
Dec 4, 2017

Painting and Stitching...

... not necessarily in that order.

Summer and Fall has flown by so fast... reminded by my brother who I hadn't seen since March.  It's been a really busy summer. Every weekend, I've been off on little adventures that I have yet to blog about.  

I set aside my Etegami endeavors for a bit.  My aunt went gaga over the sunflower etagami I did in class.  Apparently, I'd promised to do one for her and forgot.  She reminded me the other day...  Instead of doing an etegami, I did an actual painting for her.

About half way through doing the painting, I had my doubts it was going to turn out.  The dark spot in the middle was a combination of yellow, red, and violet.  I did not like it at all!  The bottom seemed like a mottled mess.  The only part I truly liked were the petals.  I continued on because if there's anything I learned from the watercolor class last March it's that you never know how it's going to turn out.  Plus, it's only paper and paint after all.  So, moving forward I was really happy with how it turned out!

I'm not sure what brand of watercolor paper I used as it was laying in a pile of scraps I had.  I used Staedtler, Qor, and Daler Rowney watercolors. India ink.  7 x 9 3/4"

I did a second one. I like the leaves better in this one, but like the sunflower better in the first one.

I have a finish! I visited my second Mom in Virginia earlier this year (I also have to blog about this, too!) and she stitched this same design while I was there. Then she let me borrow the chart to stitch it.  We both changed the colors from the original design.  Here's my rendition:

I found the perfect frame while thrift store shopping.

I can honestly say, "I'm abundantly blessed."

Until Next Time...


  1. Your painting is exquisite and l love the color changes in your stitching!

  2. The sunflower painting is gorgeous. I like your Abundantly Blessed finish.

  3. Love your sunflower painting! Fabulous! Lovely stitching.

  4. You never cease to amaze me! I believe there is a budding artist somewhere inside you just waiting to get out. Your art work is great - I like all of it. Keep at it and who knows, maybe you will be rich and famous one of these days. (I certainly expect to see that happen!) Judi in Phoenix

  5. Really like the frame you discovered at the thrift store. It sets off your stitching really well. Amazing the kinds of treasures you can find at thrift stores, isn't it?


  6. Abundantly Blessed turned out cute and I love the frame you put it in. Personally I LOVE your sunflower and I am sure your Aunt loved it!

  7. Glad to see updates from you other than on FB. Your paintings are amazing. I love them both. Your finish is perfect and looks wonderful in that frame.


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