
Nov 11, 2015

Has It Been A Month Already?!?

Time just seems to fly by these days.  Where does it go?

I would like to thank those of you who sent cards for Deborah.  She loved opening them all.

Unfortunately, she had a tumble the week after I visited and is now in a nursing home recovering.  Please keep her in your thoughts.

I've lots to blog about so onward...

As some of you may know, I acquired a FitBit Charge several months ago to assist me in my wellness journey.  My only regret is that I didn't get the one with the heart monitor.  With the job change and the weather getting colder, I'm finding it harder to get my steps in.

As you can see in the photo, my fitbit is looking a bit rough.  I wear it all the time.  I do have some encouraging news!  Since August, I've lost 18 lbs.  In addition to weight loss, I've also lost inches:  1" in the waist and hips, and 1½" in the thigh.  It's slow going and not been easy, but health wise I feel better.

We've been steadily working on the upgrades at my parent's house.  My brother's have finished putting the new steel roof on and it looks pretty good.  I showed up one day and found that the garage door spring had fallen off.  One more thing to fix.  From what my brother says, it appears my Dad had this issue before and fixed it.  We now will need to reinforce the garage door because it's falling apart, too.  Meantime, I've been plugging away at painting two of the bedrooms.  It's a slow process when I'm the only one doing it.  One room is almost done except for pulling up corner round and painting it.



Mucho better!

The trim around the door and windows was a baby poop tan.
I've painted them the same color green as in the closet.

For about a month and a half, I couldn't locate my tablet.  I lost it about the time I switched jobs.  I tore the house apart looking for it.  I called restaurants I go to... just in case I might've left it there (Highly unlikely, but never know).  No luck.

Remember how I explained that I loaded charts on it and then used it as my working copy.  No?  See HERE.  You can see how this would put a damper on my stitching if I don't have my tablet.

When the weather gets colder, I put an electric blanket on my bed.  What did I find?!  Yep, the tablet!  I must've been using it to read in bed and somehow it got wedged in between the box spring and footboard of the bed.  Now, I can work on the marriage sampler again!

The Halloween mailart exchange has been completed.  Here's what I created for Linda L in AL.

The front design is by SanMan Originals.  It's from a JCS Halloween issue, but I can't remember which issue.  The tree on the back is by Jaunty Fox Designs.  The cat is also from the JCS issue. Stitched on 18ct Fiddlers Lite Aida using one strand of DMC. Embellished with coordinating fabric, ribbon, and Halloween buttons.

Here's what Linda sent to me:

Thank you, Linda!

While visiting with Deborah, I started a new project.  Here's the floss toss:

Progress at Deborah's:  (Sorry the pic isn't lighted well... it was night time when I took it)

Here's what it looks like now.  Almost finished with stitching. Then beading and assembly.

To close, I thought I'd share this photo.  I saw this road sign on my way to Deborah's... not too far from where I live.  I thought it was funny...



  1. congrats on your Success with your Wellness Journey. I love my FitBit -I have the flex and love it.

    Your stitching is beautiful - loved both Halloween exchanges.

    Great street sign - thank you for sharing

    I am back to reading blogs after a long time away and as always yours is one of my favorites.

  2. Wow. You and your siblings are working hard!
    I love the name of that road.

  3. Good post!! Glad you found your tablet. Love the stitching! Painting looks good

  4. You have been busy, love the halloween mail, hugs Joke

  5. So sorry about your friend. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
    Your home improvements look fantastic! Hope your, and your family, can get the house whipped in shape.
    Great update!

  6. Lovely stitching! Both mailart so neat:) Congrats on your successful workout and house flipping:)

  7. ....and then you immediately downloaded "Find my iPad", right? I'm so glad your tablet turned up, and with all your precious patterns. Your stitching looks great, and so does your work with a painbrush!

  8. Thanks for the update on Deborah, she sure is having a hard time of it now.

    Glad you have lost some weight and keep up the good work as I know it is hard to go outside when it gets cold.

    Good luck with the painting and finishing up of your parents' home.

    Happy you found your tablet. I like both the mailart pieces and your lovely stitching.


  9. Congrats on the weight loss!! The painting looks fantastic. What a ton of work but it will hopefully be worth it in the end. Glad you found your tablet. Beautiful mail arts!! Love your new piece. The sign is fantastic. Nice to know you found peace and quiet haha.

  10. Great job on your work too been doing zumba once a week and just found out Taebo so i am trying that here at home.
    Lovely exchanges!
    goodluck in finishing up your parent's home.

  11. Great stitching and so glad that you found the tablet. Funny where things end up. Congrats on the weight loss and getting in your 10,000+ steps! We did a ton of work on my mom & dad's house a few years ago. It was not only physically hard work, but an emotional toll on us too. Can't wait to see how you finish those cute owls.

  12. Well done on the weight loss the stitching is wonderful

  13. What a great day for a street! Glad you found your tablet and are able to get back to the wedding sampler. Congratulations on your weight and inches loss! Well done! The painting looks good. Have an enjoyable weekend.

  14. 18 pounds!! That is fantastic, Meari--keep it up!! That must not be easy with your new job, but I'm sure with all the renovations at your parents' house you are burning lots of calories. I always enjoy seeing how you update things...

    Pretty exchange pieces--love that mail art concept...

    I hope Deborah is improving each day--she sure has been through some trying times. Take care now and hope your weekend is enjoyable!

  15. I've been wondering what you've been up to Meari! Nice to hear that your journey to wellness is going so well (no pun intended, lol). I have one of those Fitbits too and I love how it tells me 'not so well' I'm doing. :P Glad you found your tablet. I hate it when I 'lose' something in my house and it seems to take forever to find what's lost.Good luck on your painting...I have to start that here too and I have to admit it's one of my least favorite DIY jobs.


  16. Beautiful work Meari all that wonderful stitchy stuff! Great job on your old bedroom, bet you found muscles you didn't remember you had and every one was in pain!!

    Karen V
    Fitchburg MA USA

  17. Great update Meari. Congrats on the weight loss. Your Owls are adorable!


  18. You've been working hard on your parents' house and it's looking good! The two mailarts are so adorable. :)

    Karin in CA

  19. Meari -

    Congrats on the weight loss! Your stitching looks great! Congrats on the finish! I am sure that you will enjoy all the stuff that Linda sent you!



  20. I love your owl biscornu, just adorable.
    You are so talented, your mail art id gorgeous & what lovely fabric for the lining.


Thanks for visiting and leaving comments on my blog. I appreciate each and every one! :)