
Mar 7, 2017

So Much Stitchy Goodness... and More

Who's old enough to know the original "cougar" Mrs. Robinson?  For those not familiar.... Benjamin   Braddock has just finished college and, back at his parents' house he's trying to avoid answering the question everyone asks: "What does he want to do with his life?"  An unexpected diversion comes about when he is seduced by Mrs. Robinson who is a friend of his parents.  What begins as a fun tryst turns complicated when Ben falls for Mrs. Robinson's daughter, Elaine.

My local community theatre put on The Graduate.  As always, the actors and actresses put on a good show. Before the play started, I overheard the young woman next to me (in her early 20's) say, "I have no idea what this play is about."  Even though the movie came out a year before I was born, it still made me feel old, lol.  In between the acts, music from the 60's played.  I had my very own chorus line behind me... The older women sang every single song!  I guess they're old enough to know what the play is about!

I couldn't even tell you when the last time was that I saw one of these things.  Probably at least 15 years.  Imagine my surprise when I pulled up to a gas station in my area and saw it.  How about you... when was the last time you saw a PAY PHONE?

One of my favorite exchanges is called Stitchers Day Exchange coordinated on the Friendly Stitchers Yahoo group.  My partner, Viv in Canada, likes fall colors.  I dug through my stash and found a rogue piece of linen and limited edition skein of GAST.

Designer:  Neustras Miniaturas
Fabric: 28ct linen
Fibers: GAST Burlap Nap Sack
Embellishments: Lace weaved with DMC

To finish this little pillow, I joined a piece of coordinating floral fabric.  When I saw the fabric fat quarter in JoAnn Fabrics, I thought, "This is it!"  I had a piece of cream flat lace in my stash and thought I needed to add a little something extra so I weaved a piece of DMC 618 through it.  It turned out exactly as I pictured it in my head.  Love when that happens!

I've stitched this freebie two other times as scissor fobs.  If you're interested, you can see them HERE and HERE.

I posted this on Facebook as a finish, and my post was the subject of misinformation as to where the design came from.  You see, when I posted I said I couldn't remember which blog the design came from since I had saved the freebie back in 2012 and didn't notate it.  At first, a viewer on my facebook post commented it was a Homespun Elegance chart, which I quickly looked up and confirmed it WAS NOT.  Then the same viewer posted my blog telling everyone it was a certain post which again WAS NOT.  To circumvent further misinformation, I spent over two hours finding the blog and exact post where this freebie came from.  All I can say is WOW -- it's true what they say... Do not believe everything you read on Facebook!.

*Note:  The design doesn't have a name on the originator's blog so I named it "Stitchers Sampler".

I received my exchange package from Viv and just love, love, LOVE it.  Did I say I love it?!  She used such pretty colors and even personalized it with my initial.

Hmmm... What could it be?
Isn't the handmade card adorable?  Everything from the card to the tissue paper to the stitched exchange piece was coordinated.  Wish I would've thought of that!

Oh my goodness!  Look at that little "M"...
Scissor Case, Fob, and Matching Scissors!
I've always wanted to make a scissor case like this.  Viv did such a wonderful job of finishing.  Thank you, Viv!
Now, I'm on to my next exchange: A spring mailart.  Here's my floss toss...

Since I received a scissor fob, I thought it was appropriate to share a scissor fob freebie!  This cute scissor fob is by Merry Cox.  The chart can be found HERE.

Until next time...


  1. Love the one you made. Love the one you received. Now you will have me out looking for pay phones! I wonder if anyone actually uses them. Judi in Phoenix

  2. Meari,
    Great chuckle about the pay phone...

    I loved the piece you did for Viv. And the card!

    Hold on...Spring is coming. I noticed some little green bumps where my daylilies are planted.


  3. Where can the freebie of the girl stitching be found?



  4. Yes Meari, I stitched the Stitcher's Sampler a few years ago. That is the exact site I found it from.

  5. You find the neatest patterns for the stitcher's exchange! I too wonder where you found the stitchers sampler? It made me laugh about the pay phone as well, I don't think I've seen one in a very long time!

