
Sep 28, 2015

Marvelous Monday Update 9/28/15

As most of you know, the past couple of years have been rough on me.  First, my Dad with his cancer and subsequent death.  Second, my Mom with pulmonary fibrosis and her death.  Then Celeste with her death.  With all this going on, it's no surprise that my health deteriorated as well.  Last year when I went for my wellness check up, my lab results weren't where my doctor would've liked to see them.  Especially with the history of heart disease and diabetes that runs rampant through my family.

A few months ago, I got a Fitbit to track my steps.  I also started logging my food and water intake as well.  So far, I've lost 11 lbs. and my lab numbers are back into the healthy range!  I practically did a Happy Dance off the examining table when the doctor told me this.

I've slacked off since starting the new job... only walked 10K steps three days in a week and a half.  Still getting used to my new schedule, I think.  I'd like to lose another 18 lbs.  Fitbit says I should be able to do it by Christmas.

Adult coloring books are all the rage right now.  Heather at Stitching Lotus is hosting a coloring giveaway.  Click on over and check it out if you're interested in coloring!

The fun thing about Palko's Monthly SAL is the stitcher can choose the colors for the design.  I had a "vision" for what I wanted to July to look like.  I wanted a red/white/blue variegated for the swirls with blue and red for the remainder of the design.  Albeit late, I finally had time to stitch up July.

Stitched on 28ct linen with
Weeks Dye Works Independence, 
DMC 326 and 930.

Being on a roll, I finished August too!

Fabric: 28ct Antique White Cashel Linen
Fibers: Carries Creations - Alex's Inspiration and DMC 550
(My July and August finishes are linked up to Stitchery Link Party.)

The Halloween mailart is winging its way to the recipient.  Hopefully by next week, I'll be able to reveal it in all its glory.  :)  Meanwhile, here's another snippet to continue the intrigue...

I have to say that I really do like the small town postmaster much better than the postal clerks in my own city.  The postmaster is friendly and patient with my mailart process -- gluing the stamps on, photographing it, etc.  And, the post office is not busy herding people through like cattle.

Until next time...


  1. congrats on getting your healthy numbers back!! Lovely stitchy stuff!

  2. Well done on your health and fitbit!
    Wonderful stitching!

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss and the lab results. I too bought a tracker - Jawbone UP Move - and I love it. I have a desk job so most of the day I sit. The tracker motivates me to get up and MOVE!
    I really like the floss you used for July and fitting.
    Nan in PA

  4. Love your stitching finishes especially the July small! The thread, Alex's Inspiration is gorgeous. Glad to hear your numbers are better!

    Robin in Virginia

  5. Good for you Meari! You keep at it. You will reach your goal. I just know it!
    I especially like the way July turned out.

  6. Enjoyed reading your update.
    So glad to hear that you are getting a healthy lifestyle. Dh and I have done this also and I've lost close to 30 lbs. Not easy but it can be done! ;-)
    Very pretty stitchy updates. Your work is beautiful!

  7. Congratulations on getting your health issues under control. I have been reading your blog for a few months and they are always fun to read. Love the monthly stitching you have done- beautiful. Your mail art is wonderful and encouraging. Take care, Wynn

  8. You've had so much thrown at you. I'm glad you are getting your own health back on track though. It's important to remember to take care of yourself even in the craziness the world throws at us. Love your stitching. Congrats on your finishes and can't wait to see your full mail art piece.

  9. Sorry to hear you are having health issues but so glad that you are proactive about it! Sounds like you are doing great.

    Hope you are settling in to the new job comfortably.0

  10. Congrats on the weight loss. Keep up the great work. Your finishes look great. Looking forward to seeing the completed mailart.
    Betty in AZ


  11. The Monthly Palko stitching is looking great, I love the colours you chose.
    Thanks for the info on Good King Wenceslaus, always good to read more.

  12. ohhhh well done on the weight loss and getting good results again ... love the stitching and the snippet of the mail art :) love mouse xxxxx

  13. Yea you!! Keep up the good work!
    Lovely stitching!

  14. Way to go! I hope you achieve your goal by Christmas:) I love the colors you chose for your pretty finishes:)

  15. Glad you are getting your health back under control and know you can lose more weight by December.

    You stitching is so pretty and your mail art also.


  16. Good job with losing weight!! Love your monthly SAL pieces, very colorful!! I can't wait to see your Halloween nail art piece!

  17. Lovely lovely stitching!!
    And well done on getting your health back on track!

  18. Nice work, Meari! Looking forward to seeing mail art!


  19. Glad you are getting back into your exercise program and I hope you are feeling better now, love your stitching.


  20. Congrats on your weight loss! Hopefully you will get your new schedule sorted out and get back into the 10K steps a day soon....
    Love your finishes!
    How sweet does your mailart look... can't wait to see the final piece. It is so nice to hear that your postmaster lets you take the time you need to do the photos etc... nice to have someone understanding like that around :o)
    Hugs xx

  21. Congrats on your weight loss Meari!!! The pressing board do they have that at JoAnnes?

    Have a Blessed Day

  22. So good for you that your health is back to normal. An congrats on the weight loss.
    Your monthly stitching looks so very nice.

  23. Glad you are keeping up with your health, keep it up. Loved your stitchy pics today, so colorful.

  24. Yay for the weight loss and improving your health!!! I need to get back on track with my gym classes.... I can hardly wait to see the full mailart piece. :)

    Karin in CA

  25. Your cross stitch pieces look great, it looks like a good stitchalong. Well done on your efforts with your health :-) (Visiting from the stitchery link party).

  26. Congrats on getting your numbers where they should be. I can relate to the stress affecting health. Our small town post office has deteriorated since our postmaster retired last year. The rumor is that our post office won't be around for long. Love the colors you chose for your SAL pieces. I haven't started September yet. Guess I'm going to be late, lol.

  27. Great job losing the weight and getting healthier!

    I love the monthly SAL you are doing. The colors are great.

  28. Congratulations on the weight loss and your return to healthy numbers!

    I love your July and August cross-stitches and the variegated flosses that you used in each. I look forward to the reveal of your Halloween mailart.

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party. I do hope you'll join in again.

  29. Very happy to hear about your health Meari, you are such an inspiration

    Love the smalls, especially the vibrant colors in August


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