Aug 30, 2007

No Place Like Home #2

I stitched my second "No Place Like Home" by Pine Mountain Designs on 14ct Parchment aida with DMC threads. It took about the same amount of time to stitch up as the first one (7.5 hours). I'm debating on whether or not to frog the windows and restitch them in ecru. Opinions?


Anonymous said...

It's a cute little piece and I like the white windows but if you feel it needs a little something, maybe add some detail with backstitching around the windows and making panes within. (I think ecru might blend in with the fabric too much).

Stitcher said...

The windows look fine to me.

glenda said...

Looks good, Meari. I am going to vote for ecru windows, though. The white just doesn't seem to go with the color scheme. Not muted enough.

Marita said...

Looks great. Sadly I would have to say that the window colour would be better as ecru.

Nic said...

I think I prefer this colourway to the original :o)

The windows look fine to me, but if you think they look a little too bright, why not dip the whole thing in tea to dull the colour a bit? I've done that before and it works fine, especially as DMC doesn't run!

Nicola said...

Lovely finish Meari. The windows look ok to me.

Angela said...

I think the windows look nice as they are. I love LK designs too.

Anonymous said...

I think if you added some window "panes" to them it would take away from the empty look they have...cute finish!

Mary Ann said...

Very nice! I think the windows appear a little too bright as they are now--and ecru might look better.

Kathy said...

Great job. I like the colors you changed it to. The windows look fine to me, but if you are not comfortable with them, add backstitch and panes to them.

Anonymous said...

I actually like the windows. Makes me think of there being a light on to welcome a person home. :)

Anonymous said...

I think your finish is great, Meari and wouldn't change a thing. If the windows bother you at all, I say change them. You want to be happy with something you've stitched, so go for it. It certainly won't take long to frog and restitch them.


Sharon said...

Oh my, I see lots different ideas about the windows, but I think that the Ecru would blend with the fabric too much. Either way, great finish!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to go with ecru to match the overall colors in it. But it's up to you to decide what YOU like the best. Congrats on another finish!
Barb in TX

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That is cute! I would leave it as is!

Nancy in IL said...

Naw, I think the white is fine. Only thing I'd do is some backstitching panes and down the corner of the house too. It's cute as can be!

Anonymous said...

Hello Meari,
I think I would agree with some people who wrote comments earlier, it looks very nice.
I would possibly find the windows a bit bright as well, but I feel that ecru might blend in to much with the background and I personally would go for the "backstitch and pane solution" in that case, I have done it in the past and the difference worked for me.
Hope you enjoy it whatever you decide to do.
Happy stitching weekend

Anonymous said...

Meari, I'm finally able to leave a comment, new notebook,lol...I posted my thoughts in CSF, but in a nutshell...I like the brightness, try to pick up that color with the same color embellishments and/or coordinating fabric depending on the finishing technique. My windows are bright yellow:

so, I'm going to find some coordinating fabric to pick it up & compliment it. Very cute design and great job! Lisa S

Dawn B. said...

It's totally up to you about the windows but I would frog them.

Vikki Gable said...

Congrates on another finish :)