  6. I really like what you stitched for Viv and you received a fabulous package from her. Hmmm, I think it has been at least 15-18 years since I have seen a pay phone. Enjoy your week!

  7. I love the exchange you got from Viv and your gift to her.

    I still use a pay phone but not lately as I do not have a cell phone, but they are quickly disappearing.


  8. Hi Meari, loved your update amd your projects and gifts are all lovely.

    Christina in Miami


  9. What a lovely piece to receive in an exchange, All three are delightful. Your return exchange is beautiful.

  10. Love the pillow you did for Viv. Your finishing, as always, is exquisite. Great job.


  11. Wonderful exchanges! Great update!

  12. the timing of your pay phone post is funny. I forgot my cell the other day and had to reach my hubby. Found a few pay phones... just not one that worked :-(

  13. The fabric you used for the pillow is a perfect match! I love the scissor case she stitched also, it looks amazing.

    When I worked in downtown Chicago we had a payphone in the pedway of our building. It was there foe years and then one day "poof" it was just gone! That was the last one I ever saw.

    I AM old enough to remember The Graduate. Racy movie in it's day, not so much now though. Looking forward to seeing your mail art!

  14. Lovely update, Meari. I thought your pillow was gorgeous - you really fell into that fat quarter! The scissors bob that Viv made you is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing your mailart.


  15. Meari,

    So much stitchy goodness, indeed! Your gift exchange pillow is precious; floss, fabric, trims perfectly co-ordinated and Viv is sure to treasure it. Thanks for the chart, I think I'll treat myself to a needlebook.

    The scissors fob and case is absolutely lovely! I'd like to try a scissors case, too. Would you consider a tutorial?

    Looking forward to seeing your mail art. Your floss toss is delightfully Spring-y!


  16. I love the way the pillow turned out, Meari! It's beautiful. And Viv did a wonderful job on the scissor case. :)

    Karin in CA

  17. The gift you made and the one you received are lovely. Loving forward to seeing your mail art design as I like your colour choice.

  18. Well, you know I am old enough to remember The Graduate! It's funny, but the age gap is becoming more and more apparent to me at work as I'm finding the younger librarians have no clue what us older ones are referring to when we mention certain historical events or pop culture moments.

    Love your finish--I know just the feeling you describe when it comes together as planned in your mind :)

    Lovely exchange from Viv, too--love how well the designs match the scissors! She obviously put a lot of thought into your gifts!

  19. Love love that little freebie. If you find the link or can share it I'd love a copy. Well done on the finishing!

  20. Never mind lol I clicked on the title and got it. Thx!

  21. What a fun exchange. You did a gorgeous piece and the one you received was just fantastic indeed. LOL About Facebook. It's sure fun to watch the rumors fly. Good luck with your mail art.

  22. What lovely gifts, both given and received!

    We last saw two pay phones at the entrance to one of the local big box stores just last week and were surprised to see them. I wonder if perhaps they are putting phones back in some locations??

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party. Aloha hugs!

  23. Hahaha, I'm definitely old enough to know The Graduate original movie. And I could easily sing the songs of this movie like the ladies behind you were doing, lol.
    A great exchange you were part of, Meari. I love the stitched pieces that you and Viv exchanged. Great stitching and finishing.

  24. Very pretty exchanges Meari.. As much as I would love to participate in these exchanges, I hesitate scared where it would get lost in post after our experience :(

  25. The pillow is very pretty with perfectly chosen colors! What a lucky exchange recipient!

  26. You have some really cute finishes!!!! Great job!

  27. The pay phone is such a wonderful memory for me. It reminds me of what I believe was a simple time - I know I am getting a little older when I start saying things that remind me of my grandmother

  28. Your gift for Viv turned out beautifully! That is the perfect fabric and I love your addition of the DMC floss to add that something extra.
    As for the original Graduate, yup, I'm a graduate of that era and definitely remember the movie. I think the last time I saw a pay phone was on a trip to my son's place in Quebec a few years ago. Don't know if it's still there now though.


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