Mu dear..
    Beautiful stitching my dear xxx

  18. Meari, Celeste was such a cutie! So sad to hear of her passing. I too lost a pet just a week ago. He was 12 years old. If you check out my blog at I wrote a bit about it and posted a pic of him. Again, my condolences about Celeste. Pets become such an integral part of our family!

  19. The MailArt is just wonderful! We had a couple exchanges at our guild and I loved them. So sad about your little dog. Went thru it once and haven't gotten another since. Too hard to lose them *sigh*

  20. All of your stitching is beautiful!

    I am very sorry to hear about Celeste. Hugs to you.

    Hugs, Vicky

  21. Oh, Meari - my heart goes out to you on the loss of your fur baby. I'm so sorry. Even though they are animals, they do become part of the family and losing them hurts as much as losing a human loved one. Maybe more since they love us back unconditionally. Sending you lots of hugs

    {{{{{{{ big hug }}}}}}}}}

  22. Huge hugs to comfort you on the loss of your sweet dog Celeste.

  23. Love your mailart Meari! It is gorgeous :)

    Again please accept my sympathies concerning Celeste.

  24. Meari,

    I am so sad that Celeste has gone to pet heaven. I know how you feel, because I lost my last 2 pets last spring. I know that you have many happy memories of her and that you will think of her every day.

    Your mail art is really beautiful and so original.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  25. Meari, I am so so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious Celeste. I always enjoyed seeing pictures and hearing about her. I am sending prayers and hopes of good memories and thoughts of her to ease your grief.

  26. I'm so sorry to hear about Celeste, you've given her love all those years, just think of good times with her. Your mailart is very creative and beautiful.

  27. My deepest condolences Meari, Celeste's death has brought tears to my eyes. I know what it is to lose a loved one. You gave her a good life.

  28. I'm so very sorry for your loss. They truly do take a piece of us with them when they go. Sending prayers and many hugs,

  29. Oh Meari, I am so saddened by Celeste's passing. You have had such a rough year - I can't imagined how you've managed to hold it all together. Celeste was a beautiful girl - happy for her that she had a wonderful life with her "mom". Hang in there, sweet Meari... Sending tender hugs your way...

  30. The mailart turned out really well. I love the little bird bead.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Celeste.

    Cheryl Kinkaid

  31. Hi Meari

    My heart goes out to you with the loss of your pet friend. You have had a rough road these past couple of years, haven't you, with the illnesses and loss of your folks too. God bless you!


  32. Meari,

    My heart goes out to you on the loss of Celeste, I know how very much you miss her.All my sympathy.


  33. So sorry to hear about Celeste. I understand how much you miss her.


  34. So sorry about Celeste. I know she was very special.

    Great photos of your mailart.

    Hope Marlene enjoys the travelling pattern.

  35. So sorry to hear about Celeste!! Lots of hugs to you!! Beautiful stitches! I especially love the mail art!

  36. I am so sorry about the loss of your dog.... hugs to you.

  37. Meari I am so sorry for your loss of Celeste. I know she was absolutely family and you will miss her greatly. ((hugs)) as you continue to cope with the losses of the last year. Be gentle to yourself--you deserve it.

  38. Oh Meari,
    I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful Celeste!

    Betty (IL)

  39. Meari -

    So sorry to hear about Celeste! Just remember that she will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Your stitching looks great! Congrats on the finishes!


  40. Dear Meari,

    I'm so sorry to hear precious Celeste has passed.

    (Great Big Hug),


  41. Meari my heart goes out to you over your loss. Its hard to deal with such a huge loss. It takes time but I always tell myself to focus on all those happy years. There are so many needy furry friends in the shelters that when you are ready her passing will help another furry friend find its forever home. Lovely stitching as usually. Hugs Mare

  42. Oh Meari, I was so sad to hear about Celeste. She was a lucky girl to have you as her fur-mum and I am sure she had a very happy life with you. It is so ard when we lose our pets, they really are part of the family and you have had so much loss recently.

  43. Meari,

    So sorry about Celeste. I was heartbroken with our little Jasmine passed (she looked a lot like Celeste) and I know how painful that is/was.


  44. What a creative piece of MA. It turned out looking fantastic.

    So sorry about your loss of beautiful Celeste. Don't be too hard on yourself. Take care!

  45. I am sorry about your little friend. It's so very hard when a pet passes.

    Your mail art is really neat and the fabric fits it perfectly. Having never done such a thing before, do the stamps stay on okay? I'm curious how the post office handles such lovely work.

  46. So sorry about Celeste.

    What a lovely envelope you created for the mailart exchange. A nice combination of motives and colours.

  47. Meari,

    I am SO sorry to hear about the death of Celeste. I know you miss her horribly.

    Judith Truly in OH

  48. Meari,

    Your mail art is beautiful and so sorry to hear about your doggy.


  49. I am so very sorry for your loss - our pets are family too. blessings, marlene

  50. I knew your mailart would be totally cute! Sing For The USA is such a sweet design and I'd want one for myself too. So sorry to hear about Celeste. I know she had a wonderful life with you and will be missed. Sending you [[[HUGS]]] dear friend.

  51. I'm so sorry to read about your doggie! I have a heavy heart for you! Your stitching is so nice!

    Christine - nannystitch


  52. Meari,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Gentle hugs.

    Cindy in MA.

  53. I'm so very sorry for your loss of Celeste, Meari. Reading your blog made me think about the tough time my partner and I have had with fur babies over the past year. We've either had to let go of or lost three of ours (two cats and one dog) over the last 14 months. I'm glad you got to be with her at the end though.

    Your mail art piece looks great. Glad you can do a happy dance about that.

    Sandy in NM

  54. So sorry for the loss of your fur baby! Hugs!

  55. So sorry to hear about your loss!!

    Lovely mailart

  56. Meari,

    Your mail art is wonderful! So sorry about your little dog, she is so pretty.


  57. Meari

    My heart aches for your loss of Celeste. I've had a similar experience with one of my cats, and for a long while there is a pet-shaped hole in your life. It gradually fades and you are left with wonderful memories of her life.

    Love the mail art envelope. Never tried that in the UK, I think our Post Office might have a meltdown!

    with love

  58. Meari - I enjoyed your stitchy update.

    I'm very sorry to hear of the passing of your four legged friend - 12 years. What a time of unconditional love.

    Blessings, Donna

  59. Meari,

    My heartfelt condolences to you. Celeste was such a hug-a-bug member of your family. She will be waiting for you....


  60. Your stitching is very pretty. So sorry about Celeste. It is so hard to lose a furbaby.

  61. I am so sorry to hear about Celeste. Losing a furbaby is so hard. My heart goes out to you.


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