
Jul 29, 2015

One With Nature

I have a large patch of spotted lilies in one of my flower beds.  It started out with one planting that I got from my Dad about 3 years ago.  He told me that it dropped seeds and new ones would grow.  Last year a few sprouts had grown and blossomed.  This year is the biggest one I've ever had.  I think of him every time I see them.

Long time readers know that I have quite a commute to/from work and that there is an awesome walking path that I get my daily walks done on.  Occasionally, I take photos.  It's been a while since I've shared observations so I thought I'd put up a pictorial:

Scary storm on my way home from work one night
Billowy clouds...
Awesome day for a walk...
Huge field of Queen Anne's Lace...

I've noticed this year there's been an unusual amount of butterflies flitting around.  Unfortunately, they wouldn't stay still long enough for me to get photos.  Trust me, they were beautiful!


  1. Great pictures Meari. How special your lilies are.
    That is great you are seeing lots of butterflies. I remember so many more of them when I was a girl than there seem to be now.

  2. Lovely walking trail. Your flowers are gorgeous!

  3. Hi Meari,

    Sorry I have been somewhat MIA as it has been a busy summer for me.

    I love your two last updates. That was really a very happy Monday post. Congratulations on all your stash acquisitions.

    Today's post on nature is very nice and your pictures really tell the story so well.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  4. Beautiful lilies. I planted around 12 orange lilies a few years back and now they take up a 4 foot by 8 foot space and are trying for more. Opened my back door this morning to find two snakes (non-poisonous) like the one in your pic, sunning themselves on the concrete.

    Hugs, Sandy

  5. Your spotted lilies are gorgeous! I really like your storm pictures. What a good place to walk!

    Robin in Virginia

  6. Beautiful flowers, love the color! Lovely photos you've taken, it's a good thing to start and end your day's work witnessing these wonderful sights:) Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful pictures. I'm like to walk as well and always enjoy seeing other people's views.

  8. The lillies are beautiful....tigers!

    And what a gorgeous walk you have out there!

  9. Such a pretty walk you had, Meari--you're so lucky to have such a path nearby. Do you go on your lunch hour? (Not sure I would have been so happy running into Mr. Snake, though!).

  10. Beautiful Photos Meari...I love them....Your Flowers are so very pretty......

    Watch out for those fast moving critters like Snakes...YIKES!

    Have a Beautiful Day
    Linda K, Railroad

  11. Beautiful pictures, Meari

    You are happy to see the butterflies, we dont have them here this year :(


  12. The lilies are lovely, enjoy! Thanks for sharing the outdoor scenery too.

  13. I have some of those lilies too, but this is the first year they appeared. I'm hoping I will have more next year. The storm clouds have been spectacular and unusual this year. I'm happy to see lots of butterflies this summer too.

  14. Beautiful photos! The flowers are beautiful!


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