May 24, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 3

 Before I could complete the paver project, I had to do some concrete repairs on the front step.  Again, another first for this type of project. Talk about learning experiences!

Left Side of the Front Step

Right Side of Front Step

Corner of Upper Step

Using plywood scraps, I build corner forms and set to work mixing up quick set concrete.  This stuff definitely sets up quick.

Stuff I used.  Time consuming, but not difficult.

After about 10 minutes I could remove the forms and set to work smoothing out the sides and edges.

Upper Step Repaired

Repaired Left Side of Step

Repaired Right Side of Step

What I learned:  Only mix what you can use in one section at a time.  Quick set cement does set quick!
Another well overdue project completed.  I'm sure I saved $$$ learning to do this myself.  My Dad would be proud!

Until next time...

May 22, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 2

When we last left off, I was dealing with the water run off and dirt flowing out into the driveway due to storms passing through right after I had the shrubs removed from around The Homestead.  What a mess that was to clean up!

After some quick research, I did some shopping.

I started with these

Then I had to get more!

They are 8x3x4" retaining wall blocks perfect size for small retaining walls, raised flower beds, and garden walls.  They are made to look like naturally worn flagstone.  Fairly light weight at 8lbs each.  The color I chose is called Ashland.

Shovel, level, mallet, and pavers at hand, I set to work.  First project was to keep anymore dirt from washing out onto the driveway from directly next to The Homestead.

One the pavers were in place, I lined the bed with landscaping fabric, then added dirt to bring it level to the top edge.  Then I topped it with red mulch.

Earlier in the summer, I decided a solar fountain would be a fun addition to The Homestead.

I wanted to incorporate the fountain at the front of The Homestead so I designed the next paving project with this in mind.  This project also intended to keep soil from sliding out into the driveway.

I spent many a day and some late nights getting this built.

Once the border was built, I also lined this with landscaping fabric followed by lots and lots and lots of dirt!  Since this is where I planned to put the fountain, I topped the dirt with small river rock for stability.

Next thing I know, it was November and getting colder.  I still had quite a bit left to do!

I quickly set the remaining pavers in place temporarily and put down mulch so I knew how the borders would look in front of the house.  I didn't quite have enough, but my plan is to finish this part in 2024.

This was my first ever landscaping project of this magnitude. It's not be perfect... I do love how it's turning out, though!

Until next time...

May 20, 2024

Marvelous Monday Update 5/20/2023

Guess what?!  There's a new sheriff... I mean stitch shop in town!  Not my town, mind you, but a town nonetheless.  If you're ever in Roscoe, Illinois you'll find Bee Youtiful Sip & Stitchery.  They had their grand opening on May 11th.  There was food, drinks, and lots of laughing going on.  In addition to stitching supplies, they sell teas... lots of teas. Brett said her grandmother used to drink tea while stitching so it was only natural to include tea in her shop.

I didn't leave empty handed. Oh no.

My goodies were placed in a zippered project bag with the shop's key tag attached to the zipper.  It was a fun experience and I even unexpectedly met up with not one, not two, but three stitchers from our Stateline Stitchers group.

I participated in a Patriotic Ornament Exchange.  Technically, it's not due to be mailed until next month but I finished mine early so I sent it off.  It's been received so I can show it now.

Let Freedom Ring
Stitched on 14ct Charles Craft Fiddlers Lite Aida
with DMC floss
Embellished with gold seed beads and JABC Patriotic Bird

I tried my hand at coffee-dying the mini pom-pom trim, ribbon, and backing fabric.  I was very pleased at how everything coordinated.

That's all I've got for now.
Until next time...


May 17, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 1

Happy Friday everyone!  What's new with you?  Sit down for a spell and enjoy some Rhubarb Muffins with Struesel.

Things are happening around The Homestead!  At the end of summer last year, I had all the shrubs removed from around three sides of my house.  They were overgrown when I moved there 17 years ago, and had gotten even more unmanageable in recent years so they had to go.

Front of The Homestead

There is actually a sidewalk and steps to the porch in there!

Opposite end of The Homestead front, there was this HUGE 10x10 foot monstrosity.  It had grown so big, it was touching the pine tree and causing me difficulty when mowing.

Shrubs on the south side of The Homestead. The one on the corner was about 8 foot in diameter.  Red tagged for removal.

In the corner alcove were even more shrubs.  The landscaper I used to remove them said based on the size, the shrubs mostly likely were  planted when the house was built.

I contracted in May and finally in July, they were gone... gone.. gone!  Unfortunately, the day after removal we had torrential rain which caused dirt wash out into the driveway both in the front and back.

What a mess to clean up!

I hadn't planned on this issue and I had to decide quickly what I was going to do with all the bare ground!

Look!  There's the sidewalk and porch.

South Side of The Homestead
Doesn't it look a lot better?

All the shrubs and scrub trees removed from the alcove

I marveled at how different The Homestead looked after all the shrubs were removed. Very happy at not having to trim them anymore.

Until next time...

May 13, 2024

Marvelous Monday Update 5/13/2024

Last week I talked about my finishes.  How about this week we talk about my WIP, UFOs, and new starts?

As of April, these were my cross stitch WIPs and UFOs.  Do they really count as UFOs if I've worked on them here and there?  I dunno.

Works In Progress (aka WIPs)

In March, it was a pretty big deal when I finally finished the stitching part of Japanese Garden!

Now, I'm working on the beading.  There are a lot of beads!

Japanese Garden
Stitched on   White Evenweave
with Eterna Silk, Victoria Clayton Silk, and Krenik Braid
Currently I'm sewing on Delica Beads

Stitched on 32ct Wichelt Linen "Sea Spray" 
with DMC and WDW threads
Designer: Hands On Design
Started April 2023

Eight Immortals
Progress as of 3/23/2024
Stitched on 16ct White Aida
with DMC threads
When finished, this will be 30"H x 24"L

UnFinished Objects (aka UFOs)

Balloon Glow
Pre-2014 Work in Progress

Elegance of the Orient
Pre-2017 Work In Progress

Embarassed to say I haven't worked on this since 2019.
I think I better pull it out!

Winter White Santa
Even worse, I haven't touched this one since 2018.
I was so excited to start this, too.

A Peacock's Garden
I started this in 2019.
New Starts

It's been years since I've done a mailart exchange so I couldn't pass it up when the opportunity presented itself.

This is the only photo I will be showing until it reaches the recipient.  I'll be starting the stitching soon.

Spring Mail Art Floss Toss
Stitched on 28ct Hand-Painted Jobelan by JAR Designs
with DMC threads

I also signed up for a Patriotic Ornament Exchange.  This is the floss toss.

More info to come once it arrives at it's new home.

Until next time...