
Mar 31, 2020

My Covid-19 Reality

On March 20th, Illinois Governor Pritzker issued "Shelter in Place" order until April 7th.  This means citizens of Illinois are to stay at home as much as possible.  We can still go get groceries, go to the doctor, get gas -- essential things.

For a couple weeks prior to the Shelter in Place order, my employer began proactive steps to keep the employees healthy -- extra cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, limiting people other than employees into our office buildings as well as having employees going between buildings, and encouraging those who could work from home to do so.

Once Shelter in Place took effect, I was set up to work from home. 

So far, it's working pretty well.  The CEO of our company holds video conferences twice a week to keep all of us informed as to what's going on with Covid-19 as well as the company.

Today was the first day I left the house in a week.  No one is allowed in my house except for me and the pup.

Today, the governor extended Shelter in Place until April 30th.  Since April 7th, there have been 937 new cases of Covid-19 in Illinois bringing total cases to almost 6,000.  There have been 26 more deaths bringing it to 99 statewide.  In my county there are 6 cases and thankfully no deaths.  Testing is limited to those over the age of 55 who show symptoms.

By day, I am working my job.  By night, I've been busy making masks.  My niece is a nurse and she's been told they are to reuse their masks until they can't be used anymore.  My cousin works in an essential retail business in TN.  The grandmother of a five year old girl with asthma asked me to make a mask for her to wear to the doctor's office.  I've made 33 masks in four days.  Elastic is on short supply because a lot of people are making masks so I've started making some with ribbon ties.  HERE is a good article about sewists making masks across America.

Adult Masks
Child Masks
I've seen a few people online say that after a while the elastic bands make their ears hurt.  I came up with a headband solution where the elastic can be attached to large buttons.

Another cool thing going on right now are Windows of Hope.  Since most of us are stuck inside, people are decorating their windows sending out messages of love and hope.  You can read about it HERE.

Despite all the gloom and doom, fear, news of Covid-19 sickness and death not only in the U.S. but all over the world, there's some humor coming out as well.

And for the kiddos:

If neither of those leave a smile on your face, here's a pig eating ice cream...

Until next time....  Stay safe and well!


  1. I am glad you are safe and are able to work from home Meari. I am making masks for my son Jacob and his fellow nurses at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. They ran out. :( I am also making them for family and friends. You take care good care my friend.

  2. Meari, I am glad your employer was being proactive and glad you are able to work from home. I think the Windows of Hope are a cool idea. Be well and safe!

  3. Glad you are able to work from home.

    Be safe.


  4. Great post, Meari. Thank you for spending all of your spare time making masks for others. I'm sure they will be appreciated. I love the idea of the headband - how inventive! You are one special lady. Bless you.

    Stay safe and healthy.


  5. I'm so glad your company is allowing you to work from home. My husband's work is still making him go and that's so irritating. He is being as safe as he can be not to bring it home but I'm of course concerned.

  6. Sounds like you've adjusted well to working at home, Meari. My husband is now doing it, too, and I'm amazed at how seamless the transition seems. I haven't left my home in almost three weeks as we flew on March 14th and I didn't want to risk exposing anyone if I'd picked up something on one of the four flights I was on. Thankfully, all is well. Take good care now!

  7. I love your window with the hearts! I finally got my hearts put in the windows. I don't have a problem with the Shelter in Place order or social distancing, I just wish I didn't have to go out at all. Take care, my friend.


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