
Aug 18, 2017

Etegami 絵手紙

::hangs head in disbelief::

I cannot believe I forgot to write about Etegami!  

Back in June (Yes, June!), I took an Etegami art class taught by the same instructor who did the Chinese Brush Painting class.

Etegami is Japanese postcard art containing simple painted images and heart-felt words.  To complete etegami, the card is then mailed to a friend or loved one.  Etegami literally means "Picture Letters".
e = picture, tegami = letter.

The fun part about making etegami is that it doesn't have to be perfect (something I struggle with in the creative process).  In fact, the phrase "clumsy is good" is an important thing to remember when doing etegami.

Class was an all day event in which we learned and practiced etegami skills.  

My work space for etegami class
 It was such a fun day!  The fruits of my labor:

Peppers and Bok Choy
Carrots - These were fun to do!
Ink Only - Orchids
Orchid - Painted from Still Life
Panda - Painted from Photo
Sunflower - Painted from Still Life
I posted these on my FB page and asked if anyone would like an etegami from me.  Since most of my FB friends are stitchy friends, I was overwhelmed with happiness that so many wanted one.  So, I've been busy making and sending Etegami!

So far, six of the seven I've sent out have made it to the "catcher" (the person receiving the etegami).

I sent the bird one I made in class to my aunt.  She has it on her refrigerator -- she says several of her friends just "love it".

The first wave of etegami sent out
 One of the catchers said she liked cherry blossoms so I tried my hand at them.  In return, she crocheted me a kokeshi doll. Love those things!

Another friend liked his so much, he sent me a photo and later said he taped it to his computer workspace.

I have sent out the next six. Where shall they land?  We shall see?

Until next time...


  1. All of your Etegami Art is so pretty..I would not be able to pick a favorite..You are so talented..

  2. Meari, your creations are beautiful. It would be hard to pick just one. What an enjoyable experience you had!

  3. WOW they all look great Meari! You have so many talents in the arts and seem to pick them up pretty easily. Keep striving to make the world beautiful Meari!

  4. I had never heard of this art form before. How very interesting that you could participate in a class. And the result is amazing. Great job!

  5. Wow Meari! Your painting was lovely from the beginning, but the few you've showcased in this post are my favorite. I love the bird and the trees, and the sunflower is perfection in my eyes! You are so talented in so many ways.

  6. Very interesting, Meari--and I learned a new word! I just love what you've created--especially the cardinal and the delicate blue bird. You definitely have painting talent :)

  7. Your talent never ceases to amaze me!! My favorite us the red bird!

  8. You are a very talented person! All of your etegami are beautiful! I am a little envious of your skills.

  9. Okay Meari is there anything you do that's not perfect. You amaze me. These are just gorgeous!! What a talented lady you are.

  10. One landed in my mailbox and I adore it! Thanks again Meari!!

  11. Your bamboo is fabulous, my DD Darcy says she prefers your Eat Dessert First though...that girl is all about the food lol! Love seeing them on my feeds x

  12. All so beautiful.. my favorite are the orchids - both.. you are truly amazing and awe inspiring Meari!!


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