
Dec 16, 2017

12 Days of Christmas Exchange

Each year, I participate in the 12 Days of Christmas Exchange hosted by one of the Yahoo groups I'm a member of.  It works like this:  12 small gifts worth $2 are purchased, wrapped, and sent to the assigned partner.  On December 1st, one gift is opened each day and posted to the group.  It is a lot of fun!

On the first day of Christmas, my partner gave to me... three skeins of beautiful Mandarin floss and a scissor keep kit.  I see a new start in my future.

On the second day of Christmas, my partner gave to me... a beautiful jar of homemade apple jelly.  I cannot wait to try this.  Yummo!!

On the third day of Christmas, my partner gave to me... a limited edition Cherished Heart kit, two cards of Wisper floss (lavender and yellow), and two cards of Fuzzy Stuff floss (blue and pink).  Ideas are swirling in my head as to what I can do with this.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my partner gave to me.... Miniature Christmas Ornaments kit and a pair of Little Gems Scissors.  Look how TINY those ornaments are!!

On the fifth day of Christmas, my partner sent to me... a jar of homemade applesauce.  I can't wait to try it!  Having made applesauce for the first time this summer, I know what goes into canning it!

On the sixth day of Christmas, my partner sent to me... four skeins of pearl cotton, three more cards of Mandarin floss, and one card of Nordic Gold.  Look at those pretty colors!  I love them.

On the 7th Day of Christmas, my partner sent to me... the LARGEST bag of hot cocoa I've ever seen!  It's the Swiss Miss Chocolatier Series Dark Chocolate.  I've included one of my coffee cups to show the size of the bag.  The beverage was quite tasty, I must say!

On the eighth day of Christmas, my partner sent to me... 28ct hand-painted Jobelan fabric by Jar Designs and two skeins of GAST.  I've never used hand-painted fabric so I'm so excited to find a project to try it on.  And the GAST.... so pretty!

On the 9th day of Christmas, my partner sent to me... a book called, "Threads of Grace" by Kelly Long, a Mary Engelbreight bookmark, and LOTS a tea.  There are several flavors I've never tried so I'm looking forward to it.

On the tenth day of Christmas, my partner sent to me... lots of good stuff!  Several designs in the April 2004 Stoney Creek magazine caught my eye.  Wild Adventures has lots of gorgeous animal designs.  I also received two other charts that can be adapted into smaller designs.  As if it weren't enough, my partner also sent three skeins of Belle Soie silk floss.  I've never used these before so I'm looking forward to trying them out.  How fun is this?!

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my partner gave to me... four packages of beads, two packages of crystal treasures, one skein of Caron Waterlilies silk floss, one skein of Dinky Dyes silk, a package of needles and a bunch of DMC plastic bobbins.  What a great gift package!

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my partner gave to me... more tea (Can you ever have too much tea?!) and a cute little Kreinik Ornament of the Month kit... so, so CUTE!

Because my partner thinks of a dozen as a "Baker's Dozen", she sent me a 13th gift package.  How sweet of her!  The Baker's Dozen gift package was filled with lots of goodies:  Two stocking leaflets, a Christmas Treasures leaflet (all by Stoney Creek), two skeins of Gloriana floss, and MORE TEA!  I have all sorts of new tea flavors to try.  I can't wait!

I have truly been spoiled with this exchange.  I've been so busy at work that each day's gift was truly a highlight.  A big THANK YOU goes out to Shirley in KY.  I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into my packages.

Until Next Time...


  1. I am participating in this exchange this year too! It's been so much fun, and it looks like you've been getting some awesome gifts!!

  2. I didn't know yahoo groups were still around. I miss them. What a fun exchange. I did it once a long time ago. You have a great partner. Love all your goodies so far.

  3. Meari,

    That sounds like a wonderful exchange and you got some lovely stuff, like the blue pillow.



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