
Jan 17, 2016

Baby, It's COLD Outside!

I knew it couldn't last.  Wishful thinking that the "warm" winter weather would stick around.  Mother Nature had other plans.

This morning, the temperature was -4F.  The winds have been brutal all weekend, making this morning feel like it was -22F. 

Can you say BRRRRRR?!?  Any amount of time outside results in brain freeze.  Literally.

Colder weather, more stitching.  Sounds good, right?  Right.  I've had a couple of finishes since the beginning of the year.

Life's A Stitch from the book, "A Woman's World in Cross Stitch" by Joan Elliott. I stitched it on 28ct Silkweaver pale yellow opalescent linen with DMC threads and changed the black backstitching to coordinating threads for each motif. I also changed the border color and bead color.

This is what the original design looks like:

My second finish was stitched on a leftover piece of Silkweaver 28ct opalescent linen called Shimmering Romance.  I used DMC threads and added coordinating backstitch.

Designer: Little Rabbit Miniatures
I added the arm on the left and closed up the bottom of the snowman.  Also added the snowflake buttons.  My plan is to use the background fabric and make it into a flatfold.
I've also been working on Japanese Garden.  Can I get a big "Woo Hoo!"?  I haven't  worked on it since I attended the Hoosier Retreat last March. 
::hangs head in shame::
Here's what it looked like the last time I worked on JG
Eight hours over the course of several days,
progress made!
I would've worked on it more, but a slight catastrophe issue arose.  I went to move my daylight stitching lamp and the concrete bottom fell out.

After doing some research, I'm going to attempt to repair it.  Stay tuned for the results.
Until next time...


  1. Love your stitching. Good luck on repairing the light.

  2. Oh, definitely a whoo.........AND a hoo!

    Sorry about the lamp, we had a standard IKEA one that did the same but since it had given us over 20 years of faithful service and had crossed the Atlantic twice, lol, it went to the big light resting place!

  3. Love your little snowman finish and thanks for the link!

    You made some good progress on JG! Good luck with the light, hope you can get it repaired somehow.

  4. Congrats on the finishes. They look great. Here's to finishing JG this year!!! Good luck with the light.
    Betty in AZ

  5. You really upgraded the design! I look forward to the pictures of you pouring cement into your lamp!

  6. Meari -

    Congrats on the finishes! They are adorable! Love the color changes. Sorry to hear about your day lamp.


  7. Great finishes Meari. Hope your fix works on the lamp.

    Hugs, Sandy

  8. Beautiful stitching my dear..
    Wow it's so cold ..we having summer time here in Africa x

  9. Your Japanese Garden is coming along beautifully and your finished are terrific.
    Hope you're able to get your lamp fixed.

  10. Congratulations on the finishes, Meari. The snowman is so cute, and I love the changes you made to the stitchers pattern. JG is looking really nice - looks like a lot of work, but turning out fabulously. Sorry to hear about your lamp. Hopefully, you'll be able to repair it.


  11. Congrats on the finishes. You really made them your own; that is so cool. Bravo on resuming work on Japanese Garden. Will I see it on the Chatelaine Support Facebook? I would like to see it in a little more detail. It looks lovely. I am sending you positive thoughts as you atatempt to repair the light. I would be lost without mine.

  12. Sweet finishes Meari. I know you will have a fix for that lamp!
    Same frigid weather up here.

  13. Brr good luck staying warm! Love your two finishes and your changes. They look perfect. Good luck fixing your lamp. If anyone can do it it's you.

  14. yes it is cold - every faucet and toilet in my house has been set to drip. It's enough to drive a girl craaaazy!! Love the picture of you - the stitching is wonderful as usual. I'm curious to see how the lamp turns out.... stay warm!!!

  15. Cute stitches! Good luck with the repair. Your year is starting like mine. Things breaking mine is the car and the broiler unit of my range.

  16. Well done on your finishes. The coordinated back stitching sure brightened up the colors.
    Cold, eeeeewwwwweeeee.
    Hope you find a resolution to your light. Mine wouldn't stand up. Kept tipping over so i screwed a piece of wood, to the front, to make it stand upright.

  17. Meari,

    Your Life's A Stich rendition turned out even nicer than the original. Loved Snowman is so cute and will make a lovely flatfold.

    I wish you luck with the repair of your lamp. I have learned that you can perform miracles and look forward on your progress.


  18. Hi Meari,

    Cute finishes & you made a lot of progress on JG. Hope you can fix the light.

    Christine - nannystitch

  19. Congrats on the finishes. I adore the life in stitches.

    JoAnn McLaughlin

  20. The fabric for the snowman is just perfect. I've got some of that same fabric but have yet to use it. Like how you finished the other piece; beads on the edge. -4 degrees is crazy!!! Today in Texas it was sunny and 45 degrees, just perfect for DS birthday.

    Jenn West

  21. Great finishes and wonderful progress on Japanese Garden! I am sorry about your lamp; good luck in your attempt to repair it.

  22. BRRRRR is right! I'm staying close to the woodstove. Your stitching looks wonderful and I'm sure the snowman will be so adorable as a flatfold. Looking forward to seeing if you are able to get the lamp base repaired. Stay warm.

