Stitchy StuffA while back, I won a giveaway Shelleen was hosting on her blog. It's a Silver Needle Night kit depicting February events... Ground Hog's Day, Valentine's Day, Lincoln & Washington's Birthdays. I really enjoyed
the last SNN kit I did so I'm sure I'll enjoy this one, too. Thank you, Shelleen!

In today's mail, I received this cute RAK from
Jess. These
block-by-block projects are designed by Craft Center of Fine Stitchery. They come in chart or kit form.

Lastly, I'll leave you with my progress on the Quaker Cube:

So far it's been a pretty quick stitch. I've only had to frog once. It takes me about 1.5 hours to stitch one square.
Nina is hosting a giveaway on her blog: "If you want to get a chance to win please show us your scissors on your blog. Not condition to have a lot scissors, you can show any what you have. Please leave a comment
HERE if you want to be entered. To get one more extra enter put this
logo on your blog and link back here, leave a comment again after it." The giveway ends April 30th, midnight (CET). You'll get scissors and the lot in the picture!
Here are my scissors:
Stitchy Stuff of a Different KindI was totally floored when I got my mail last Monday and found a fabric postcard from Wanda in Canada! I was so excited, I took it to work with me and showed it off. It's truly a work of art! Even my coworker said it would look wonderful framed. I've actually met Wanda in person and she's a great gal. :) (I did wonder why she never responded to me when I asked about fabric postcards. Now I know why!) Sneaky girl...

The fabric postcard was mailed just as you see it... Just like a paper postcard. Isn't it totally awesome?! Thank you, Wanda!! I LOVE it :)
Blog AwardCarolyn, the sweet lady she is, gave me an award! Thank you, Carolyn, for thinking of me. :)

"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated."
I'm passing this award on to 5 others:
Kristin -
Dragondreamer's LairDonna -
Stitching For A CureKathy -
Kathy's Stitch and Other CommentsRachel -
What Crazy Looks LikeRanae -
Stitch by Stitch (Who I recently found out lives fairly close to me!)
DatingLOL, ahhh... Where do I start?
Hand Sanitizer Dude: He seemed OK at first. He took me to a Superbowl Party hosted by some friends of his. We left early and finished watching the game at his house, since I had a 40 minute drive home. I asked to use his restroom and found that while the water in the toilet worked (thank goodness), the water in the sink did not. When I exited the bathroom, he handed me a bottle of hand sanitizer to "wash my hands" since the water in the sink wasn't turned on. As a parting gift despite my polite declines, he gave me a new bottle of hand sanitizer to take home. Proclaimed "work" gives it to the employees all the time. Oh, and I sha'nt forget to include the conversations about how athletic he was in high school... holding records that had previously been held by students who went on to be NFL stars. Picture a plump 38year old man bragging to me about his H.S. records! As you can imagine, it was the *first* and *last* date.
We Should Go out (Sometime) Guy: For almost two weeks, this guy texted me various messages of hello, good morning, sweet dreams, etc. The first time we talked on the phone, he asked me out, said we'd talk later in the week. Wed, he texted asking me if we were still going out. I said "Yes" and asked if he was still game. To which he replied "Yes!" Alrighty then. From that point on, no more texts. Thursday comes, no phone call. Friday comes, a few texts. No phone call. No mention of date which was supposed to be on Saturday. Saturday afternoon, he emails me giving me an excuse as to why he can't go out. Now mind you, I've been around the block a time or two with dating (LOL!) and I can tell when the games begin and when a guy is not really interested. In this email he said something along the lines of: "We can go out in a couple weeks, if you're still interested." Whoa.... Does he think I'm desperate? I emailed him back about how empathetic I was to peoples issues that come up, and that I felt it was discourteous to me to wait until that day to email me rather than pick up the phone... of which he should've done Wed or Thurs... not email on Saturday afternoon when our date was to occur. Can you believe he actually emailed me back after that with a simple... "OK" (ROFL!)
You Bet I Would Guy: I emailed this guy asking if he'd like to communicate a bit. His response: "You Bet I would." LOL So, I emailed him back asking him to tell me about himself, what type of relationship he was looking for, his hobbies, etc. His response: "I don't really know what I want, but I'll know it when I see it. You know what I mean? I want someone who's not afraid to get her hands dirty. Your turn, I guess." Hmmm, I thought to myself. LOL Another "Alrighty then" What I felt like screaming was: "How in the heck do you think you're going to find a woman if you don't know what you want???!" So politely, I wrote back that I did not know what he meant as I knew exactly what I wanted, that my profile gave a good indication of who I am, what I'm looking for, and what I'm about. My head almost spun off on that one.