
Jul 1, 2015

Glorious Getaway - Part Four

Colonial Parkway, Jamestown Settlement

Lots to see during a drive on Colonial Parkway. It's very scenic with several pull offs to park and get out to enjoy the view as well as learn a bit about the history of the area.

Upon arrival at the Jamestown Settlement, we were met with an awesome fountain and display of all the state flags.  I even spotted the Illinois flag... fifth one back on the left.
This was a display of uniforms used to defend the English crown from the 1600's thru 2006.  After I took the photos, I saw a sign that said "Do not take photos of the exhibits."  Whoops.

The Ships
So how did the first settlers get to America? On three ships named the Discover, Godspeed, and Susan Constant.  I really cannot imagine a crew of 125 plus a hundred or so settlers sailing on that thing for months to get to Virginia.  Not to mention the supplies that had to be brought also.

 The Jamestown Settlement included replicas of the ships docked in the water.  Visitors were invited to climb aboard and explore.
I explored the Susan Constant.

How would you like to sleep next to the canon?
View of Discovery & Godspeed from deck of Susan Constant

James Fort
After looking at all the indoor exhibits, we headed outdoors to see James Fort, the three ships that brought the first English settlers to America, and the Indian Village.
We were looking for the advertised "talk" about clothing worn during the time period, but wandered into a lecture given by one of the settlers about the history of Jamestown.  I got pulled into the talk as a stand-in for Captain Perry, lol. That's what I get for sitting in the second pew of the church!

There were at least seven cannons positioned on platforms around the perimeter of the fort to protect settlers from Indians.
Entire buildings were devoted to artillery.  Each of the reproduction guns were handmade and cost $2,000 a piece!  This build was full of them!!
Each building had a specific purpose: Blacksmith, Woodworker, Church, Food Storage, as well as living quarters.
The beds were teeny-tiny!
Food and Tobacco Storage
Settler tending to the gardens and chickens.

Powhatan Indian Village 
The Powhatan Indian village is based on archaeological findings at a site once inhabited by Paspahegh Indians, the Powhatan tribal group closest to Jamestown, and descriptions recorded by English colonists.  It includes reed-covered houses, crops and a ceremonial circle of carved wooden posts.
This plaque sums it all up:
It's mounted on the base of a tall brick monument
Hope you enjoyed the tour of Jamestown Settlement. In Part Five, I'll be wrapping up my vacation.  Thanks for sticking with me :)


  1. Wow, you're having a grand time. Awesome photos, thanks for sharing with us, enjoyed the tour:)

  2. Great photos SD! Even though I was with you, I enjoyed taking the 'journey' once again. I am so happy you enjoyed the trip.


  3. Certainly a great place to visit and to experience history.

  4. Meari,

    That was a real great vacation and I thank you for sharing all the details with us.

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  5. What a wonderful update and your stitching is great! That area in VA is so filled with history! I am looking forward to the next installment!

    Karen V
    Fitchburg MA USA

  6. Meari,

    Thanks for sharing your trip to Virginia. I am fascinated with historical stuff (from all ages, worldwide) and really appreciated the info and photos, particularly from the Jamestown Settlement and the Indian village. Can you imagine living in those times? I'm glad to hear you got in some stitching time and a good visit with your SM. Looking forward to seeing pics of the wedding sampler!


  7. I love to visit those old historic forts and things, they're so much fun. Especially when they have people playing the parts and demonstrating crafts.

    I love the name tag idea for finishing your scissor fob. It looks like it turned out great.

    Cheryl Kinkaid

  8. I loved visiting the Jamestown Settlement!!!! Glad you had lots of fun!!!

  9. Finally got time to catch up. Got to see more great pics from your vacation. Thanks for sharing!

  10. So many wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing!

  11. So many wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing!


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