
Jan 1, 2016

Last Finish Squeaked In

As 2015 came to a close, I finished up the year long SAL created by Palko. She has a 2016 SAL planned, too!

Without further adieu, here's my version of the December Monthly SAL:

Each month stitchers were provided with the chart and we were to choose our own colors. So much fun!

Until next time...


  1. Cute squares. I saw all your motifs and they are cute. Are you making them into a quilt or wall hanging? Great job on them.

  2. Great job, Meari!! Have a happy new year! ~ Tricia

  3. Well done Meari! Love your colors.
    Happy new year!

  4. Great, all these monthly pieces.
    Happy New Year!

  5. Nice finish Meari!

    I finished mine a couple weeks ago along with another project. The pics are still in my camera though along with the Christmas pics! I haven't had time to put them on the computer.

    What color / number floss did you use? Looks very much like what I used. Mine is DMC Variations # 4042. I didn't use the white.

    Happy New Year! I hope it's a better one for you.

    Christine - nannystitch

  6. Oh well done! Love the colors!

    What are you planning to do with your finished pieces?


  7. Congratulations on the final finish, Meari! Off the top of my head, I don't think I have had a finish since last January! I will be having a few more than that in 2016, but most likely none before March from the looks of things at this point.


  8. Congratulations on your last finish Meari!

    What are your stitching goals/projects for 2016?


  9. Congratulations on your December finish with this SAL! I really like each one of the blocks provided in the SAL. Have a wonderful 2016!

  10. Congrats on the lovely finish. Happy new year:)

  11. Beautiful work! Congrats on finishing the SAL.

  12. What a fun collection of patterns! Double congratulations for you for getting done before the new year starts! Stay warm and uninjured!

  13. Congrats on your finish, Meari. All the months look great.

    I enjoyed catching up on your blog - haven't been online much while on winter vacation this year, so just saw your updates. We've had a couple of different snows here in Albuquerque over the last two weeks. Each time we got about 4-5 inches. Luckily, snow melts pretty quickly in our area, so just had to shovel the front sidewalk and the driveway, which wasn't too bad.

    Sandy in NM

  14. Congrats on all of your finishs for 2015. Your year long SAL is very much colorful. Love to read up in the coming year to see what you are stitching

  15. Well done on your last finish, Meari. Even better you managed to finish the SAL in the correct year!!


  16. Beautiful finished and happy new year to you and for everybody


  17. Beautiful colors Meari awesome finish!

    Kim G

  18. Great job on completing them all, Meari! I think November is my favorite although they are all so cute. You did a wonderful job of choosing your colors :)

    Happy 2016 to you--I hope all your wishes come true!

  19. Thank you for continuing your blog. It is so much fun to read, and I learn so much about so many things - stitching and not. Happy New Year

  20. All of your Months look great Meari! Happy New Year.

  21. Great job, love them! Happy New Year Meari!

  22. Meari -

    Beautiful stitching! So glad that you were able to complete it in 2015.


  23. That was a close call!!! Love your series! I can't wait to see how you finish them!!!

  24. Cute! Maybe I'll get caught up before the 2016 SAL starts, lol.

  25. Beautiful finishes!!

    Happy New Year and all the best!!

  26. Congratulations on finishing Palko's SAL for 2015! Your finishes further down in your blog (I'm a little behind) all look great, too. The flat snowman is adorable. :) I missed that you switched jobs - congrats on it going well so far!

    Karin in CA

  27. They all look lovely.. Happy New year!!


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