Aug 8, 2007

Negotiations Are On

I finally got word today around 4pm from my realtor. Like we knew they would, the seller countered my offer. My realtor was very pleased. They countered with a price $3K below what they were originally asking and $6K above what I offered. They agreed to all the contingencies for making repairs. They also agreed to paying for a home warranty ($400 value). They also agreed to leaving all the personal property we listed: window treatments, chair, dining room table and chairs, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage dispoal, all attached light fixtures, and the washer/dryer. My realtor suggested I counter with an offer somewhere in the middle, so I did. I'll find out what the seller says Friday by 5pm.

Surprisingly, I haven't been anxious or worried about any of this.

Tonight, my Dad says to me: "I wanna know something. If you move, who will your neighbors argue with?" Haha... Funny, Dad.

UPDATE: My realtor called to tell me that she presented the offer to the seller's realtor who seemed pleased with it. Hopefully, by tomorrow I'll know whether or not it was accepted. My realtor said if she finds out tonight, she will definitely call me.


Anonymous said...

Ha, ha! Let them argue with the landlord. He's the one that rented to them in the first place.

Marita said...

Ooooh.. Good Luck with the negotiations, sounds like it is already well in your favour.

I agree with Kathryn, let the landlord argue with the neighbours.

Kendra said...

Good luck in the negotiations! Hopefully you'll end up with the house at a fair price for everyone.

Sorry to hear about your basement water least it happened in a rented house rather than an owned house! If your neighbors will try to blame it on you (wouldn't surprise me, after everything else they've done), you can just tell them you moved your mosquito research station indoors because of the heat...LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of luck with the house negotiations. I'll be keeping my toes crossed for you.

Your Father is a riot! Too funny. :)


Sharon said...

Good luck with the house! You had a pretty bad day there with all the water. I hope you have everything resolved now.

Greg said...

My fingers are crossed for you! YAY!!!!!

Valda said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the sellers will accept your offer! Good luck!!!

stitcherw said...

That sounds so promising. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out. Was your potential house affected with all the rain/flooding you had? I sure hope not.