
Jun 26, 2018

More Stitchy Eye Candy

Over Memorial Day weekend, I went on a camping trip just north of Madison, WI.  I haven't been camping for at least 20 years.  Luckily, this camping trip didn't involve tents or fishing.  It involved an air conditioned RV with running water... I found that I could do that kind of camping!  Tyra aka "Sock Monster" also enjoyed herself despite having five other dogs onsite.  Anywho... During that VERY hot and humid weekend, I started a new project.  This was the progress I made during the camping trip.  I'm curious... Does anyone else stitch while camping?

By the end of June, I had a finish.  Home of the Brave (OOP chart) by Blackbird Designs.

Stitched on 28ct Wedgewood Brittany linen with Carrie Creations, Six Strand Sweets, and GAST threads.  Now, I just need to find the perfect frame so I can add it to the stitching wall in my craft room.

Since I was near Madison, a trip to Lynn's of Madison was in order.  If you are ever in the area, I've had really good experiences with the staff at Lynn's.  They are so helpful and friendly.  I had been there last year and kicked myself for not getting a limited edition chart pack.  I decided this time around to get it along with the fabric and threads.  So, what did I get?!!  Suspense killing you?

I made some pretty good progress after stitching for two evenings after work.

Over the weekend, I decided to paint the basket.  It took
F-O-R-E-V-E-R!  I'm talking all morning.  This is what it looked like after two hours of painting all those cracks and crevices.

Last year around Thanksgiving, I stumbled upon some snap closure envelopes at The Dollar Tree.  I bought a package because a light bulb went off in my head... project bags!  I didn't want to buy a lot in case they didn't work.  Big Mistake, BIG!  (in my Pretty Woman voice).  Once I realized they worked really well, I went back for more.  None to be found.  Fast forward to present day and I finally saw them in the folder bins again.  I snatched up the last couple packages they had.

I really like them because not only are they see thru and pretty, but they hold my chart, fabric, threads, scissors, needles, and highlighter.  They also will hold 6x6 or 8x8 qsnaps.  These don't have holes in the bottom corners like other plastic envelopes do.  Best of all, they're very inexpensive... 2 in a package for $1!

That's all I have for now.  So until next time...


  1. Our Memorial Day camping trip I stitched almost every day of the five days we camped. Very pretty finish, Meari.
    Hugs, Sandy

  2. That's a cute finish, and your mail art is really pretty!

  3. Lovely finish and new start too.. I am tempted to get that chart for sure ;)

    What a great idea, you always come up with such brilliant ideas!! Let me go and get a few right away, or rather rummage in V's cupboard ;)

  4. My kind of camping! A doir and soft bed. Good that Sock Monster weathered the extra dogs. Pretty stitching! Well done on your project bags. Nice that you coukd find a few more.

  5. Yes Meari I have cross stitched while camping ..many mail arts have been worked on in the mountains.. I am going to my dollar tree today and see if they have those snap closure envelopes..Love the kit you bought and your finish is so pretty.

  6. Love that mailart. I too decided to get onto some patriotic stitching.

    Patti D

  7. Love your BBD finish with the fabric and threads you used. Glad you were able to get the limited edition kit and more of the snap plastic envelopes. Lovely piece of mailart you created and the one you received from Kita is super!

  8. I HATE camping - it's dark out there! But I love your envelope idea - like the others, I'm headed for dollar tree! Judi in Phoenix (where my car thermometer registered 119 yesterday!!)

  9. I always stitched when we went camping. Every night after dinner and our backgammon game was finished. I'd stitch for a couple of hours at least. Always made good progress. Love your stitching - you do such beautiful work. And love the idea of the snap bags. May have to look for some when we get back to the States. Dorrie

  10. Lovely blog posts, those mail art envelopes are so beautiful. I have always wanted to give one of those a try, but where do you find the patterns? Love the patriotic piece!! The basket is precious, sorry it took so long to paint it! Those envelopes from the dollar tree are perfect, I'll have to look for some!


  11. Meari,

    Lovely stitching and when I see those plastic envelopes I buy them but ours are 1 for $1.00.


  12. I have not camped in a long time but I always had a project with me. Either cross stitch , knitting or crochet.


  13. Most the time I don't get stitching time while camping but hopefully since we have our cabin and I don't have to worry about dirt so much I will be able to soon. We are staying most of next week and I'm going to pack some to take with me. We'll see if I can steal time for it. Love your stitching and your envelopes. I ordered mine from some junk catalog we get. They work so nice.

  14. I love the finish. Too bad the chart is OOP. I camp in a motorhome and always take some stitching with me. Sometimes I stitch every day and others I don't even find time to pick up a needle!

  15. I haven't been camping since I was a little girl, and before any crafty ambitions! I have crocheted while visiting someone at a campsite though, so maybe that counts haha. Like you, I would prefer the RV life. Your new project bags are great! I picked up a cute knitty bits pouch at a Dollar Tree.

  16. Congrats on finishing the Home of the Brave. I turned mine into a stand-up. I'll try to get a photo up next week for the 4th.


  17. Gosh, Meari, I wish I had your energy, and your talent. I love the little ornaments you find, was this another JoAnn find? I'm going to try and sneak a trip to JoAnns (especially since there will be a sale on floss soon) while I'm in NY. Maybe I can find some of those little kits.


  18. Glad you found more of those handy pouches, Meari--can't beat that price! I will have to check out my local Dollar Tree. Home of the Brave is a wonderful finish--love the American flag above the monochromatic design--just beautiful!

    I think RV camping is the only kind of camping I could do :) My BIL and SIL just bought one of those fancy RV campers and absolutely love it. I may have to ask to borrow it to try it out :)


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