
Feb 17, 2014

Snow Photos

Last week, Faith mentioned she'd like to see some of my winter photos.  I meant to have the BF take a photo of me with some of these piles, but I forgot.  So, I tried to include something as a point of reference to show how high the piles are.

This is my back yard.  I've had to start three snow piles.  The one to the left and middle are over 5 feet tall.  This is snow that I shoveled off half my driveway and then used the snowblower to put it into piles.

View of sidewalk.  The pile to the left was created from the yucky stuff the plows push into the end of my driveway.  It's almost as tall as I am.

The snow bank that goes down the left side of my driveway is four to five feet tall.  Taller than the hedges which you can see peeking out up by the house.  This snow bank stretches from the end of the driveway all the way over to the pine tree.

This the first year the steam from the white pipe created an icicle from the ground up.  It's probably eight to ten inches in diameter.

Until the next snowfall,


  1. Wow - you really have it bad there. I admit I do not miss that kind of weather and am so glad I live in FL. Just remind me this summer why I live down here if I start to complain. ;-)
    Blessings, Donna ILCS

  2. And all this time I thought northern Maine, next to Canada had the most snow.

    Keep safe & warm.


  3. You guys look like us here in Upstate NY, try to stay safe and warm out there it's 2 here right now I know how your feeling. My muffler got knocked loose from the snow banks at the end of the driveway off of our van yesterday time to go to Midas ughh! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh Meari - that is a LOT of snow! Your driveway goes back so far (ours stops at the front of the house) so I see why you have had so much snow to shovel! I hope that this will be our last week of this fluffy cold stuff! Thanks for sharing your pictures :)

  5. Meari,

    Your driveway is humungus! What a work out you must be getting hoisting all that snow so high. I actually enjoy shovelling snow, albeit in light snowfalls only. You have had way too much to enjoy. That's one scary looking icicle you've got growing there.


  6. OMG! What a lot of snow. Should I see if I can find dimensions for the ark?!! Hang in there - it can't last forever. Judi in Phx

  7. Wow! I love the icicle! I never saw one formed from the ground up. A lot of snow you got.

  8. Lots of snow! Looks about the same here in Ohio, thanks for sharing the pics! Spring will be here soon!

  9. Meari your finish is lovely!

    You sure have a lot of snow. Our winter has been quite mild and so far almost snowless. The snowdrops are in full bloom and other bulbs are showing their leaves as they push through the ground.

    I just hope that all those in the south who are getting these heavy winter storms and snow are staying safe and warm.


  10. We just got dumped on yesterday too.

  11. Keep thinking Spring!!
    It has been a very harsh winter for sure.
    Have you found the right quilt project yet? And your next mailart project??

    Stay warm.

  12. You must so over this by now! so sorry. Maybe the groundhog will bring good news this year?

  13. GReat pictures. Lots of snow. I do hope it will melt slowly...

    Be safe and try to stay warm.

  14. The steam vent stalagmite is pretty cool! We have some awesome icicles on our roof. We're getting a couple more inches today, and then it's supposed to warm up for a few days before it snows again next weekend. Hopefully some of it will melt to make room for the next batch.

    Karin in MA

  15. Ugh! I guess you don't want to hear that it was 76 degrees here today :-)


  16. UGH--aren't you sick of it, Meari?!! We had more last night and another day of school cancellations... I sure hope this mid-week warm-up happens and melts some of this white stuff :)

  17. We have lots of snow and I live in a cul-de-sac where the plows put the snow against the wall and now dumping the snow on our sidewalk so we cannot clean that part.

    I hope you do not get more snow.


  18. I posted pics of all our snow last week and we've had another 18+ inches since I took those pics. Today's warmer temps sure felt good! I'm hoping we have a good amount melt tomorrow before the heavy rain comes on Thursday. How exciting it is to see the concrete of my sidewalk again!

  19. Your photos look a lot like my drive and yard. The weatherman keeps saying
    40 degrees or more but not seen yet. Our snow blower died just before the
    largest storm and we just received the replacement. I am hoping we will not
    have to use it much. Lol

    Jackie in PA

  20. I know we are both in Illinois, Meari, but you did receive alot more snow than we did here in East Central Illinois!

  21. Yuck! Too much snow! Are you going to get more today? We're getting 2-4 today which for us this year is a lot. It's been very dry here.

  22. WOW!! That is alot of snow!!!!
    Keep safe & warm.
    Betty in AZ (ILCS)

  23. Wow, that's a lot of snow, Meari. We've had some pretty mild temps here in NM the last week or so. I'm hoping that doesn't mean we're in for an early or warmer summer.

    Sandy in NM

  24. Wow! Beautiful photos - we had NO snow this year, just LOTS of rain. We live on high ground fortunately, so no damage, just not been able to get out so much.


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