
Sep 11, 2015

A Memorial - For A Nation, For A Family

Today holds a huge significance for Americans. It was 14 years ago today, we all watched with horror as terrorists attacked our great country. Anger, disgust, and then resolve followed as the U.S. healed from the travesty thrust upon us. As the aftermath unfolded, a letter I had written to the editor was published in the local paper.

(Click to enlarge.)

Today also holds a sorrow closer to home. It was one year ago that my family lost my Mom... two days shy of two months after my Dad lost his battle with cancer. My solace is knowing that in her last weeks, she felt relief and happiness that her kids took care of her at the end of her life. I woke up today with tears in my eyes and hurt in my heart.


  1. Your letter is a beautiful reminder of what happened that day in September and our resolve to rise above it. Your loss of your mom can only make this day more tragic for you. I pray that your pain will diminish and your thoughts of your mom with only be good and happy ones.

  2. What an awesome letter you wrote Meari.
    You are in my prayers today.♥

  3. The loss of your dear mother a year ago makes this day even more tragic for you, Meari... How you must miss her! Your letter is so well written and truly captures the feelings of all of us on that blue-skied day 14 years ago.

  4. Along with the rest of the world I join you to remember 9/11 and the terrible tragedy of so many innocents lost. As for your Mum's passing - I promise the hurt does go - eventually - and you are left with happy memories without the deep pain of grief.
    Remembering you in my prayers. X

  5. I too feel saddened today, I lost friends that day in the towers and terrible anger rose in me that day, such as I had never felt before and hope never to feel again. 14 years later and still no justice and no real action from the US against terrorists. Anyway, wishing you peace and the warmth of all those wonderful memories of your mother and father.

  6. Terrible day today as I remember everything from that terrorits attack and worry about the current actions of this administration in arming the Iranians with the knowledge and power to build nuclear weapons and long range missiles. On a more personal note, wishing you peace and the comfort of the warm memories of your parents. Hugs, Christina

  7. Hugs to you today. It's hard to believe it has already been a year.



  8. Sending enfolding hugs to you for this anniversary.

  9. Thinking of you today and sending big hugs. Praying you can find some reasons to smile,

    Shirley in KY

  10. God bless you Meari,

    This is a tough day for you and your family as well as the US & we, your neighbours to the north in Canada are with you.


  11. Meari -

    Can't believe it has been a year already. My heart is filled with sadness for you and your family. I lost my mother in 2008. This past Tuesday, September 8th, would have been her birthday - she would have been 94 years young. I miss not being able to wish her a happy birthday. My thoughts are with you.


  12. I know it is hard on anyone losing a loved one especially a Mom and also this hideous tradegy in your country and that God is there to encourage and strenghten you as you go through this life.


  13. What an emotional day for you. Saying a prayer for you and I know your mom is looking down on you and is proud to have you as the wonderfully successful and loving daughter you are.

  14. Time has passed way too quickly. Sending positive thoughts and energy for the pain you're feeling right now.

    Sandy in NM

  15. It's already a year Meari, since your mom passed!! Hugs to you

  16. I remembered that the day was a sad day for you and your family. {{{HUGS}}}


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