
Mar 26, 2017

Stashing... It's Hard Work...

...but someone has to do it.

I'm innocent... really, I am!  I was minding my own business, putting my Dad's John Deere for sale on Craigslist.  I think something possessed my fingers.  Yes, that's it!  For the heck of it, I did a search for "cross stitch".  In the past when I've done this, I've had no luck.

This time was different.  There was an ad for a beautiful oak American Dream lap stand with 20" no-baste scroll rods (retail $48-79.95) plus an unfinished Autumn Sampler by Janlynn (retail $24.99) which I think is an OOP kit.  The ad also stated, "Floss, pattern and carrying case for floss, scissors, and sundry included."  I wasn't sure what that meant so I asked for explanation and photos.  Turned out to be a nice stitching project bag, scissors, hoop, floss on bobbins, and the chart. All for $35!  It appears the project just needs the backstitching finished.  I can't believe she didn't finish it.

Turns out the lady used to be an avid stitcher before her hands gave out on her and retirement took into other activities.  She decided this project was never going to be finished so she put it up for sale.  I've read some positive reviews about the frame so I was really excited! 

Then Stash Unload on Facebook got to me.  I couldn't resist...

I have a very old antique clock of my Dad's that's missing the guts and I'm thinking about doing the clock design for it.  I also have a wood tray that I could do a design for.

Pinn Stitch designs are so easy to stitch.  And well, ya'll know how I like Asian designs.

This is a very old vintage "Something Special" kit by Candamar Designs called Floral Garden.  I thought it was very pretty.  I may swap out the threads seeing as it's a bundled un-sorted thread pack. If memory serves me right, I wasn't too fond of the thread when I stitched Mime a few years ago.  You can read Mime's story HERE and HERE.

Side note.... I remember when I was a little girl, the craft stores had LOTS of Candamar designs and finished projects on display high upon the shelves.  I used to love going and looking at them.  Little did I know at that time stitching would become a full blown hobby of mine.

I have the Spring one so when I get the other two, I thought it be nice to stitch them in a row.

Want to know what's annoying?  When you contact the seller on Facebook to thank them and let them know the package arrived safely... No response.  Two out of three sellers did not acknowledge my text to them.  Personally, I think it's a bit rude.

Since I didn't buy anything for myself for my birthday, I'm considering these my present. ::big grin::  My birthday was back in January so I'm a bit late in treating myself.

Speaking of birthday presents, my SM Sue sent me the cutest bracelet for my birthday.  I just LOVE it!



  1. WOW! What a find. My theory on those "finds" is that if it wasn't meant for you, then you wouldn't find it! So relax and enjoy your splurge. Love the bracelet too.
    Judi in Phoenix

  2. Wow, you made out like a bandit! Great projects coming up for you. Great update. Good luck on selling the John Deere.

  3. Wow - what a haul. Good for you! Looks like you really hit the jackpot with your stitching stash. I say it must have been fate. At least, that is what I call it when something just falls in your lap - so to speak. Enjoy your belated birthday gifts.
    Dorrie in Idaho

  4. Kerplunk! Did you fall off of the Wagon/dock/high diving board? Wow! Wonderful & beautiful bargains. Congrats Meari. The bracelet is cool.

  5. Your birthday bracelet is lovely. What a nice assortment of stash you found and enjoy your birthday gifts to yourself! And like you, I think it is rude not to acknowledge your text to them.


  6. Sounds like you hit the jackpot with all of those wonderful items. Your craft room looks great! K.

  7. Wow, you have the best luck finding great bargains! The bracelet is lovely too.

  8. You did really well there Meari. I am pleased that I don't have facebook so don't get drawn into anything there. i don't have much idea about ebay so once again I don't get drawn in. I have enough time resisting charts and designs for designers that I have stitched in the past. I do like some of their SAL but not all so I do pick and choose.

    Love you bracelet. What a lovely present

    Happy stitching

    Lots of love,

  9. A very nice haul and wow on that stitched Autumn project! Like every one else, once I start browsing, it's extremely hard to NOT buy something. It's that little voice that says no. Or dh's voice that says why are you buying something when you haven't finished/started what you have - MEN! ;-)


  10. Oh you really did hit the jackpot! What wonderful finds! I'm especially jealous of the lap stand you found...what a haul! Happy Belated Birthday to you!

  11. Wohoo meant to be purchases. You deserve to treat yourself. Love the bracelet from Sue. Perfect!

  12. What an awesome Craigslist find! Looks like it was meant to be. I also have not had much luck on that site but every now and then you find a treasure. I try to stay off the FB pages but every so often... Lovely bracelet Sue has sent you for your birthday. Did you get the John Deere listed and sold??

  13. well you were in the right place at the right time there girl what a fabulous find and the rest of the stash you deserve it :) I love your bracelet too .... love mouse xxxxx

  14. I am glad you got some really lovely cross stitch items. Your bracelet is very pretty.

  15. well, I'm jealous - what fantastic finds!!! Beautiful bracelet too!!

  16. That's great that you've been finding such wonderful goodies, Meari! Will be curious to see how you like the stand. I've always meant to stitch the Autumn Sampler so I hope you'll finish the backstitching and inspire me :)

  17. Oh my, that's a real haul. But sometimes we definitely deserve it, don't we? Enjoy all your wonderful finds.

  18. Wow, you did great! I think it was just meant to be so don't worry about it and enjoy!

  19. Great stashing!!! The Stash Unload group gets me almost every day!!! OMG!! I have so much!!


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