
May 5, 2014

Adventures in No Poo

Over the past year, I've read a lot about people going the route of "No Poo" or "ShamPhree" meaning using natural products rather than commerical shampoo products that contain lots of chemicals.  Over the weekend, I decided to try it.  OMG... I had a hair nightmare while I was awake.

First, I used a natural recipe from Mother Earth News newsletter.  It contained castile soap, water, and a tiny bit of oil.  Now, to be fair... I do use castile soap for hand washing and general cleaning around the house with no problem.  However, on my hair... Despite using the recommended ACV (apple cider vinegar/water) rinse, "no poo" left a heavy film.  After blow drying, my hair could be styled toward the ceiling using a comb. It would've stayed that way if I'd had the notion!

Obviously, I couldn't leave my hair like that so I opted for the second "no poo" alternative I'd read about.  Baking soda and water followed by the ACV rinse.  I watered my hair down and started again.  Hoping that this mixture would rinse the film out of my hair.  No such luck.  After blow drying, it still had a film on it and I looked like Medusa on a bad hair day.

By this point, I'm 2 hours into my hair routine and had places to go, people to see if you know what I mean.  Obviously, I couldn't subject peeps to what looked like greasy, flyway hair.  I shampoo'd my hair yet a third time with my tried and true commercial products in order to bring back my smooth, soft, somewhat shiny hair.

A couple of other things I found out about after my "no poo" adventure which I hadn't read about before:  Castile soap should not be used on color treated hair.  Baking soda will remove hair color as well.  The two natural recipes may work for some people, but they didn't work for me.

A couple weeks ago, my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. I've taken a few days off work here and there in order to go with my parents to the consultation appointments. Dad has so many medical appointments and doctors that he's getting confused and upset. So, I've started keeping a log of the appointments and what's been said at each one by whom.

He's been diagnosed with Soft Tissue Sarcoma. It's a rare cancer with unknown origins. At the consultation appointments, the doctors wouldn't give a prognosis or whether it has spread. Actually, we had some discrepancy between the two doctors as to whether it has spread or not. He had an MRI last week, and this week there is another consultation appoint that I'll be going to with him.

I received my first ever Easter/Spring mailart!  After doing a Christmas themed one (seen HERE and HERE), Anne of Doll's Musings and I agreed to do a private exchange again.  She did such a great job of stitching and putting it together. :)  She included a pretty card telling me about the fabric, designs, and floss she used.  I wish I had thought of that!

Fabric: 28ct Baby Blue Luguna
Fibers:  DMC, Dinky Dyes, and GAST

Design:  Tulips and Chick by Snowflower Diaries

Design:  Breath of Spring by Blackbird Designs

Incidentally, my 16 year old niece was with me when I picked up my mail from the post office.  I showed it to her and explained a little about mailart.  Her eyes lit up and she said, "That is SO the bomb!"  LOL  Later, I showed her my collection of mailart and told her where in the world they came from and she thought it was really cool.
I've had little time for stitching, but have managed to get a few X's in here and there.  Petal Pincushion has become my work lunch hour project now that the Easter/Spring mailart is complete.  I've gotten five of the nine pieces done and am well on my way to have a sixth one done.
As you may recall, I am doing this as a SAL with Christina at A Stitchers Work.  She is farther along than I am and has given me a heads up that the instructions aren't correct as far as the dimensions of the bottm piece.  I scanned over the instructions last week and had questioned it in my mind, too.  Since I'm using a different count fabric, I didn't think too much of it at the time because I've had to re-figure sizes of everything anyway.  Christina has contacted JCS regarding the snafu in the instructions, though.
On to my next project:  I haven't worked on JG since the end of March. Shame on me!  Last night, I pulled it out and worked about an hour and half on it.  Doesn't look like I did much, though.

Recently, Sue finished A Little Beach by Lizzie Kate.  I had commented on how adorable it was (and is!).  She RAK'd it to me along with a very sweet card.  Thank you, SM!

 Until next time,



  1. Hope and pray they find treatment for your dad. You Wip's look great.

  2. So enjoyed the blog, as always dear SD.... :)

    The mail art is gorgeous! Wish I had that talent. I did received one a few years back from someone in Finland and I just treasure it so much!! Do you have a tutorial for it?? I will have to peruse your blog! You do such beautiful work, it is no wonder you have so many stitch friehds that stitch for you too :)

    You know that you, Mom and Dad are in my prayers each and every day; I am here to travel this journey with you; every step of the way......... :)

    Your JG and your other needlework pieces are looking magnificent. This is good that you have your stitching to keep your hands and mind occupied right now; stay strong, and keep your chin up sweetie.

    Love ya bunches,
    Sue your SM

  3. Quite a "hair-raising" experience you had with those shampoos! Sorry I couldn't let that one get past me :)

    Hope that they find a treatment for your dad soon and that it will get under control. Nothing worse than the uncertainty of everything.

  4. Crazy with the hair stuff!! I am praying for your father.♥

  5. I truly hope that the cancer hasn't spread for your dear father. Sending you all the prayers and good thoughts I can muster.

    I had to chuckle about the no poo experiment. I too try not to use commercial chemical stuff so I switched my shampoo to some natural ones and they work well. Haven't tried your method though...not sure I will after yours!

    I had a lot of fun with the mailart Meari!! I'm so glad you liked it! I still have yours up...can't put it away quite yet :D

    Beautiful pieces for the petal pincushion. Hopefully it'll all work out in the end. Thinking of Chatelaines, I haven't touched mine since March either! I really need to put a few stitches in it soon!!


  6. So sorry about your Dad. Getting to all the appointments and keeping track of all the information is a full time job in itself - try to stay rested. (Easier said than done, I know.) LOVE the mail art-how nice that a teenager thought it was cool!

