
May 3, 2019

Eight States in Nine Days - Part 1

As I alluded in my previous post, I'm recently back from vacation.  Had a wonderful nine days away from work!  In those nine days, I traveled from Illinois to Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Washington DC (technically not a state), and Tennessee before working the interstate roads back to Illinois.  Despite rain to the southeastern part of the states and on the way back, it was still a beautiful drive -- Appalachian mountains and rolling hills.

Passing through West Virginia, the clouds were touching the top of the mountains.  It was so cool!

Sixteen hours later, I was in Virginia.  I was so happy to see my second Mom, Sue.  After greetings and hugs, luggage was unloaded, and to bed we went.

While in Virginia, I saw Yorktown Beach (again).  Weather was beautiful and people were actually swimming in the York River.  Not in this section, though.

The schooner Alliance is one of the Yorktown Saling Charts guests can book a ride.
This is a reconstruction of the Yorktown Windmill built in 1711 and was a guidepost on the York River for almost 200 years. The fully functional reconstructed mill sits less than 100 yds from where the original mill was built.

It was fun walking along the boardwalk.

In one of the used bookstores on the boardwalk, there was a cross stitched map of the U.S.  It was about 3 1/2 feet wide.  I was so tempted to ask "How much?"

The Coleman bridge is a double swing bridge that spans the York River between Yorktown and Gloucester Point.

Had the fish lunch at one of the many restaurants on the boardwalk.  The outside seating overlooked the river with the bridge to the left and docked Alliance on the right. Largest piece of fish I've ever been served!  Seeing as it was lunch time, I expected a plate about 1/3 the size.  It was so good, though.  Yummo!

On another day, a trip to the Mariner's Museum in Newport News was made. There is an excellent 3D movie... the museum and movie was only $7!  Well worth a trip if you're in the area.
Near the Mariner's Museum is a 5 mile walking path with a bridge that spans a river. At least a dozen turtles made a beeline toward the bridge.

Easter Sunday was spent at my Mama Bear's house. We had turkey, stuffing, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy.  Her friend, Ben, made a homemade apple tart which was very good. 

The Easter bunny left something on Mama Bear's front step.  I wonder what it could be?

 Oh, look... It's a mug and mug rug!

**If you look at the ribbon embellishments on the Easter bag, you may notice I used fabrics from the mug rug.  Cute, eh?!

The Easter bunny found me in Virginia and left me this lovely chart.

Stay tuned for the next installment of my vacation adventure.

Until next time...


  1. Well Part 1 was a good read! It sounded like you had a wonderful adventure and stay in Virginia. The pictures you shared were beautiful. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. What an awesome adventure. I loved all of the pictures you shared. It looks like you saw some beautiful country and had great weather much of the time. I visited West Virginia several years ago, and thought it was one of the most beautiful states I had ever seen. So happy you were able to do this. Dorrie

  3. I envy your vacation trip, Meari! It's been so long since we've taken a trip for fun! And with Billy's arthritis and my lack of oxygen, I don't see us making any more trips. Very annoying and depressing, as we would love to visit any number of places!

    I love the birds and cherry blossoms piece you're finishing for your friend.

    Have a great weekend, with lots of stitching time!

    Betty W.

  4. It sounds like an amazing trip, Meari. I feel the same as you. I'd rather do some extra traveling now just in case the future doesn't allow for it. And if it does, then it's all bonus. :-)

    Sandy in NM

  5. Glad you and Sue had a great visit. Glad the Bunny was able to find you!

    Yorktown is about an hour from my brother's home!

  6. Spring is a beautiful time to visit those areas! I tried to find that USA map cross stitch online and fell into the rabbit hole.....and gave up. :)


  7. What a fantastic trip so far! So glad you got to visit Sue!


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