
Feb 25, 2015

What's Up Wednesday! 2/25/15

As part of our Valentine's Day celebration, the BF and I went to a play called "Suite Surrender". Set in 1942, the luxurious Palm Beach Royale Hotel is under siege as two of Hollywood's biggest divas vie for the same suite. Mistaken identities, overblown egos, double entendres, and one pampered little lap dog round out this comedy. Turns out the "hatred" between the two divas is all a farce for attention and publicity.

It's time to report on the Smalls SAL hosted by Stitching Lotus. I was also QSW (Quick Stitch Weekend) for one of the FB groups, so I killed two birds with one stone. I had not one, but TWO finishes! ::happy dance::

January Monthly SAL
Designer: Palkó
Fabric:  28ct Linen 
Fibers:  Glissen Gloss handpainted Japanese silk #509 
and HDF silk in Orb

February Monthly SAL
Designer: Palkó .
Fabric: 28ct Linen
Fibers: Anchor Marlitt 815 and 
DMC Color Variations 4180

I'm still inching my way through Midnight Watch.  I'm hoping to have another happy dance by the end of March.  (Where did February go?)  MW has been a fun stitch, but I'm ready to start something new and work on JG.  Maybe I should work on JG before starting something new.  Yes?

I've had to reconfigure the last row of the alphabet that contains the year and stitcher's initials.  The chart has 2009 and I want 2015.  Hopefully, by the next update I'll have that part stitched.

Until Next Time,


  1. I love those smalls!!

    Kim Mattox

  2. Congratulations on your two finishes..Looking forward to seeing your next finish..all are pretty

  3. I love the little January and February pieces! How sweet!

  4. What a sweet small pair of smalls! Fabulous progress on your WIP!

    Robin in Virginia

  5. Sweet, quick stitches.
    Was there a real dog in the play? What breed?

  6. Congrats on two very nice finishes. Midnight watch is looking fan:)

  7. Your months from the SAL look great - Still working on January :-/.
    I'm enjoying seeing your Midnight Watch unfold. Sure is pretty!

  8. Beautiful stitching as always Meari. Yes, you should work on JG but you can still start something new.

  9. What to do , what to on JG! cute little finishes too! sorry about the continuing snow. Keep your spirits do you keep your spirits up in the winter?

  10. I love the smalls! The other one looks to be fun too. BTW, you asked me to mention how I handle my thread boxes.I updated my blog last night, including that information. I realized this morning that the picture I took of the numbered box didn't get on the blog, so I edited ut this morning to include that picture.

  11. Great finishes Meari! Midnight Watch is really coming along too...not too far from the finish line. Oooo, bring out will be nice to see it. I love watching your progress. Eventually, I will start a Chatelaine.

  12. Love your small finishes! Cute and simple, I love it! The play you went to see sounds interesting!

  13. Your blog is very nice the play you went to was that a community theater? We go to a community here in Fitchburg I enjoy it!

    Karen V
    Fitchburg MA

  14. Beautiful stitching! Love your Midnight Watch!

  15. The play sounds good. Your wip is looking good. Congrats on the 2 finishes. They are beautiful.
    Betty in az

  16. Love your small finishes. Too cute! Good luck with finishing your Midnight Watch piece. You are close and will be celebrating soon.

  17. You will have Midnight Watch finished in no time! It looks great.

  18. Congrats on two cute finishes, Meari. Loving Midnight Watch.

    Take Care & Happy Stitchin'
    Hugs, Sandy

  19. I love the variegation of the hearts in your February piece. And you are so close to finishing Midnight Watch. YAY

  20. Very pretty!
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Congratulations on your finishes! I love your Midnight Watch.

  22. beautiful stitching, love those smalls ♥

  23. Lovely Smalls, Meari! Love MW...not long to go!

  24. I love your seasonal smalls - such lovely colour choices

  25. Meari,

    I love the threads you used on both your finishes, they both are beautiful!

    Kim G


  26. Meari,

    I like the two smalls that you have finished.


  27. I have been so tempted to stitch MW - I am a fan of BBD...someday. Yours looks great and is nearly complete!
    Congrats on the completion of 2 monthly smalls.

  28. I'm so excited that you're so close to finishing Midnight Watch, Meari--it really is one of my favorites! Looks like you're doing a great job on stitching smalls for your SAL--both are very cute...

    Hard to believe Feb. is winding down already--hopefully, March will bring some better weather :)

  29. Congratulations on your monthly finishes and your progress on the Halloween piece. Bet the theater show was fun. I love seeing progress on JG. It is so pretty.

    Dee in TN

  30. Midnight Watch looks fantastic! Congrats on the finishes. Love the colors in January.

  31. Definitely you should get back to JG before starting something new but only if you feel like it. Smalls are very pretty.

  32. Your smalls are lovely. I've stitched them too, thanks to you! MW is looking great. I say work on JG until you need a break from it and then start something new -- unless you're just not ready to work on JG right now. In that case, start something new

  33. Meari,

    The play sounds hilarious and I know that I would have enjoyed it too. Lovely SAL finishes and great progress on your WIP.

    I do not wish to brag as most of you enjoying a snowy winter, but here we are in full spring. Star magnolias, ornamental cherries and plums are already in bloom. Daffodils are smiling everywhere and soon we will see the tulips and hyacynths showing off their colours. Unfortunately I have caught a cold, but I have to work anyway.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  34. Sounds like the play was a huge success!

    All of your stitchy pieces are just gorgeous.

    We are snowed in with 8-10 inches of snow, which we are not used to at all!!!! Plus fighting this bronchitis............yuck.

    Your blog looks wonderful! BF did great with the roses ;)

    Love you,

  35. The smalls are gorgeous! I love the bigger Halloween piece too.

  36. Suite Surrender sounds like a lot of fun. I love plays and see quite a few but have never heard of this one. Hopefully one of the groups around me will put it on at some time. Love MW, it's been fun watching this one grow. While I've not stitched it, I do have it in my stash to do at some point, so I'll end up having to play with the dating as well.

  37. Lovely patterns. Such a bright beautiful colors you've chosen for january and february. You've done great job on midnight watch as well.

  38. Gorgeous colors in those smalls and you are so close to finishing Midnight Watch! I'm sure that will be exciting to have done.

  39. Three finishes?! Way to go! I really love the month name designs. I think I may want to stitch those.

  40. Jan and Feb are so cute. The 'hatred' scene from the play resembles Sophie Kinsella's latest 'Shopaholic to the stars'..


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