
Dec 5, 2017

Just Around The Corner...

... old man Winter awaits.  We received our first snowfall on November 11th.  It didn't last long and here in the Midwest, we've had a roller coaster of unseasonably warm weather, rainy weather, and today bitterly cold weather.  Yesterday, it was was 61 degrees with gusting southerly winds.  Today, it's 29 degrees with bitterly cold northerly winds.  Yep, Winter is a-coming!

First Snow of 2017 at The Homestead

I went to a retreat in October where I had two finishes.  One is an FFO (fully finished object) that I can show.  The other isn't finished yet, so no photos (sorry!).  The stitching fits beneath glass.  To finish the fabric, I had to learn the nun stitch.  It wasn't bad once I got the hang of it!  I really like how this turned out.

Design:  Full Moon
Designer:  The Drawn Thread
Fabric:  32ct Linen
Fibers:  DMC, GAST, WDW

The box above is one of the finishing alternatives shown with the chart.  It's by Cottage Garden.  If you are looking to use this box for finishing, SHOP AROUND!  I bought two of these on Amazon for $12 each.  The next day, the vendor increased the price to $20.  Some LNS sell the box for $28.  Prices on Amazon range from $15 to $20 and come in a variety of colors (black, white, brown).

I had another finish besides the two mentioned above.  I had a piece of pretty blue aida that I thought would work perfectly for this design.  Originally, I had intended to make an ornament but it turned out larger than I anticipated.  Hmmm... where have I heard that before?  That brings me to another thought:  Has anyone noticed that a lot of the ornaments in the JCS issues are way larger than one would expect for ornaments?  Anyway...

Design:  Outside My Window
Designer:  Diane Graebner of Lynn's Prints
Magazine:  JCS Ornament Issue 2005
Fabric:  14ct Baby Blue Aida*
Fibers:  DMC
Embellishments:  Handmade Cording, Pearl Rice Beads

Originally, I'd posted a fabric toss on Facebook asking for opinions whether I should use a red fabric or a blue one.  Overwhelmingly, the consensus was red!  However, one person suggested I use blue and put a red cording around the blue stitched fabric.  I took it a step further and chose the red of the birds and the silver gray of the stars to make coordinated cording.  It turned out so nice... I'm very pleased.

*I don't use much aida anymore although I have a boatload of it.  So every now and then, I pull a piece out and stitch something on it.  Stitching goes faster and it's easier on the eyes.  And, look!  I made a cute pillow... with aida!

Until Next Time...


  1. I love your cardinal pillow especially how the cardinals pop on the finished product. Congratulations on getting your box top piece finished! It turned out great. We have had the roller coaster in weather here although no snow yet.


  2. Lovely snowy picture.
    Love both of your stitches and finish.

  3. Love Both your finishes Meari..Beautiful Stitching and Finishing..

  4. Lovely finishes.

    Our weather is crazy. It's quite warm at the moment, but a storm is heading our way for Friday and the weekend, so they are predicting that white stuff.


  5. We have the same bitter winds up here. Full Moon is super! I love your color choices on Outside My Window Meari.

  6. Loving your finishes - especially your box. I really need to find some!
    Yes, we've been saying this for years about the ornament patterns at JCS. A few of us even wrote to them about it. Here's hoping they listen!

  7. What lovely stitching, Meari! And your finishing is always perfect! I'm glad you used the blue with the red and silver trim for your pillow, it truly is picture perfect (even if it is stitched on aida...hahaha *wink*) I like your idea of using aida on some small pieces, I'm going to do that too!

  8. That box is gorgeous Meari! And the cardinals look great. You made the right fabric choice, they look perfect on there.

    Hope you are ready for your winter, make sure you bundle up good - it is supposed to be a bad one this year.

  9. We haven't had our first snow yet. I saw a few flakes but that was it. I just love your finishes. I love the pillow finish and need to learn how to do that.

  10. winter is definitely here too brrrr .. your wee ornament is gorgeous .. well done on stitching on aida too, hate the stuff now I am onto the posh fabric ....hahahh
    love mouse xxxxxx

  11. November was a very wintery month here and we have had an early share of snow. And December hasn't been better so far. Just not what I like ...
    Great little box that you finished with the Full Moon design. And the little pillow with the cardinals is so sweet with the fabric you chose and the two.coloured cord.

  12. How nice to see you posting again, Meari! No snow--at all--here in the western PA region. I wish we had even a bit to make it feel more Christmasy!

    I just love the black box finish. I stitched and finished six of those the same way a few years back to give to my stitching buddies at a retreat. They were all well received :) And your little pillow turned out great. Know exactly what you mean about "large" ornaments! That is why I stitch so many on 40 ct. or over one on 28. Just don't like huge ornaments on a tree :)

    Hope you are having a fun weekend


  13. AS always your work is beautiful. I love all the wonderful pieces you stitched along with those you received.
    Wish I could stitch as fast as you do.:)


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