
Jul 17, 2017

It's All About The Stitching

My fourth finish of 2017 is Victorian Pansies Sachet.  Finishing involved making a small bag filled with the lavender and polyfil. The bag was then put inside the ribband sachet.  Even though it was a bit fiddly, I like how it turned out.

 The Victorian Pansies series consists of a bookmark, needlecase, scissor keep, and sachet.  Each is a kit by Textile Heritage.  I stitched the scissor fob in 2007 and the needlebook in  2008.  The bookmark and sachet in 2017.  The entire set is beautiful!

Long time readers may recall I finished up Yuku Haru for Debby a few years ago.  She recently sent me a photo of it framed and hanging on her wall.

Now that I've got the sachet done, I'm working on another project of Debby's called Swallows by Maia. She did all the X's and asked me if I'd finish it for her by doing the backstitching.  Here's what it looked like when it arrived in the mail:

The little bit of backstitching I've done has made quite a difference.

Actually, it's mostly long stitch (not backstitch) which I'm tacking into place.  I'm thinking it won't take me as long as Yuku did since there aren't as many French knots.

I.... am... so... ashamed.  ::hangs head::  Back in December, I hosted a giveaway that Pam in IL won.  I've had a post-it note on my dining room table since then to send her prize from my stash.  Apparently, laziness procrastination got the better of me because I never sent the prize until now.  Hey... six seven months isn't so bad, is it?  And since they guilt made me feel bad, I bought something special for Pam.  If you haven't had a chance, hop on over to Pam's blog to see her adorable grand-fur babies, backyard birds, and crafty goodness.  Anywho, just wanted to let Pam know that the prize giveaway is on its way!  So sorry about the tardiness.

Until next time...


  1. Love the pansy sachet, the entire set is lovely. Yuku Haru is beautiful and those birds are pretty too.

  2. Sweetie it is all gorgeous! You do beautiful work.

  3. Your pansy set is beautiful. Yuku Haru is so pretty and I am sure the birds will look awesome.


  4. I love the pansy sachet. I especially love sachets that are filled with lavender, so I think you made a great choice. It never ceases to amaze me how the backstitching on a piece can really make a picture pop and add detail. Your birds are no exception. Have a great day! --Andrea


  5. So nice to see your lovely work Meari. Those pansy pieces are truly beautiful.

  6. I love those sets with the pansies. All lovely finishes. And as you say - procrastination doesn't hurt! Ha Ha !!

  7. ove the pansies. I've looked at these projects as well, but so far have resisted buying them. Love your finishing. And it is always nice to hear from you, Meari.

    Nampa, Idaho (currently)

  8. Meari

    Your stitching is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    Karen V
    Fitchburg MA USA

  9. Meari, your Victorian Pansy finishes are lovely! You have a great sense of finishing and seem to know exactly what looks just right!
    And I still love the box tutorial below - I keep looking at it! :-)

  10. Your Pansy set is gorgeous. Enjoy your day!

  11. Your stitching is beautiful as always!! I can't wait to see Debbie's piece with all of the long stitching in place.

    Kim Mattox

  12. Nice update Meari. I have quite a few boxes I want to finish up, and thanks to your instructions, I am not daunted by the task.

    Thank you for sharing the instructions!

    Christina in Miami

  13. I love idea of using ribband to make a pouch. :) The swallows for Debby are looking beautiful.


  14. Meari,

    Congratulations on finishing your sachet. The set is absolutely beautiful!


  15. The pansy set looks absolutely gorgeous Meari! You did a wonderful job finishing each piece. It is very kind of you to do the finishing on Debby's piece and Yuku looks stunning framed in all her glory.

  16. Beautiful work! Very generous of you to back stitch your friends work. Very pretty!

  17. Your pansy set is so pretty. I always love how back-stitching makes a piece come alive.

  18. Hi Meari

    So good to read your post, I miss the times when you would post once a week. I hope you are doing well. The Pansies are beautiful onc of my favorite flowers.

    Enjoy your evening.


  19. Oh my, Meari, that Victorian Pansy set is just gorgeous. I suppose they are by Textile Heritage? I have some of these little kits and they are just adorable.
    You are right, the backstitching on Maia just gives the picture depth.

  20. So beautiful! I did the bookmark, now actually wanting to stitch something. I lost the bug for about a year now!

  21. This a very pretty pattern.. Lovely finish

  22. Oh my goodness, Meari! You are one amazing lady with your lovely stitching and perfect finishing! I really do love the pansies! I had to scroll down and read other posts you've done (it's been a while since I've had time to look at other's blogs) and I'll be back again soon!! I love how you've finished your box, and now I want to try that!!


  23. Love your smalls Meari :) gorgeous set ... and better late than never with your giveaway prize ... That backstitching is really bringing that piece to life isnt it :) x

    love mouse xxxx

  24. What a wonderful way to finish out the set, Meari! The pansy creations all look so pretty--and so beautifully finished. I don't like backstitching either, but it truly is giving that bird piece a whole new dimension.

    Hope your summer is going well :)

  25. Meari,

    Congrats on your sachet finish. The 4 piece set is gorgeous. What are you stitching on now?

    HUGS, Dee in TN

  26. Very pretty sachet and pansy set.


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