
Aug 31, 2015

Marvelous Monday Update 8/31/15

Where has the month of August gone?  Can you believe meteorological fall starts tomorrow?

My niece started her senior year of high school and second year of college last week.  When she graduates this year, she will have not only a high school diploma, but also an associates degree.  Her goal is to get a bachelor's degree in video game design.

A few weeks ago, I took her senior pictures and created a DVD of her portrait proofs.  These are the beginning and ending slides:

I tried a new recipe over the weekend.  Balsamic-Honey Glazed Chicken.  It was really good!

It looks like a lot, but really it's just one chicken breast cut into strips.  I served it over broccoli rice made in a rice cooker.  I wasn't sure if the broccoli would cook properly in the rice cooker.  It turned out just fine.  :)

Although I haven't been doing much stitching lately,  I've finished the layout for the Halloween mailart I'm doing for an exchange.  The fabric is outlined and I'll be starting the stitching on it soon.  Here's the floss toss:

Readers from the past several years may know how much I enjoy working for my employer. The downside is the long commute of 80+ miles per day and the winter driving.  Remember the Tunnels of Terror from last winter?    A fluke conversation has landed me a job offer less than 5 miles from home, more pay, better hours and benefits.  This has been one of the most difficult decisions I've had to make in regards to employment.

Two weeks ago, I resigned from my position at my current employer.  I gave four weeks notice because my job is so involved and there really wasn't anyone trained well enough as my back up.  My boss literally shed a tear that I gave notice.  At the end of the meeting, she gave me a hug and said I could work for her any time.  She was very complimentary about my skills, which was nice to hear.

That's all for this week.

Until next time,


  1. Meari - isn't it wonderful to work for someone who really appreciates the work you do for them? And you leaving with 4 wks notice is a good sign that you're a wonderful employee. Congrats on getting a new job closer to home.
    The chicken looks delish - care to share the recipe? ;-)
    Looking forward to your mailart - and the pics are great of your niece!

  2. Beautiful pics!!!! Your floss toss looks great. Looking forward to seeing the finished project. Congrats on the new job. Hope all works out for you.
    Betty in AZ

  3. Congrats on the new job! Too bad your current boss can't move with you.

  4. Your niece is beautiful and so smart - good for her doing college and high school!! Chicken looks divine! Congrats on your new job - having a 5 minute commute will make it so you have SO MUCH MORE TIME to stitch!!!! lol

  5. Congratulations on your new job - an 80'mile commute is just too much really for anyone. It's hard to leave a job you like but more pay, better hours and so much closer to home is a huge incentive. I know your old boss will miss you but you will do beautifully. I wish you all the happiness and success you deserve.

    That chicken dish does look so delicious - I would love the recipe, too.

    Keep us posted on your new job!!

  6. Good luck in your new job! It is so hard to leave a job that you love. Your chicken looks really tasty!

  7. Your photography skills really shine here!
    Congratulations! I hope this new job is fantastic!

  8. Meari it's wonderful that chance comes our way once in a while isn't it? I hope the new job turns out to be as fabulous as your last one. It's heartwarming to hear your last boss be so complimentary about you.
    You are a great photographer as well as a crafter. Your niece sounds like a wonderful person to have achieved so much. My son-in-law works for a computer design company and it's hard work, but I'm sure she will love it if that's what she wants to do.

  9. Nice update & congrats on the closer job Meari,

    From experience with driving an hour each way to work myself, that in itself will be a blessing.

    Christine - nannystitch

  10. Wishing you the best in your next job. Saying goodbye to a respected employer is always difficult. Your safety and peace of mind are worth making the change and I think of your tunnels of terror all of the time, actually.

  11. I'm very happy for you! Good to know you won't have that horrible commute. I use to have a long drive, too. Winter made for a stressful drive. Look at all the free time for stitching you will have.
    Your photos look great.

  12. Hi Meari,

    I'm wishing you lots of luck with your new job. I know you loved your former employer, but there's a quality of life side to the decision too.

    Karin in CA

  13. Meari,

    Congrats on the new job!

    Sometimes changing jobs has two sides. One, leaving the old job and friends, trying to finish projects and train someone else. I hope you can keep in touch with your friends.

    Then there's the excitement of starting the new one....and maybe a wee bit of nervousness.

    I wish you a smooth transition.

    I love your niece's pictures. It is so wonderful to be able to watch a young person develop...especially one as intelligent as your niece.


  14. Goodluck on the new job!
    The chicken looks so tasty!

  15. Best wishes to you on your new job! What fabulous photographs you took of your niece. I look forward to see your Halloween mail art down the road.

    Robin in Virginia

    PS Would be interested in your chicken recipe if you wish to share!

  16. Wow, congrats on the new job! It will be wonderful working so close to home, especially during the winter months. The floss colors look great with that fabric and I can't wait to see your mailart. I'm sure your niece loves the senior photos!

  17. Meari,

    I enjoyed your update - the chicken looks yummy

    Tara Kimberley Torme

  18. Your pictures of your niece are very good and look so professional and she is so bright. Congratulations on finding a job closer to home and I know you will miss the people at your last job.


  19. Congratulations on getting a job so much closer to your home. Job conditions are very important but driving 80+ miles each day is a lot of time that you spend on the road. So I can understand that a job closer by is so much better for you. I wish you a good start.

    The chicken looks delicious. And I'm very curious to see your Halloween envelope once it will be stitched and finished.

  20. Meari:

    The pictures of your niece turned out great! She is a very pretty girl. And congratulations on your new job. Hope it all goes well. With a shorter commute, you'll have more time to stitch. LOL


  21. Your niece sounds like a very hard and dedicated worker--just like you!! I'm so happy you found a job closer to home, but I know you'll miss the old place--it sounds like a very supportive work environment. Best of luck to you with your new position, Meari!

  22. Meari -

    The pictures of your niece looks great! Love the way that your employer took the news of you resigning! Congrats on the new job!


  23. Best wishes with your new job Meari. I'm sure you'll appreciate not having to do tha commute every day!
    Congrats on the lovely photos of your niece - you did a great job!

  24. Your niece is a beautiful young lady Meari and so lucky to have you to do these photos for her! Your dinner looks yummy!! Good luck with the new job; it is going to be so nice to be able to be at work n minutes rather than an hour and when winter comes you will really appreciate it!


  25. Your niece looks stunning.

    The Balsamic Glazed Chicken sounded delicious & I love the idea of the broccoli rice.

    Look forward to seeing your Halloween Mailart, what a great idea.

  26. Great update on your blog and congratulations on getting a job close to home.


  27. Congrats on the new job. It is hard leaving a good place, but that commute is awful. It's one of the reasons I stay in my job. I don't have to drive.


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