
Feb 17, 2014

Second Happy Dance!

Yesterday, I did a small happy dance after I finished up You Are So Loved.  As you can see I changed up the colors quite a bit.  Mine contains more blues and purples than pinks.

Fabric:  28ct White Linen - Unknown brand
Fibers:  DMC, WDW Blueberry

Now that I've finished it, I'll be starting to plan out my next mailart project.  It'll be a Spring/Easter theme.  Hmmm... what should I choose?  I'll also be working on JG as time permits.

As you know, this winter has been one that just goes on and on and on... like the Energizer bunny!  I tell people we've been having two types of winter:  Wind and Snow -or- Subzero temps.  Speaking of subzero temps:


We did have a heat wave over the weekend.  A whopping 20F.  We also received another 2" of snow.  Today, we're under a 12-hour winter storm warning.  I started off for work at 6am and after driving on a drifted highway and whiteout conditions, I decided to turn around and come back home.  It started sleeting when I got home.  Forecasters say the worst is yet to come.... 4-7" leaning toward the 7.  If we get that much, it'll be our largest single snowfall of the season.  In that aspect, we've been lucky... We've received a lot of snow, but not a lot of snow with each snowfall.

Until next time,


  1. What a sweet stitch!
    Same ugly storm headed our way today.

  2. This is precious! Our snow just started here... we'll have to see how much we get. Stay safe!


  3. You Are So Loved looks great, Meari! Be careful in that weather....we've been getting snow, then bitter cold, then snow all winter, too, but less of the sleet and wet stuff. We got another 4 inches on Saturday and we're set for another 2 tomorrow....

    Karin in MA

  4. I love this piece! I have it downloaded on my laptop. I am working on Hanna's ornie for this year.

    You did a great job Meari; love the colors! I look forward to seeing more of JG.

    Sue your SM

  5. Love your color changes, Meari!! This piece is so darling :)

    Hope it warms up soon--we're due for another 4 inches tonigh...sigh...

  6. Lovely little finish..I like your color substitutions. Be safe out there!


  7. That is a darling piece - and do like the color changes! Sorry the heat wave won't continue. Stay warm and be safe!

  8. Just stumbled at that freebie design earlier and would be one of my next project..Yours looks lovely and like the colours you've chosen.

  9. You are so loved is beautiful!!!
    Betty in AZ (ILCS)

  10. Congrats on the darling finish -- love your colors!

    Here's to warmer weather for you -- I'll trade you 15-20 degrees for some snow pack in the Sierras. Deal?

  11. Very beautiful finish! I like ghe blues and purples. We are getting the storm tomorrow. Getting a few inches here and 6 inches there, it adds up. Between storms, it is not warming up to melt so it's adding up. This winter is miserable.

  12. It looks wonderful Meari and I love the colors you picked. So glad you turned around and came back home. It has been snowing all day and still coming down. Look forward to seeing what you pick for your next mailart...Easter is my favorite because of the bunnies! :)

  13. beautiful work and I love the saying.


  14. Congrats on the finish!

    This is definitely a winter I'll always remember. We are 5 inches from our snowiest winter ever. Getting several inches right now so I'm sure we'll beat the record. It will be hot and sweaty too soon though.

  15. Meari,

    Just love *You are so loved*, love those birdies!

    I'm so looking forward to your new mail art, they are so cool!


  16. Beautiful stitching love the colors and the saying!

  17. Such a cute and cheery finish! Looking forward to seeing what the mailart will look like!

  18. Lovely finish! The blues are very pretty.
    I wish that the weather would give your guys a break!!

  19. I agree with the changes in colors for that last project but then, I like blues and purples more than the pink colorways. Very nice project. Thanks for sharing.


  20. Love your color changes. I love seeing how people change colors. Seeing others do so, has given me courage to do so as well.

    I just put my JG away until next month.

  21. Great finish and I love the colors you chose!

    Yesterday's snow storm dropped 12 inches on us! We've had it all this year with the brutal winds, cold temps and tons and tons of snow. We've not been as lucky as you with the snowfall in that every time we get snow it's always alot. Anything under a 6 inch snowfall would be a treat, lol.

  22. Congrats on the finish, Meari. You Are So Loved is very pretty.

    Sandy in NM


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