Aug 29, 2007

What Is This? 8/18/07 Answer

A couple weeks ago, I put out a "What Is This?" challenge.

It's my lawnmower! A couple years ago, I needed a lawnmower and Freecycle came to my rescue! Actually, the freecycler had two mowers, neither of them worked. However, my Dad used to be a small engine mechanic and for about $2 he got this one running for me. It's worked great since then! Not bad for an 18yr mower, eh??

Have I said how much I like Freecycle?!?

Now for the really fun part. I really enjoyed the "creative" stories I received in response to the challenge! Thank you ladies. :) As promised, I put all the names of those with the correct answer in a "hat" for a prize from my stash.

The winner is....

*drum roll*

Anita Sorrells!!


Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Not bad at all! My hubby bought a mower for next to nothing this year and it works as good as a new one even if it is ugly!

Anonymous said...

Hiya, Meari! great 'buy' on the mower...I love your frugality, save $$ to buy stitchy supplies, eh? lol. I would have never guessed it was that, cool game, Lisa S :-)