
Feb 18, 2016

TBT - Japanese Garden

Carolyn over at Stitching One Day At A Time recently returned to blogging and stitching. (Welcome back, Carolyn!)  She's been doing a Throw Back Stitching Thursday which I've thoroughly enjoyed.  I thought I'd do a TBT, too.

I started Japanese Garden way back at the end of 2005.  I had just gotten back into stitching after being away for years (long story).  In 2005, I had never stitched on anything other than aida.  Chatelaines are very ambitious projects for the seasoned stitcher, yet I jumped right in and started Japanese Garden.  It has resulted in many firsts for me:

•  First project using evenweave and stitching over-two
•  First project using hand-dyed and silk threads
•  First project doing specialty stitches
•  First project using beads and crystals (although, technically I haven't put them on yet)

Fearless, wasn't I? 

It's still a WIP and each year I have high hopes of finishing it.  Since I can't show a finished project, I thought I'd share progress photos from throughout the years.

1/8/2006 - After 51½ hours of stitching
8/10/2008 - After 116 hours
I've been a lax in keep good records of how much time I've spent stitching on JG.  My last post-it note said 130+ hours back in early 2011, but that was a couple years ago.  I'm estimating I have over 300 by now.

P.S.  I've figured out why I haven't taken it off the scroll frame. I have to dismantle the entire lap stand in order to get the rods off. Just sayin...



  1. So pretty! Love the detail the specialty stitches add to the piece.

  2. Great progression pictures! Beautiful stitching. I have Alpine Garden for sometime. Have yet to start it. Will live vicariously through you, lol!

  3. Meari - the one word that comes to mind is exquisite!

  4. This is gorgeous. You should definitely give this some stitchy time this year.

  5. WOW, Meari, that is absolutely gorgeous! So much time and talent has gone into that piece! I'll be watching to see your progress. I just love the colors and design!!

  6. JG is beautiful! I've enjoyed watching your progress. I totally understand why you haven't taken it off the scroll frame ;)

  7. Wow. What a journey. It's a gorgeous piece indeed. Even more beautiful when I've seen it in person. It will be a mixed feeling I bet when you finish. I can't wait to see the day though.

  8. It is stunning Meari! I love seeing the WIP pictures; makes you realize the size and amount of work that went in to it. Looking forward to seeing the stitching finished and the beading beginning!

  9. Meari,
    Thanks for mentioning me in your post. What a gorgeous piece. I'm impressed that you took a big piece and had a first for everything. Great job and your stitching is beautiful. I love your story. Come join my Facebook group if you want. I have a new post all about it. Have a great day!

  10. Meari,

    Your JG becomes more inspiring every time you write about it. The stitching/colors/design are unbelievable! You have also set an example of how to work on a WIP/UFO. I remember a couple of years ago, the group members were helping you look for a floss, black, I believe.

    I think I will put my 2/3rds completed sampler on my "Finish It List".



  11. JG is looking awesome!!! You're getting close to finishing. :)

    Karin in CA

  12. Loved the progress photos of JG. I have a couple of the Chatelaine charts on ym Pinterest board, but I think I'll just look at the finished projects! Can't wait to see more progress on yours.


  13. ooooooo love it ... and well done on the firsts congratulations on your stitching journey :) love mouse xxxxx

  14. Meari,

    The Japanese Garden is really looking good. It will be amazing when it is all done. I know that these mega projects take a long time to complete.

    Your mushrooms make my mouth water - yummy!

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  15. I find it fantastic the way you keep a record of the hours worked. After completion you could have an engraved plate attatched with the hours you spent on this piece for generations after you to appreciate when they admire it.

  16. Very pretty! I love how this is turning out.

  17. TBTs in the stitchy world is a fantastic idea! Maybe in 10-20 years or so I can join in when I actually have stuff to throw back to haha. :)

    Japanese Garden is absolutely fantastic but I had no idea they took that long! I suppose it's because there is so so sooo much detail? I must've underestimated the size of them. Wow, very amazing!

  18. What a project!!!! It is looking great!!!

  19. Yes--amazing and beautiful.

    Judith Truly in OH

  20. Stunning! It's so beautiful, I love all the pictures of different angles, the colors are so wonderful. Great job:)

  21. Just gorgeous, Meari! It was fun to see the photos taken over the years and see how you have progressed... Such a lovely finish you'll have :)

  22. What a fantastic project this is. Very interesting to see how you progressed on it over the years.

  23. I loved seeing how this project has certainly is a gorgeous piece and I do hope to see more of it :)

  24. It's absolutely gorgeous! I look forward to seeing more of it grow :)


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