
Dec 28, 2015

End of Year Catch Up

Our first snowfall of winter occurred on November 23rd. Ten inches of heavy, heavy (Did I mention "HEAVY"?) snow fell. Starting out, I was able to clear the backyard with the snowblower.

While trying to clear the driveway, I fell backward into the snow. Landed on my rear end and jammed my knee into a screw on the snowblower. It's almost healed. I can't believe how long it's taking!

Then the shear pin broke on one of the augers. Since I couldn't get out of the driveway, I couldn't go get another one. This meant shoveling by hand... for the rest of the day! Because of this, I'm now suffering from tendonitis in my elbow. Thankfully, a passerby offered to help me clear out the remaining third by the street. Who says there aren't good samaritans?

Once I was able to get out, I went out to get new shear pins and promptly repaired the snowblower.

Up until today, my area only saw one other snowfall... a light dusting. Today... oh today... brought sleet and freezing rain. All day! Most of us at work left early. There's about 3" of sleet on my driveway. I don't know how I'm going to get it cleared.

December 14th marked the 90-day anniversary at my "new" job. So far, it's been going pretty well. I have three project managers I work under. One is in another state so I've never met him. A second is very good at explaining in depth everything I need to know... and then some. The third forgets that I'm new and doesn't take the time to explain unless I ask for clarification on how things should be done. The first month was spent training in other offices near Chicago. I went to a seminar in near Chicago to learn the basics of construction industry accounting. The trainers gave out candy for anyone who answered questions.

At the back of the training room, this sign covered a good two-thirds of the wall. I really liked it. It's so true!

A couple weeks ago, I became a great auntie for the third time. Let me introduce you to Annyia Rose. She is so tiny and adorable.

You may or may not know about the adult coloring craze that's been going on the past several years. I decided to download a coloring page and dig out my art supplies from years past. I started this floral design a few days ago.

I'm really enjoying working on this. I've used cheapo Rose Art and Cra-Z-Art colored pencils since they're what I had. On each flower, 13-15 colors were used.

I participated in one Christmas ornament exchange this year. The person I sent to was not the person I received from. You may recall from a while back, the flat snowman ornament I did. It went to Jenn in TX.
Design: Heads Up
Designer: Cherrywood Design Studio
Cherrywood Design Studio
Magazine: 2012 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue
Fabric: 28ct White Linen
Fibers: DMC
Embellishments: Handmade cording,
DMC memory thread arms, fabric scarf

I received the cutest ornament from Char in PA. Thank you, Char!

I also participated in a card exchange. Marina in Canada sent me an adorable angel ornament. Thank you, Marina!

I really wasn't in the mood to decorate for Christmas this year so all I can show is the many cards I received from friends and family.

For Christmas dinner, I made Italian Roasted Chicken, Roasted Mixed Vegetables, and Mashed Potatoes with Mushroom Gravy.  It was soooooo delish!

In my next post, I will be showing my two finishes.  Stay tuned!


  1. Hi sweet SD! I love your blog update; the snow, the Christmas meal and the way you displayed your cards ;) Your exchanges are lovely and once again, the 'tool woman' has come to the rescue and repaired her own snowblower! amaze me!

    I always look forward to your updates; your two finishes are just lovely too!!! The blue frame really enhances the stitched piece. The wedding sampler turned out gorgeous!! I know the recipients will just love it.

    Love you,

  2. You've been really busy, haven't you! Projects are beautiful! And well done on getting rid of the snow, even after being injured!

  3. Yup you amazes me repaired your own snowblower you so cool
    Your stitching is amazing my dear
    Sending you warm hugs x

  4. Meari I really enjoyed your blog entry and as always you make life look like an adventure. I hope that your knee heals well - it looks quite sore.

    Your snowman ornament is adorable and it must have been quite challenging to finish those three rounds. The other finishes are lovely and I like how you finished the frame.

    You are lucky to have had a white Christmas, we just had a very wet Christmas week. Up in the mountains the skiers are enjoying the snow.

    The chicken looks very delicious.


  5. Ouch your knee looks painful. So glad to hear work is going well still. I've fallen in love with the coloring books too. Your flowers are beautiful! I just do one color haha. I'm not talented enough to do all the beautiful shading yet. Love your ornaments. Too cute!

  6. WOW! You have been busy!
    Sweet baby!
    Lovely exchange gifts.
    Aren't mechanicals great until they break.... Happy you will have it repaired for the next round of snow.

  7. Oh Wow, the snow! The new job and the learning curve! And an adorable new niece! Did find time to sit down during the holidays? And, oh ouch. Is your knee ok now? That looked like it really hurt.


