
Aug 16, 2015

Story of Three Little Pigs Words

Four score and seven years ago... No, that's not right.
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times... Not this either.
It was a dark and stormy night... No, no.

Ah yes...

Once upon a time a girl went on vacation to visit her surrogate mom and stitching buddy in the great state of Virginia.  To prepare, she packed several stitching projects.  One of which was a recently released freebie: Three Little Words by Lizzie Kate.  While on that vacation, she stitched to her heart's content making those x's with Carrie's Creations and DMC floss on the 28ct white evenweave fabric.  Soon she was happy dancing in celebration of finishing the Lizzie Kate project.

Soon the girl returned home and Three Little Words languished all by its lonesome for two months.  During those two months, the girl found a frame her father had made for her in the mid-1980's.  See, her father passed away a year earlier and as she was going through his things, she found it.

As a teenager, she loved animals and had a poster book of them.  Her father made a frame for one of the posters.  When the girl left home many years later, she left behind the framed poster.  Her father kept it in a spare "junk" room.

As it turned out, the frame was perfect!  Repurposing the glass from an old, broken, discarded frame, she cut a piece to fit the frame her father made so many years ago.  The girl soon had Three Little Words framed and ready to hang.

Three Little Words was hung on the wall of the girl's castle where it lived happily ever after.

The End.


  1. You're right, that frame is perfect! I'm sure your dad would approve.

  2. It's the perfect frame and it is just beautiful!

  3. Thats lovely Meari..And I love the frame..

  4. Absolutely fantastic! A true treasure. :)

  5. That is pretty and just a perfect way to use the frame from your father.

  6. Meari,

    Loved the updates you made on your house...the front door is beautiful.

    Your finish is wonderful. It must be very special with your father's frame.

    Have a great week.


  7. Wow. Now that is what I call a fairytale ending. You keep finding these treasures hidden for a long time and give it new life and meaning. Loved reading your post. Enjoy and cherish your lovely finish:)

  8. What a wonderful story! Well done!

  9. Oh Meari, what a lovely story :). Thank you for sharing. And your stitching is pretty good, too ;)

    Melissa xoxo

  10. Meari, what a perfect frame for your Three Words piece. What a wonderful blog post to read today.

    Robin in Virginia

  11. That frame is perfect for Three Little Words. Congrats on the finish finish.
    Betty in AZ

  12. I like the story and the house looks great. That pressure washer sure did the trick on your concrete!

    Kim in CA

  13. Aww, such a great story! Love the saying and the lovely frame your dad made for you makes it perfect!

  14. Love that frame and it looks great!

  15. Love that frame and it looks great!

  16. I'm so glad your dad saved the frame in his "junk" room, Meari--it looks so perfect with your cute LK finish... How nice to know that he made it for you, too, so many years ago!

  17. That's a beautiful and very touching story. Three little words looks perfect in the handmade frame

  18. Meari -

    Three Little Words looks great! Love the frame! It is so wonderful that you were able to reused the frame that your dad made for you!!!



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