Aug 2, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 4

 Hello Friends ~

I've recently posted about all the changes at The Homestead in 2023:
•  Shrub Removal HERE.
•  Flower Bed Landscaping HERE.
•  Concrete Work HERE.

This brings me to the end of fall 2023 with winter quickly approaching.  A coworker and her mom generously gifted me a daylily, hostas, and irises to add in my flower beds.  
I also had some hostas from my own mom given to me many years ago that needed to be propagated.  Additionally, I bought 50 tulip bulbs from the local home improvement store.  What was I thinking?!  Did I mention I also bought 12 climbing rose bushes?  I definitely had my work cut out for me if I was going to get this all done before winter reared it's cold, snowy head!

In a previous post, I shared an orange plastic snow fence was installed as a deterrent to keep people from falling over the edge of the wall remaining after the building collapse in 2021.  Like this was going to protect anyone from falling 16 feet to the concrete below... 😬

After numerous complaints to the City Engineer, they made the owner of collapsed building install a chain link fence.

The installers had to move one row of nicely chopped and stacked wood.  

As you can see, they didn't restack it the way they found it.  

I just couldn't stand the view, so I moved the wood pile to the south side of my yard next to the neighbor's garage.

Much better!

Along the chain link fence, I planted 12 bareroot Laguna Climbing Roses.

 Much to my relief, it didn't take long before they started to grow.

Eleven out of twelve grew.  The greenhouse I bought them from has a money back guarantee if plants do not grow within 90 days.  So I received a credit for one rose plant.

During Summer 2023, they grew and grew and grew...

It wasn't long before these roses reached the bottom of the fence.  To "train" the climbing roses on the fence, I used zip ties.  The first blooms burst open with a pretty pink color.

By the Fall of 2023, the Laguna Climbing Roses reached the height of the concrete block wall.  I was so pleased!

This year, the Laguna Roses are blooming profusely all along the length of the fence and are so beautiful.

During the hot and humid weather earlier this month, the roses grew to the top of the fence.  I was so surprised to see this when I came home from vacation.
I planted a Double Knockout Rose bush about 15 years ago.  It grew and bloomed the best in 2023.  I think it's because I pruned it in the spring.

Until Next Time,


Marilyn said...

That looks like it was a mess for a long time with the collapse.
Oh, those Roses are gorgeous!