
Mar 4, 2019

Mother Nature Has Been Very Angry

I think someone took Mother Nature's PMS meds.  This has been one LONG winter.  Spring cannot come soon enough!

January 12:  Snowed most of the day. Roads were terrible.

January 19:  More snow.  Three hours of shoveling and snowblowing.  Even Tyra wasn't happy.

January 21:  Actual temperature -15F.  Windchill temp -20F  Brrr!

January 22:  25F warmer. Winter storm warning from 9am until 4am on January 23rd.  4-8" snow accumulation.

January 23:  Fog and -20 to -30F windchill temperatures.  We ended up with 5" of snow.  Two hours of shoveling and snowblowing before work and two hours after work.  The upside?  I racked up over 20K steps according to Fitbit.  Another 4-6" forecasted.

January 25: Actual temperature -18F with windchill temps of -20F to -35F.  28F below normal.  We had a windchill advisory/warning until Noon.  High temperature on this day:  2F.

January 26:  Actual temperature -9F.  Freakin' cold!!

January 28:  More snow.  My area received 6-8".  Took me three hours to clear my driveway before going to work.  The upside?  17F temperature. 

 After clearing the driveway and sidewalk, I came home to this thanks to the street department.  Grrrr!

There's a yard light in there somewhere!
In case you're not familiar with Illinois winter weather, here's some humor for you:

January 29:  Windchill temps of -26F.  The governor issued a State of Emergency.  Lots of businesses and of course schools closed.

January 30:  Windchill temperatures of -45F to -55F.  I stayed home from work.  I did not want to risk being at work and then not have my car start.  Instant brain freeze when I went outside.  I had everything covered except for my eyes and forehead.

January 31:  -35F actual temperature. These negative temperatures were getting SO old!


February 1:  Three more inches of snow overnight.  Actual temperature -1F.  I could only shovel snow for an hour at a time before having to go back in the house to warm up.  Two hours after getting to work, it snowed again.  Thankfully, the latest snowfalls have been light and fluffy.

February 5:  Freezing rain and sleet.  Another winter advisory until Feb 6th.  6/10th of an inch of ice.

February 6:  "Walk Like A Penguin" day!  I put down over 100lbs of salt in an attempt to get rid of the ice.  I wore my strap-on spikes.  They are worth their weight in gold to be able to walk over ice.  More freezing rain overnight!

February 7:  Power went out at work due to ice.  My backyard looked like an ice rink.  Another 100lbs of salt used up trying to keep the ice at bay on my driveway.

February 8:  40mph howling winds overnight.  Windchill temps of -30F.

Incidentally, one year ago today I cleared 9" of snow off my driveway.

February 10:  That ice rink I previously mentioned?  I fell and hurt my back and neck.  My clothesline was put up between the garage and tree in the backyard so that I can more safely walk across the ice when I take the dog out.

February 11:  Emergency visit to the chiropractor.  My neck and back hurt so bad.  It brought tears to my eyes when the doc adjusted my neck.

February 13:  More snow!  3-4" of the white fluffy stuff.  After I cleared the driveway, it sleeted, and then snowed some more.  Sigh.  I woke to 1/4" of ice topped with snow.  Had to chip away the ice in order to clear the driveway after getting off work.  Snowblower broke down.  Ugh.

February 15:  60F temperature change in the past 24 hours.  Valentine's Day brought a beautiful 40F weather.  Today it was -27F windchill temperatures.

February 17:  Two inches of snow cleared before work.  Three more inches when I got off work.

February 20:  We didn't get the snow forecasters called for which gave me time to scrape the rest of the ice off my driveway.  Once done, I created a message on my snow bank for passersby:

February 27:  More freezing rain!

March 4:  -25F windchill temperatures and gusty 25mph winds.


Until next time...


  1. we got a crappy snow storm today, I want spring too. hugs

  2. Just to make you feel better --- we ARE having spring right now! LOL Gee, that didn't make you feel better?? Oops! I do not envy you one bit with all the snow and cold. We have been complaining down here about what a cold winter it's been, but after reading about yours, I'll stop with the complaining --- going to get up to 80 degrees here this week - come on down! Judi in Phoenix

  3. It's sure been brutal. Makes me worry what heat the summer will bring. I hated last year. Most weekends we were at our cabin we had to hide inside from the heat.

  4. Oh Meari, I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. My heart goes out to you and all her friends. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    WOW what a winter you are having!! It reminds me of the two months I spent with my Mom after an extended hospital stay and convalescence at home a few years ago. It stayed -25 for over a week while I stayed there and we got more than 2 feet of snow during one storm. That is why I will never live in Northern NY again! Stay safe and I hope your back and neck are feeling better. That sounds like it was a nasty fall.


  5. This has been a brutal winter, for sure, and ours is not over yet. Darn cold and windy yesterday and today and we're supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow tomorrow night. Spring can't come soon enough.

  6. You really got hard-hit this winter, Meari! I keep knocking on wood, but our winter here in western PA has been an easy one. Very little snow and although we've had cold temps--they've been nothing compared to yours! I can't complain... I do hope things warms up for you soon--you deserve a lovely Spring!


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