Jul 20, 2024

Collapse and Chaos - Part 2

 Traveling Back in Time... It's now March 2021 and the snow is melting. The sun is shining.  And I was left to look at the mess left behind from the building collapse in January.  The view of my backyard is not pleasant... at all.  

Demolition and clean up has started.

The wall in the previous photos is literally holding up the back of my yard as well as the neighbor's so it cannot be taken down.

A peek into the inside of the building....

What a mess it was!

Once the building was lifted off my garage, even more damage could be seen.  It was heartbreaking and stressful.

Demolition and clean up took a few weeks.

The building owner on the other side had to have the entire peak of the roof taken off and re-built.

It's difficult to tell, but from the top of my yard to the collapsed building floor below is 12 feet or more.  It's quite a distance to fall.  

To "protect" people from falling over the edge of the wall, the owner of the collapsed building installed 4x4's and a plastic snow fence. 😕

I made a call to the City Engineer to get this rectified. Have I said that the owner of the building is cheap?!  And at that point, the view of my backyard wasn't getting any better.

Until Next Time...


butterfly said...

It must be a nightmare , but you are safe .
Hugs June.