
Jul 8, 2018

A Girl's Work

... is never done...

Finally the humidity and high temperatures broke and the weekend brought beautiful weather in which I could actually do some much needed yard work.

On Friday, I mowed the yard.  Then I started to trim the weeds until the weedeater battery died.  The downside to having battery powered tools is the battery only lasts 20-30 minutes before needing a charge and it takes about 4 hours to recharge.  Yes, I know I could buy another battery but at $50 a pop, I have not.  The upside to having battery powered tools is that it forces me to stop and rest my arms and shoulders... otherwise I'd just keep going like I'm the energizer bunny or something.  Then pay for it later.

In the summer, I'm usually up before 6am and wish I could mow or do yard work, LOL.  However, the grass is usually too wet and my neighbors wouldn't appreciate it.  On Saturday, I was up and at 'em at 7:30am trimming more weeds until the battery died.  Back on the charger it went.  I spent most of Saturday making the Thread Keeper and writing the tutorial in my previous post.  Intermission was when the battery was recharged and I went back out to trim more weeds.

I had to put to rest one of my favorite pairs of stitching scissors.   These were given to me many, many years ago by CJ at Tea and Stitches, and have been my favorites. They have traveled with me all over the U.S. and have seen many places. I'm sad to see them go.  Thankfully, I have many more pairs to replace them.  Goodbye my friend... you have served me well.  ::sniffle::

On Sunday, I slept until 9am.  I can't remember the last time I slept so late.  Got up and hit the ground running.  Finished weed trimming the yard. 

Removed a humongous thistle from my flower bed. I bet that thing was 4 ft tall with 3/4" stem.  Note to self:  Do NOT let thistles get that tall... ever!  

It was not an easy task to remove even with gloves on. Sprayed other weedy areas. Pulled weeds out of the flower bed. Trimmed the burning bush until the battery died on the hedge trimmer.  It looks really stupid only half trimmed, but whateva! I also winterized the snowblower aka "Little Blow" and put it away. Swept the garage, did laundry, and repotted my Mom's Christmas cactus.

Silly me then decided to wash the car.  Hey, there were a LOT of splatted bugs on the front and it really needed it.  So, I lugged my pressure washer from the basement and went to work.

Nothing beats a good hand washed car!

Several months ago, I noticed a rub mark on my rear passenger side bumper.  I believe it was done by a coworker because I saw a scrape on her car, but at the time I didn't realize mine had been scraped.  Humph!  Anyway, I digress.

Even though auto parts stores carry rubbing compound just for this purpose, I didn't want to have buy a container of it just for a couple scrapes.  Eureka!  It hit me...

Magic Eraser!  It cleans stuff off paint in the house, so why wouldn't it work on a car?!  I use the Erase and Clean from Family Dollar. They are way cheaper than the name brand and work just as well.  I tore off a small chunk (no reason to waste the entire eraser), wet it, and rubbed the scuff marks right off the car.

Before and After.  The only spot left is a where paint is chipped off.
How's that for a weekend?!  Now, I can gear up for more hot, humid weather. Yippee! (Not)

Until next time...


  1. Oh, I wish I had a tenth of your energy, Meari!! What a great tip on the Magic Eraser (AND it's cheaper knock-off!)... I may have to give that a try on some of the marks on my car :)

  2. What a lot you accomplished this weekend! I stayed inside as much as possible trying to keep cool!

  3. You are amazing girl. Great job!!

  4. Bet you slept well after all that work! It was so nice having a couple of cooler days. Those are some cute scissors. Too bad they broke. I know you have other scissors, but I'd be looking for another pair of those little ones.

  5. I never would have thought about Magic Eraser for cleaning up marks. Will have to try that!

  6. It was so nice this past weekend. I do NOT envy you attacking a thistle that size. We removed a couple this weekend as well... Though they were only about 4 inches tall and we used a propane torch hah! You accomplished a lot so no wonder you slept in!

  7. Boy you got a lot done! Way to go & your thread keeper is so cute.

  8. Meari,

    Your thread keeper tutorial is great and glad you were able to do some housework on your home.



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