  23. Cute finishes and i so love the Joan Elliot design.
    Hope you can fix the lamp!

  24. Life's a Stitch and that adorable snowman are great! Japanese Garden is coming along very nicely. You are a stitching machine right now. I guess that is how you are keeping warm. It is cold here too, but not that cold. Brrr indeed! Sorry about your lamp. I hope you can fix it.

  25. Meari,

    Congratulations on your adorable snowman finish! Love your cheerful color choices for both. Woohoo! You got a nice section of JG done. It's going to be a Masterpiece! You can do it!!


  26. Great Stitching!!! I am so sorry about your lamp. I have faith that you will be able to fix it!!!!

  27. Gorgeous stitching. The snowman is so cute!

    I'm always in awe of how handy you are, repairing anything and everything. I can barely wield a hammer and screwdriver competently.

  28. BBrrrr... that looks pretty cold.. can feel the chill run down my spine!!

    Great progress.. Love the shimmering fabric.. Waiting to see your update on the lamp repair

  29. Knowing you, you'll have that lamp fixed in no time, Meari :) I so admire the way you tackle just about any project around the home!

    Love your two finishes and the changes you made on each... Hope to see more of Japanese Garden this year. What a finish that will be...

    Stay warm--it was -7 here yesterday. Quite a shock to the system!

  30. sounds cold there! Good luck fixing your lamp. I'm sure you'll get it back up and running for more stitching soon. Love seeing your progress on your's stunning. Cute smalls too! :)

  31. Great update, Meari. Sorry you are having such a bad winter!

    Karen V

  32. Meari,

    There is nothing like a couple finishes to boost your morale. Our weather and temperature have been brutal too.


  33. Hey Meari,

    I love your two finishes. I really must hunt out my Joan Elliott book and do a few smalls - every time I see them I want to stitch them. Your JG deserves more time dedicated to it - maybe this will be the year to finish it after all? Hate to see your lamp looking like that! Maybe you can make another concrete base to fit inside it? But with the weather you've got, it might be difficult to get it to harden off? Anyway I'm sure you'll find a way!


  34. You are my Home Improvement Fixer upper Hero. Can't wait to see how you fix this. Your snowmen is the best. Love your finishes. Weather is perfect for stitching snowmen...

  35. That is a catastrophe! I love the little snowman and JG is looking great!

    Karin in CA

  36. Congrats on the cute finishes, the snowman is so adorable. Japanese garden looks great too. Wishing you success on your lamp repair, we need that!

  37. Wow, that's cold, definitely. We rarely have these temperatures and if we do it's during the nights. But we are having a lot of snow, around 20". Not what I like :(
    Your two little finishes are so nice. And I'm looking forward to seeing your flat fold snowman.

  38. Hello Meari,
    I love your border and bead version. Your version looks much brighter. The snowman is a cute finish. I can't wait to see the flatfold finish. Japanese Garden is coming along and you got a lot done.

    BRRRRRRR! You stay warm and safe in that weather.

  39. Nice finishing. Great job on the lamp lol hope you got it back to operational. Can't wait to see a large pic of your sampler.

  40. Hello Meari,

    Such pretty cross stitch. 2 finishes, well done! I love the changes you made to Life's a stitch, my fav colours!

    Wow, the Japanese Garden looks great too!

    Hope you fix the lamp soon!

    Barbara xx

  41. Your two small cross-stitch finishes are just so sweet! And your Japanese Garden one is going to be lovely.

    I sure hope you were able to repair that lamp!

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party. Aloha hugs!

  42. Such lovely finishes.....and Woohoooo!!!! Well done on picking up the Japanese Garden! I do hope to see more of this one :)
    The lamp all fixed?
    I just converted -4F to celcius.....and all I can say is BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! That's -20!!!!! How do people even LIVE in those kinda temps?!!? Stay warm!

  43. Great work! And oh my goodness about the lamp! Mine is getting old, and I'm so worried every time I move it. It sits right on the edge of an end table, and I'm sure one day it will fall and break.

  44. Your smalls are very sweet! I particularly like the little snowman.

    The Japanese Garden project is lovely. What an undertaking!

  45. che belli i tuoi ricami! Spero che riparino presto la tua lampada

  46. Lovely stitching, I am sad your lamp broke.
    I hope you get it fixed soon.


  47. Lovely finish for the Smalls SAL, great progress on Japanese Garden and good luck with fixing the lamp.

  48. Hey, hi! Yes we can say "brrrr" here in Italy, even when the temp is not like your, you are really frozen there, so sorry. I love so much your small, is so delicate! Congrats! Keep warm at home!

  49. What great finishes!!! They are sooo pretty!!! Hope you get your lamp totally fixed the way you want it!!

  50. Have fun repairing your light, I know it will turn out great. Cute little finishes.
    Happy Belated Birthday!!


  51. Pretty work. I like the `Life´s a Stitch´ design and the colours you have chosen.

  52. beautiful stitching, hope you can fix your lamp

  53. Love your little snowman! Sorry about the lamp.


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