
Jun 10, 2016

This, That, and The Other

Most of you know that I can sling a mean paint brush... when it comes to refurbishing filing cabinets or side tables or even painting walls.  Recently, I took a watercolor class offered by the park district.  Not wanting to be totally uneducated, I jumped on YouTube to learn some basic watercolor skills.  Here's what resulted from my using my niece's Prang watercolor paints from grade school (many eons ago!).  The tutorial I used was very good in that it went step-by-step on how to draw and paint.  My result:

A few days later I went to the class.  I was disappointed that there wasn't more instruction.  We were basically told to draw the flower and then paint it doing the lightest shade first, followed by medium, and then shading.  There was no demonstration or anything.

We were allowed to use primary colors to paint with: red, yellow, and blue.  After the teacher had difficulty mixing up a gray with them, he got me some brown... and still couldn't get it.  After trial and error, I finally got a color that worked.  Since I was late to class (didn't know where the community building was), I was stuck with the only flower left which was a white rose... hence the gray paint.  Roses are hard to draw and white is hard to paint!  I came home with this:

Over the past couple of months, my Fitbit band started pulling away from the face. Not a big deal. A little over a week ago, the button on the side of the face fell out somewhere.  It controls being able to scroll through the data screens.  Even though I can tap on the screen... hit or miss at best... it's easier to press the button.  It's disappointing that a piece of equipment that costs so much didn't hold up better.  I've only had it 10 months.  I contacted Fitbit and sent a photo collage.

Since it's still under warranty, Fitbit sent me a replacement.  I even got to choose a color!  I'm hoping this one holds up better.  ::fingers crossed::

A few weeks ago, my niece graduated high school.  She also was accepted into the College Now program her junior year of high school, so a week before graduating high school, she graduated with an Associates college degree.  Both with honors!  I am so proud of her.

It seemed like it took me a lonnnggg time to finish Part 5 of the Words SAL.  I haven't had a lot of time to stitch lately.

Part 6 didn't seem to take me as long.  I'm working on getting more of the border done since this part is the top of the design.

If you're interested in seeing what other participants have stitched, you can see them HERE.

Earlier this year, Kim from Wisdom with Needle and Thread announced she would be having a big birthday this year.  She turned 60! To celebrate, she decided to RAK 60 gifts.  I was one of the lucky recipients.  Using my needlebook tutorial, she created and sent me this:

Don'tcha just love the measuring tape ribbon?  So cute!
(It can be found on Amazon... I asked, hee hee)

Be sure to visit her blog to see all the other RAKs she's given out.  She is so talented.  And which her a happy birthday, too!

I almost forgot!  Back in April, I received my Stitcher's Day Exchange from Jennie K in Rhode Island.  She sent me a lovely felt backed heart.  It's perfect for a bookmark.  Jennie also sent me a Sweetheart Tree quadrille ornament chart.  One of my favorite designers!  Thank you, Jennie.

If you like summertime and beachy motifs, DMC has a freebie that has some very cute designs!

 Click HERE to download the PDF.

A while back, I mentioned being invited to a Facebook group called Throwback Stitching.  I thought I'd show my recent post here on my blog, too.

This was the first patriotic design I'd stitched.  I matted and framed it myself adding the wood patriotic hearts.  The design is from the premier issue of Cross Quick magazine.

Until next time...



  1. Isn't it amazing what happens when you all have the same pattern and choose your own colors?! I never would have thought of white on gray for the whole thing like one person did. I do like yours tho, because of the border. It really sets it apart from the others.
    Judi in Phoenix

  2. Indeed you have been busy! I really, really like the SAL, and yours is especially pretty.

  3. Meari,

    I always love reading your blog! I remember the Cross Quick Magazine from WAY BACK! the patriotic bear piece looks great!


  4. Sucn a busy person! I love ths stitching -- all of it. And thanks for sharing the DMC beachy motifs. I love all things ocean.

  5. What lovely stitching....and your niece - you all must be so proud!

  6. Hi Meari - Very interesting read. I always love reading your blog.

    I love the colors in the Words SAL. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it. And I think you did a fabulous job with your watercolor attempt. I can imagine that white would be hard to paint, but you seemed to have figured it out. Well done!

    Congratulations to your niece. What an awesome accomplishment. She keeps applying herself like that throughout her life, she'll go far.


  7. Best wishes to your niece! You have received some lovely items. Your WIP is looking good. Sorry your watercolour class didn't offer more demonstration, but your work looks fabulous. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Well done your first watercolour paintings are very impressive

  9. oooo you have done a lovely job on the water colour ... congratulations to your neice too she has worked hard hasn't she ...lovely exchange peice you got too :) love mouse xxxxx

  10. Everything looks fabulous. You know 'mom' loves your blog❤️

  11. I knew I recognized that sampler! I have a bunch of the early Cross Quicks.

  12. The pictures you painted are lovely! Nice gift from Kim!

  13. Your paintings are seriously lovely, Meari! Very impressive....and your first!!
    Congrats to your niece.
    Lovely gifts from Kim...she is so talented!

  14. Meari -

    Your painting looks great! Your stitching looks great! Congrats on the win!


  15. Lovely stitching and painting too! Congrats to your niece. Love the throwback piece:)

  16. Patriotism is never old. Great stitching.


  17. Congrats to your niece on her achievement.
    And great to see your first successful watercolor painting.
    You made nice progress on the Words SAL, such a lovely piece. I will go and see some of the other versions.

  18. You have been busy lately! I can empathize with having no stitching time - I'm there, too. Work has been crazy busy lately and I'm taking an online class for a postgraduate certificate program....and I just have so little time each day. I love the way your watercolors turned out. Out here in CA we have "paint shops" where you pay a fee and they show you how to paint whatever that class' design is. If that makes sense. I did one with a group of ladies at a place called Tipsee Artist, where you supply the wine and they supply the paint. LOL We painted a nighttime beach/shoreline and it turned out really beautifully. And everyone's turned out differently.

    Congratulations to your niece!!

    Take care,
    Karin in CA

  19. Your painting is lovely. Sorry that the class was disappointing though, and it does seem odd that there was no demonstration for a painting class.

  20. Hi Meari,

    Yes, you have been busy! I had to tell you how impressed I am with your watercolors. You are indeed multi-talented, and I hope you continue to pursue painting. Have you ever contemplated painting on tea cups, plates, etc.? I believe your blogger buddy who is turning 60 (60 RAKs) does so, and her work is so pretty. She has an example of a beautiful trinket box on her blog. I always enjoy your blog and have used several of your tutorials - thank you!


  21. Meari,

    I was exhausted just looking at all you have done :@


  22. Yep typical Meari post. Full of wonderful goodies of this and that. Great job on everything!

  23. Always nice to catch up with you, Meari! I am very impressed with how your painting of the rose turned out. I can't draw a thing--sure wish I had that talent. It looks like your niece has a wonderful future ahead of her--congratulations (I can tell you are one proud auntie!!).

    Love your stitching and the gifts from Kim and Jennie! Still can't believe Kim is sending out 60 RAKs--such a sweet and generous stitcher!

    Enjoy your weekend, Meari :)

  24. I'm working on that patriotic design. had it for yrs finally started stitching on it last winter, LOL! love your post. Sorry your class wasn't more interesting

  25. Love all your stitching!!! Congrats to your niece! I know that is not easy doing both HS and College. So glad your fitbit was replaced.

  26. You've done a lot of wonderful work Meari. Your paintings are stunning!


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