  8. Great update Meari! We are having our first snow of the season we are expecting about 2 inches of snow followed by freezing rain then more regular rain! We have never had the first snow this late.

    Your grate niece is beautiful. Your swaps are great! It was good to here from you!!

    Karen V

  9. Isn't it nice to have your faith in human nature restored? Glad someone helped you with the shovelling.

    Nice finishes. Good luck with your final one for the year.


  10. Hi Meari:

    I was just thinking about you the other day, hoping everything was okay, as I didn't remember you posting here for the last few weeks - so I was so relieved to see your post. Read your blog. Sorry to hear about all your snow and your snowblower misfortune. But, I must say I am so impressed with you. I don't think I'd know the first thing about fixing a snowblower. You are one amazing woman! Love your finishes, too. Keep up the great work!


  11. You rock Meari! I am SO impressed that you repaired that snowblower.
    We got the same junk weather. We are so blessed to have our two young adult sons helping Dad blow and shovel. Such heavy, heavy snow. Take care.

  12. Wonderful update! The little one is adorable!


  13. Love the snowman that you stitched up! You received some cute ornaments too. Sorry for all your snow; hope it doesn't continue. We actually had snow flurries today here in Tucson. They lasted for about 10 minutes and not a flake is to be seen now, THANKFULLY! Happy New Years :)

  14. Most of the ice that was on our streets and sidewalks is gone, but some icy patches on the grass remain. Lots of branches came down along with several large trees and the power was out for a time. I'm glad that we had the woodstove to keep us warm. I hear we'll be having more warmer weather in January -- even some temps in the60's. Looks like you received some nice Christmas cards and your dinner looks scrumptious.

  15. I enjoyed reading your update, Meari. What beautiful snowfall you had! Good for you on repairing your snow blower and hope your knee is fully healed soon. What cute ornaments you stitched and received! Wishing you a peaceful 2016!

  16. Lovely catch up Meari!
    So sorry about your knee. It looks like it hurt.
    What lovely ornaments were exchanged.
    Wihing you all the best in 2016!!

  17. Ooh, you've been really busy. Hope your knee and elbow heal completely soon. Another adorable niece to dote on:) Your snowman ornie is so cute, lovely exchange:)

  18. Meari,

    Just looked at your blog, very colourful, well done, my blog has lapsed for a year.....must get back into it, it was a great record of my progress.

    Sorry to hear about your knee, looked pretty bad, hope it has healed now. Two weeks ago I was walking in the country and didnt see a hole in the ground made by a rabbit, within a millisecond I had fallen on one knee, cant believe how fast I hit the ground, my arms went out, but didn't do a lot. Still swollen, so I can well sympathise with your pain.

    Sorry to here about your friend

    Julie in Australia

  19. You sure did get a lot of snow for your first for this winter. Always
    love looking at your progress.

    JoAnn McLaughlin

  20. I LOVE your snowman ornament! That's just adorable. So is your new niece. Love that thing on her head. What a great sign on the back wall. Best of luck getting out of your driveway. That's NOT going to be fun - you need a heat ray gun or something!

  21. A broken snowblower when you have 10" of snow, that's really bad luck.But good that you could repair it. And I hope that your knee has completely healed by now.
    Great little ornaments that you received from your friends.

  22. That is a lot of snow and your knee - OUCH! It finally got cold in Texas last Sunday. We had tons of rain and it brought in the 40 degree weather. Cool,that my snowman made the blog page-I reLly like it! Have a safe New Year.

    Jenn W

  23. I'm just sitting hear and smiling at the idea of you repairing your own snowblower, Meari--is there anything you won't tackle?! Good for you!! So sorry about the knee injury and all that snow. We have had nothing here in the Pittsburgh area--and I mean nothing! So very strange...

    Sounds like the "new" job is working out well and based on that candy--you know your stuff :)

    Your Christmas dinner looks delicious and your cards lend a festive spirit to your home. I think I did less decorating this year and I assume it will probably decline as I get older. Sometimes you just need a little corner that is Christmasy to make you smile!

    Wishing you all the best in 2016. You've had a rough couple of years and I so hope this year is good to you!

  24. You had a great year! Can't wait to see what 2016 holds!

  25. Wow, you are totally amazing Meari.. a total DIY person!! Very cute exchanges. And your knee..Ouch!!
    Wishing you a great 2016

  26. Meari -

    Congrats on the finishes! They are adorable! Hope that your knee and elbow are feeling better!



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