
Dec 25, 2016

12 Days of Christmas

I'm participating in a 12 Days of Christmas gift exchange coordinated on one of the Yahoo cross stitch groups.  I received 12 wrapped and numbered gifts from Pam K in TN.  It seems I've known her forever online, but this is the first time I've been in an exchange with her.  :)  Without further adieu....

Day one brought me a pack of highlighter markers in neon yellow.  I love office supplies so I'm sure these will come in handy.

Day two brought me a bright, flower pin cushion made of felt.  It brings a little spring/summer into the day as the temperatures here are in the negatives and the ground is covered in snow.  This will come in handy when I sew as I usually just throw my pins on the table, lol.

I'm not sure of the other gifts since I haven't opened them yet, but with the first two gifts there were handwritten notes from Pam.  Very nice touch!

Day three brought me a pretty peacock thread organizer. I've not seen one like it... very pretty.

On day four, I received two mini flashlights with a note about never having too many.  I'd have to agree.  I'm going to put one in my car and one in my bedroom.

Pam taped the note on the outside of the wrapped gift for day five. I was excited to unwrap it... a sparky infinity scarf made by Pam!

Day six brought me a wooden owl stitchable kit.  I've always want to try one of these!  Owls are so in vogue now, too.

I have always wanted one of these!  Whenever I went to Harbor Freight, I thought about getting one, but never did.  Now, I have one. Yay!

Earlier this year, I involved myself in yet another creative hobby... adult coloring.  Day eight brought me two new coloring books.  How fun is that??

The smell of lilacs brings back loving memories of childhood. I had to LOL when I read Pam's note about how difficult it was to find "anything" that had the scent of lilacs.  At this time of year, I imagine so.  :)  I already have the gifts in use. The house smells great!

DAY 11

This day brought me the letter "M".  I'm looking forward to personalizing it and hanging it in my craft room.

DAY 12
Imagine my surprise when I opened this gift and found Victorian Pansies kits... I did a couple of these years ago: a needlebook and a scissor fob.  I am so excited to have more matching accessories. I didn't even know these existed!

I had so much fun opening these gifts.  Pam did a really great job of choosing gifts that fit ME.  I loved the handwritten notes that came with each gift.  Thank you to Pam for everything!


  1. :D So glad you liked them!! It's hard to believe we've never been in an exchange together, isn't it? Can't say that anymore!! :)

  2. Nice gifts. Love the pin cushion.


  3. Gifts one and two are great! Can't wait to see the rest!!

  4. Very nice gifts, looks like a fun exchange!

  5. What a fun exchange this time of year--can't wait to see what else you receive :)

  6. How fun! I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the gifts.

  7. What fun things you have received! I hope you enjoy the stitch in wood project. They are fun and quick to stitch.

  8. I didn't include the note with the scarf because I forgot to put it in!! LOL!! I had it all wrapped up and there sat the note still on the table. Oops! Haha! I'm so glad you like everything so far! :)

  9. Looks wonderful Meari! Happy Holidays!

  10. Such beautiful and thoughtful gifts. Merry Christmas Meari!!

  11. All twelve are so nice, Meari--especially love that pretty scarf :)

    Happy New Year to you--hope 2017 is a good one!

  12. Meari - I'm so glad you loved everything! I had no idea that you had stitched the needlebook and scissor fob that matched the bookmark and sachet! I just knew you liked pansies!! :D Somebody mentioned it to me some time ago and amazingly, I remembered! LOL! Now, where did I put my car keys??


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