One teacher said, "I felt like they were all moving..but slowly. Kind of like, they were breathing."
The pictures are used to test the level of stress a person can handle.
The slower the pictures move, the better your ability of handling stress.
Allegedly, criminals that were tested see them spinning around madly; however senior citizens and kids see them standing still.
None of these images are animated - they are perfectly still.
P.S. If you do happen to see the images spinning around madly, please cross me off your 'friend' list.
REVISED: In response to Kathy's question of... How stressed am I. I've looked at these various times over the past couple of days. As I write this, they barely move for me. Earlier today, they were moving slowly. -Never- fast, LOL Lucky for me (or not), I handle stress pretty good compared to say, my Dad or my sister. Although, I do have anxiety and panic attacks when things get too stressful.
That is pretty neat.
Wow, neat indeed. They definately move for me Meari. But not at a lightning speed, so hopefully I can still be your friend. :)
What a cool thing.
Yes, they appear to move at the regular breathing kind of pace for me too. So, am still your friend?? ;)
Wow, can't say how lucky you are getting mother's day gifts. Sigh, wish DH heard and read all these.
Wow, this is pretty cool! Mine are spinning slowly. Figures...I will totally admit I'm a stress case at the moment. :)
Did you put this test on here for me? lol To see how I react to them.
I think you are safe to ride with me. They hardly move.
Gee, I thought I did not take stress well... guess I was wrong.
One did not seem to move for me but the other two seemed to move slowly. HHHHMMMMMMMM wonder what that means.... since I am neither a child nor an elderly person.
They didn't move at all for me. Does that mean I have a child's mind or an old person's mind?
One moved and the other stood still so I guess I handle stress well. LOL
Just curious. How fast were they spinning for you??? :)
The first one wasn't moving at all and the middle one was very, very slowly. The third? Only started to move after I stared at it for a minute.
So I guess I'm handling the stress okay. :)
LOL Pretty cool pictures.
I guess we can still be friends!
Very interesting - amazing how our minds and eyes work!
They move very, very slowly for me.
I think I need some Damamine :) Just kidding. Top one barely moved. Second one I swear I heard wind rustling thought the leaves !!!!!!
At first, they didn't seem to move at all for me, but then if I stared at them for a little while, they did move slowly. I'm not surprised, though. I have to be able to handle stress well or it would have killed me by now. :) Really cool post!
Very slow motion so you're safe with me, LOL!
Well, dear friend, it's time to show them to Mr too good to be true boyfriend !!! lol (just in case ... lol )
Very cool, Meari! Thankfully, they are spinning very slowly for me...and after the week I've been having, I'll take that as a good sign. =)
I guess I'm officially a Senior Citizen...or just not stressed. They were still for me. Guess that's a good thing and I can remain your friend
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