
Oct 10, 2016

Not For The Paint of Heart

Get it?  Faint of heart....  Okay, I won't quit my day job. Haha!

As you know, a while back I started a 6-week watercolor painting class.  It was cut short a couple weeks ago due to the instructor needing to have unplanned surgery.  A LOT of information was crammed into those five weeks!  Every week, we learned new techniques and then started a new project to practice the technique.  At the same time, we were to finish our "masterpiece".  Heh, yeah that didn't happen.

The only project I finished during the class was the one where we learned about washes.  I liked my painting just fine until... the instructor had us lift out fog.  In retrospect, I would've used a smaller brush to wet the area before lift off.  Would've been nice if he would've told us what brush sizes to use.

Yesterday, I finished one where we learned clouds, water, rocks, and sand.  At first, I was getting frustrated because I didn't like how the rocks on the right side of the page looked.  I think it looks okay now.  The interesting thing about this project is that we all started with the same basic design and they all turned out different.

Each week when the instructor did a demonstration painting, each of us had to guess a number to see who "won" the painting.  I "won" the instructor's version of the rock and water painting. The nice thing is there were only four of us in class so each of us got a painting.

I'm still working on the floral exercise.  I apparently, I missed a petal at the bottom and painted over it with the background wash.  So I had to add it and darken the lower petals.  I'm thinking I should darken the upper ones also, but the instructor says to leave them. What do you think?

Sadly, my "masterpiece" is barely started.  I didn't like having so many unfinished paintings so I focused on finishing those rather than start yet another one.  This is all the farther I've gotten.

Things I've learned:
•  Practice, practice, practice!  I still haven't gotten the hang of wet-on-wet.
•  Know when to stop.  If you're unsure, stop.
•  Cheap watercolor paper sucks.  Spring for the good stuff.  There's less frustration.

Until next time...



  1. I love the darker lower petals on your flower Meari and would not have changed it. I also really like your clouds, water, rocks, and sand masterpiece. You are so very talented in all that you do.

  2. are amazing! Your painting is lovely, I envy your talent! You seem to be so multi talented!! Thank you too, for sharing about your new toy. We've been thinking about getting our own power washer as well, so we have benefited from your research!


  3. I think you painted some amazing things...I would not color the upper petals. Some things are better with contrast.

    You said don't use cheap watercolor paper. I think that is true for most crafts. You don't have to buy the most expensive, and you certainly don't have to buy the complete range of a product. Buy one skein, ball, twist of what you want to learn to work with. And, as you said, practice, practice, practice.

    Keep on with your watercolors.


  4. I think the flower is beautiful and the rocks look perfect!

  5. I LOVE your flower painting. The dark falls are beautiful and not unlike some of the Iris being bred now a days. Well done!

  6. Meari, love the paintings that you did and would not change the flower one. Enjoy your new toy.


  7. I love your iris the way it is, Meari. If you look at real irises, you'll see that quite often the bottom petals are much darker than the upper petals. :)

    Karin in CA

  8. You are truly talented. Those paintings do not look like the work of a student. I love the rocks, clouds, sand piece. It appears your final masterpiece will be just that -- an absolute masterpiece. Hope you will post when done. Great job!

  9. Sorry the course got cut short, Meari, but you seem to have learned quite a lot in spite of two fewer classes. Your painting skills are amazing to me (I literally can only draw a stick figure!!)...

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  10. Wow, Meari. I love your clouds, water, rocks, and sand painting. You are definitely one talented lady! I'm so envious. Congratulations on winning the instructor's version. That's a great freebie from the class. Don't change the flowers - think it looks fine just the way it is.


  11. I love seeing all the things you're working on, such beautiful work all around.

  12. Your watercolor paintings are awesome. I think the flower is my favorite, especially because I have some Iris' that are almost identical to what you painted. Watercolor is one of my favorite mediums and I love to just play with the colors and washes. Like you said, practice, practice, practice -- and get the better quality paper.


  13. I've been MIA most of this year Meari, so I've missed how you started water colour panting. I'm very impressed & love your paintings, especially the Iris, it looks wonderful. You're very clever.

  14. I'm so behind on my reading! I liked the darker bottom color and lighter on top of your flower painting. Happy end of November!! : O

  15. Wow to me all of them are just wonderful!! My most favorite is the flower. You are simply amazing


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