
Jul 1, 2015

Glorious Getaway - Part Five

Despite our daily excursions, we *did* get loads of stitching done while binge watching Gilmore Girls.  We must've watched 20 episodes over the course of the week. LOL

My first finish actually occurred the night before I caught the plane to Virginia.
I recycled a retractable name badge holder I got from work.  The design is called Knob Appeal-Tomato Pincushion... published in Cross Stitch & Country Crafts magazine Jan/Feb 1991.  I stitched it over-one on 36ct Light Gray Linen with DMC floss.

I finished the next two while in Virginia.  It's amazing how much stitching I can do when I don't have the stresses of every day life.  I think more vacations are in order!

Designer: Palkó
Design: June  Monthly SAL.
Fabric: 28ct Cashel Linen
Fibers: Six Strand Sweets Butterscotch,
Carries Creations Marina,
and Dinky Dyes Aquamarine
Designer: Lizzie Kate
Fabric: 28ct Evenweave
Fibers: DMC, Carries Creations*
*I swapped out 3816 with Carries Creations Marina,
and 3865 with DMC 415.
I also took along the marriage sampler I've been working on.  Made quite a bit of progress... about 3/4 done!  Can't show photos yet, though.
While at the airport waiting for my flight home, I started an ornament called A Memory of Williamsburg.  SM gave it to me as a remembrance of my trip.  It's stitched with Mosiac and Smyrna stitches.
Speaking of flights, I thought I'd comment on mine.  I flew from Chicago to Philadelphia to Newport News, and came back the same route reversed.  From Chicago to Philly, I was on an American Airlines flight.
There was quite a bit of turbulence on the way to Philly.  It didn't really bother me... I'm so trusting, LOL.  US Airways provided the flight from Philly to Newport News.  It carried 37 passengers.  I was *not* impressed with the plane.  It was old, noisy, and smelled a bit musty.  The window trim and surfaces were not very clean.
If you've never used US Airways, you may want to think about another airline.  Although, I did overhear the stewardess telling other passengers that they were phasing out these planes.  So, maybe the newer planes will be better.
I'd like to conclude by saying I had a great vacation.  I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed and stress-free.  I slept really well, which was surprising considering I never sleep well in a strange environment.  A big THANK YOU and ((hugs)) to Sue and Butch for welcoming me into their home.


  1. Well done on the stitching and glad you had a good time. Sadly US Airways were bought by American so you travelled on the same airline all the time 😩

  2. Beautiful finishes and lovely new start, glad you made it home safely:)

  3. I loved reading about your vacation, and how much you enjoyed being here with Butch and I. We certainly enjoyed having you and look forward to another visit; in cooler weather! LOL.......we had lots of fun stitching, site-seeing and just enjoying each others company. Until next time!

    Sue your SM, Butch and Peanut too!

  4. Great that you could also stitch on some of your projects and even finish them during your vacation.

  5. Thanks for taking the time to document your trip. Sadly DH and I are coming to the end of our "long-haul" holidays within the next year or so as we can no longer cope with too many 10 hour plus flights. So to travel with you on your tour was a wonderful experience.
    Glad you got some stitching done - always a good holiday when progress is made stitchy wise!

  6. Dear Meari

    Looks like you had a wonderfully relaxing vacation

    From UK

  7. So, you did get some stitching done, too, Meari--and binge-watched the Gilmore Girls (love that show!!). Really cute projects and I'm sure it was hard to head back to reality after such a nice vacation...

    Hope the rest of your summer goes well!

  8. I am so glad for you. You had a great experience. Thank you for including us.

  9. Meari,

    I read your blog and loved all the info about your trip. The Jamestown Settlement was so interesting. I am glad you had such a fun and relaxing trip. It is nice to get away! And, I agree that it seems you can get a lot of stitching done when your not thinking of everyday "stuff" and doing chores.

    Nancy V in TN

  10. Looks like a great time was had! I love history, especially American history. Thank you for sharing your picss. Hugs, Christina

  11. I love your stitching! It looks like you had a very nice and relaxing time in Virginia!

  12. What a fabulous vacation and time you had! Other than the heat and humidity, it sounded like a very relaxing trip. Great finishes as well!

    Robin in Virginia

  13. Thanks for sharing your vaction with us Meari and love your finishes.


  14. Lovely stitching!
    Looks like a great vacation with the exction of that plane.

  15. Great stitching!!!! Glad you had a great vacation!

  16. Hi Meari,

    I loved reading about your trip! I really enjoy that area of the country.

    Your redo of the name tag button pull out was pure genious, lol. You do a great job at repurposing items!


  17. Meari -

    So glad that you had a wonderful vacation! It looks like everyone enjoyed themselves!


  18. You certainly were super productive! That little scissor keeper is adorable.

  19. So glad to hear you had a fantastic trip!


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