  7. LOL You poor thing, with your hair nightmare! Congrats on your Easter/Spring mailart exchange - very cute!

    Karin in MA

  8. Your father is in my prayers. I know it can be very confusing and frighten at the same time. Stay strong!
    Your stitching is beautiful. The mailart is gorgeous. It is cool your niece lived the mailart.

  9. I'm glad your dad finally got a diagnosis, Meari, and hope and pray that the doctors will come up with a good way to treat him. This must be such a scary and stressful time for your whole family...

    I do love your mail art and Anne's piece to you is so sweet. I'm still amazed that it can travel safely through our mail system--and Canada's!!

    Hope you can find a natural shampoo for color treated hair. You are braver than I am for even trying those alternatives in the first place :)

  10. My prayers include your dad and family. I hope that you all can tackle this and keep strong. Lovely stitching as usual and mail art is cool!

  11. Meari,
    I'm so sorry about your Dad. My thoughts are for all of your family.


  12. Prayers for your father and your family. I went through much the same with my father's cancer diagnosis back in 1990-1991. Your stitching is looking very nice, love the mail art piece, I've never tried to do one of those yet.

    Take Care
    Hugs ... Sandy

  13. Oh dear - I tried a range of natural haircare, and it made my normall, curly hair greasy and lank - at least when I poured it all down the drain I wasn't polluting the earth! Hope there is good news for your dad - I remember when DS was in hospital we got all kinds of conflicting views, and keeping notes is an essential.

  14. Sending thoughts and prayers to your Dad and your family. I am so glad that you are able to help with all of the appointments.
    The mailart is wonderful, so glad that your niece got to see the mail :)
    Your current projects look great. As for the shampoo?!

  15. Meari I still have you and your dad in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you for posting your green story and I will keep in mind to keep using my regular shampoo. I wish you had filmed it for utube.

    Those mailart projects are very nice. I am glad that you are behind on your JG as it makes me feel better for having so little stitching time these days.


  16. Enjoyed your post - and loved the Adventures of no-poo. I have to say I have tried all natural things you make in the house - some worked, some not so much. I never had quite the disaster that you did though.
    Loved looking at your stitching - so very pretty!

  17. Meari, sending good thoughts and healing vibes for your dad.

    Couldn't help but have a giggle about your No Poo attempts. Nothing worse than something not going to plan when you have places to go!
    Love all the mailart projects.

  18. Your mail art always amazes me!! I'm with your niece - it's the bomb!! I'm keeping your dad in my prayers. I hope you get some good news soon.

  19. I will be keeping your dad and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    The mailart is gorgeous, and wonderful progress on Petal Pincushion and Japanese Garden!

  20. Your mail art is so sweet
    And your dad is in my prayers
    Big hugs x

  21. LOL about the no poo ordeal! Maybe I should try it! My hair just wants to hang flat! That's why I keep it permed! On second thought, maybe I'll pass! Chemicals aren't so bad. Water is a chemical, after all! ;o) So sorry that your dad is having such a tough time. Hopefully the doctors can figure it out and give him more answers. Love the mail art! I've never participated in that type of exchange before, but it looks cool. Oh, I mean, it's the bomb! LOL!!

    Happy Trails,
    Pam K. in TN :o)

  22. I have heard of the no poo hair treatment from others who have done it. Have not tried it myself, maybe sometime soon. That is so cute about what your niece said about your mailart being the bomb! All your stitching is beautiful. My prayers are with you and your family.

  23. Praying for your dad. My dad was diagnosed with cancer in March--it has been rough, without going into a lot of details. But he's fighting.

    I learned that castile soap is not a friend to my hair. It made it like steel wool. I have to have shampoo.

  24. Great mailart from Anne! And great progress on your JG...any progress is progress. I hope you get some answers from the doctors soon and a game plan. Not knowing and being confused with medical diagnosis is so stressful. Thinking of you, your dad and family.

  25. So sorry to hear about your dad. I hope the news turns out to be good and that it's treatable and doesn't/hasn't spread. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. xx

    I am so sorry though (completely changing the subject!)I laughed myself silly at the first section of your post. First off 'no poo' nearly had me skimming over the blog rather quickly. Don't get me wrong, I love your blog but not to read about your constipation problem! I had never heard of no poo before! Then the tale of woe that your trial turned into really made me giggle! I take it you won't be trying the experiment again in a hurry?

  26. Beautiful stitches! It's cool that your niece was visiting when you got the mailart and took an interest in it.

    Hope this week's consultation goes well. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  27. Good thoughts going out for your dad!

    I have problem hair because of all my medications. On top of that, it's naturally frizz is common. I switched to Wen a few years ago and have never looked back. The stuff is insanely expensive, but my "straw" hair is now soft and shiny. It is good for color treated hair, as well. I think you can get a trial bottle for $20. I know it's ridiculous, but it works so well...

    Love the mail art! I will be looking for your tutorial.

    take care

  28. I am sending all my prayers and best wishes to your Dad. Please look after yourself, too. Illness is so stressful for the whole family. Love all of your stitching and the mail art from Anne, you are both so clever with it.

  29. I hope that they can find a treatment for your Dad, and will continue to pray for him and your whole family.

    The mail art is beautiful and your stitching also.


  30. So good to read an update from you.

    Such beautiful mail art.

    Am praying for your Dad's health

  31. Keeping your dad, you and family in thoughts and prayers. Oh no about your hair, hopefully it's back to your normal. Great stitching as always Meari and that is exciting how excited your niece was with the mailart!

  32. Sorry about your Dad. Sending prayers out to you and him that the MRI delivers good news.

  33. Really beautiful mailart and nice stitching



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