
Sep 25, 2019

When I Was Little...

When I was little, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up.  As an adult, I've tapped into my artistic side by engaging in various hobbies: 

•  Photography -- I've been fascinated by cameras since I was about 7 years old.  I'd steal borrow my parents Polaroid camera to take photos.  My Dad gave me that same camera which he purchased when he was in the military before I was born.  For my 13th Christmas, my Mom bought me my first camera.  I've had one ever since.

•  Cross Stitch -- My first project in 1984 was a birth sampler I designed myself using motifs from an old women's magazine my Mom had.  It's now stained, but I still have it. I've been stitching ever since.

•  Watercolor Painting -- Hard to believe it's been three years since I started learning how to paint with what a lot of people call "a difficult medium".  I still consider myself a newbie, but I really enjoy it.  I'd like to think I've gotten better since my first painting.  I've taken some classes and learned about Chinese Brush Painting, Etegami, and watercolor painting by two local artists.

Recently, I did a watercolor painting for Vikki in FL.  One of her favorite things is coffee, so I did a coffee cup.  This one was so fun, I'm contemplating doing another one for my sketchbook.

Until Next Time...


  1. This is wonderful Meari! It is fun expressing ourselves in different ways, isn't it? I am working on my first sampler of my own design right now.

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog and your "adventures" in anything you try - home repairs, cross stitch, photography, and painting. I think your latest watercolor painting is so well done. Keep exploring your creative side and keep telling us about it!

  3. Michele Marshall aka MingoSeptember 25, 2019 at 10:24:00 AM CDT

    It's been a long time since I've *had* time to read your blog. Enjoyed catching up!

  4. It’s very interesting to read how you stretched into other types of art. I enjoyed your blog very much.

    Then I realized I hadn’t read your July one....either I had company or was traveling. Score on all the art supplies! I’m so happy for you.


  5. There are so many forms of art to try! And you seem to either excel or are getting better at many of them. I still have the watercolour card you sent me. And in a way, the art is an extension of the photography.

  6. It is wonderful that you have been experimenting with your creative side and stretching yourself. Great job - and great blog.


  7. Coffee cup watercolor is very pretty. Love the colors.

  8. It is good to explore other ideas of crafting and I think you did a good job.


  9. Great reading about your creative interests. I love the coffee cup watercolor. I've always had to have art and creativity in my day. Watercolor is my favorite medium to play with.

  10. Your watercolor is lovely, Meari! Sure wish I had any painting/drawing talent :) My artistic talents seem to be limited to stitching with a bit of photography thrown in. Both are such wonderful creative outlets :)

  11. I always enjoy seeing your artwork.I like the coffee cup..I have no drawing abilities but I do enjoy my cross stitch...sewing and taking pictures..

  12. Great post! I love seeing how creative people can be and you are certainly a creative one! You forgot to include your sewing!

  13. Everything you've ever done that I've read about you've done fantastic. Love all your adventures. Your watercolor is just amazing.


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