
Feb 16, 2015

Marvelous Monday Update 2/16/15

Hello friends and fellow stitchers. Happy Belated Valetine's Day! I hope yours was a good one. The BF surprised me with a dozen red roses. It was the first time he's ever gotten me roses... it was so special :)

For him, I made this card and bought tickets to a play for next weekend. Although he likes plays, he said he liked the card much more. And can you believe he said his roses "pale in comparison" to my card?!

Designer: Northern Expressions Needlework
Fabric: 28ct Waterlily Linen
Fibers: DMC 107 (discontinued)
Embellishments: Repurposed paper lace, Cardstock,
Handmade cording with JP Coates 143

My goal for last week was to finish the floral vine to the left of the house.  As you can see, I exceeded my goal and am over halfway done with the alphabet.  It won't be long before I'm announcing my third finish for 2015.  Yay!

Some of you may recall that I participate in my employer's healthy lifestyle program.  Participants have to earn 5,000 points in order to earn a discount on the cost of our health insurance.  Last year, I earned 10,000 points through healthy lifestyle choices.  Ten percent of the points from a previous year carryforward to the current year, which means participants don't have to work as hard to earn points (if they don't want to).  Since I had earned 10K points (the highest level "Platinum"), my name was put into a jackpot drawing with all other platinum earners in the entire program (not just the ones at my employment).  Guess what?  I won a jackpot prize!!  I'll soon be the new owner of an iPad mini.  Woo Hoo!

That's all I have for this week!
Until next time,


  1. Yes, you are galloping along on the autumn sampler. Congrats on the flowers, I used to get flowers but its been a long time since. Enjoy them. Your card is gorgeous!

  2. Your card for the BF turned out beautifully. Congratulations on winning the iPad mini!!

    Karin in CA

  3. Beautiful flowers! You have a keeper with the BF :)
    Your current work is so nice.
    Way to go on the iPod mini!

  4. I agree! Your card is wonderful. The roses are lovely too.

  5. Your roses are gorgeous! You did a magnificent job on the card and BF is right! is the love and time you put into it for someone very special.

    Midnight Watch looks fabulous! And, congrats on winning the mini-I-Pad!

    Sue your SM

  6. Love the card you created! Your flowers are pretty. Congratulations on hitting the jackpot in the healthy lifestyles activity!

    Robin in Virginia

  7. The roses are beautiful. Great job BF. I love the card you made. It's gorgeous indeed. You are so close a finish on your other piece. Congrats on your win!

  8. your card to bf is beautiful! and his roses too you so sweet :)

  9. It has been years since I received a dozen roses, although my husband buys me at least a dozen in a year. ;)
    Ipad mini is so cool! Good for you.

  10. Meari congratulations on winning the iPad mini. That is a really great prize.

    Your Valentine gifts are really lovely, both the roses and the card.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  11. The card you made for your BF is beautiful. Isn't it great that he recognizes the time and talent you put into making it?

    Congrats on your progress on Midnight Watch. It's looking great. And congrats on winning the iPad. It's wonderful to be rewarded for the hard work you put into being healthier.

    Sandy in NM

  12. Your card is so beautiful! (And the roses too). Midnight watch looks great;)

  13. Meari, Your card is awesome! And your roses are lovely too!


  14. Lovely roses. Great progress on your stitching. Congrats on winning the iPad.

  15. Meari,

    I love the card that you made and what lovely flowers.


  16. What a special Valentine's Meari :) Your card is beautiful!
    And WHOOPEEE on the grand prize!!! That's fantastic!!

  17. Love, love, love how you finished the Valentine card & your flowers are so pretty.

    And you're almost done with the other project & it's so nice. LOVE the moon on that one.

    Christine - nannystitch

  18. A gorgeous finish on the Valentines card! BF sounds like a keeper!

  19. Beautiful roses! Great progress on Midnight Watch & the card is perfect. Congrats on your hard work to maintain your healthy lifestyle. You'll love the ipad!

  20. Meari,

    The Valentine card came out lovely! Really, it is finished so nicely - you did a great job!

    Awesome roses - how special!

    Looks like you guys had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

    Nancy V in TN

  21. The roses are beautiful! Congrats on your big win!!

  22. Beautiful flowers and the card is very pretty that you made him. Can't wait to see a finish and congrats on the win.

  23. Great roses, good job, BF! And your card is just lovely.

    Congrats on surpassing your stitchy goal AND winning the iPad! A new pattern device ahaha! :D

  24. What a fun update, Meari--beautiful roses, lovely card, great WIP and an iPad mini!! So glad your February is going along so well :)

  25. That card is wonderful!! The roses are beautiful!! Congrats on your win!!

  26. ooo congratulations on the ipad mini prize! You are going to love it. Great finishes.

  27. Love the card, Meari! BF has good taste as well all around :-)

    Happy stitching and God bless--
    Patricia Cecilia (aka Dr. P in NC

  28. Wow, congrats on the roses, the BF & the iPad mini!! BF is right, that card is beautiful! And I love the Halloween piece!

    Kim Mattox

  29. Pretty flowers!! That is a such a sweet thing he said about your card! It is pretty!!! Congrats on winning the new IPad!!!

  30. Love the flowers from your BF. The card you made him was beautiful. Your WIP is looking great. Congrats on the ipad mini win. Enjoy!!!!!
    Betty in AZ (ILCS)

  31. The Valentine's flowers are beautiful! Enjoy your evening out this weekend.
    The stitched card you made for your BF is lovely. Congrats on winning the iPad mini!

  32. Valentine's flowers you've received are beautiful. And your work is even more beautiful than them. Nice work with all your stitching.

  33. Beautiful roses and such a pretty card!! Yes, the roses do look pale next to your card - it's so pretty.
    Wow congrats on the ipad win :)

  34. Such sweet gifts you gave to each other for Valentine's day!!! The roses and card are both beautiful!


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