
May 26, 2014

Stitch from Stash - May

How can it be time to report on May's Stitch From Stash challenge already?  It seems like I just reported on April.  Coordinated by Mel at Epic Stitching, the purpose of SFS is to stitch from our stash in order to reduce spending.  A side effect is actually finishing some of my BAPs and stitching those charts in my stash-to-do pile.  It's a win-win! 

During the month of May, I did not spend anything.  That's two months in a row. Woo Hoo!

My tips for not spending: 
1)  Don't look at the stitchy newsletters that come via email.  If you have to look, delete them right after to reduce temptation to buy. 
2)  For paper catalogs, think of them as a wish book.  Circle things you want, but then set it aside.  Anyone remember the Sears Wish Book catalogs?  As a kid, I used to pour over those things and think about all the things I wanted... and of course, didn't get. 
3)  Think outside the box when stitching and finishing -- try to come up with ways to substitute fabrics and flosses you already have.  There are tons of finishing tutorials (I have some in my sidebar) that walk you step-by-step on how to do them.

Since my last SFS report, I worked on two projects:
1.  Japanese Garden
3.  Petal Pincushion
Progress photos will be in my next post.
Until next time,


  1. Also, if you're a member of stitch groups on Facebook, don't look at Facebook. Or delete the "new charts" posts immediately! There are a lot of stitching temptations on there!

  2. ooo well done ... I have been really good tooo and used a lot of my stash up ... you can't tell though hahahah love mouse xxxx

  3. Congrats on not spending this month! You're doing great with your SFS. And thanks for the tips - I sure do remember the Wish Book, LOL ;) I'm trying to think of alternate finish methods also and am having lots of fun looking at tutorials. I'll be sure to go through your list!

  4. Congrats on not spending any money this month Meari!

  5. Congratulations on not spending anything again. Some useful tips there too. xx


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